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Erogati in lingua Inglese

Semestre (Sem)
1Primo Semestre
2Secondo Semestre
AInsegnamento Annuale
Attività formative
Lingua d'erogazione
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua italiana
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua inglese
--Non definita
Didattica innovativa
I CFU riportati a fianco a questo simbolo indicano la parte dei CFU dell'insegnamento erogati con Didattica Innovativa.
Tali CFU riguardano:
  • Cotutela con mondo esterno
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Soft Skills
Dati Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2014/2015
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Corso di Studi (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (434) Ingegneria Informatica
Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato T2A - Sistemi e applicazioni dell'Informatica
Anno di Corso 2

Scheda Insegnamento
Codice Identificativo 096876
Denominazione Insegnamento GAMIFICATION
Tipo Insegnamento Monodisciplinare
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) 5.0
Semestre --
Programma sintetico Gamification studies the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-­‐game contexts where the objectives transcend success in the game but have impact outside the gameworld. The goal of gamification is to learn from games to develop engaging experiences that can address real-­‐world challenges such as the modification of social behavior. For instance, to improve driving behaviour using a speed camera lottery as done in Sweden, to improve city employee fitness, in education to get students more engaged, etc. Gamification is also an emerging business practice and several major companies are incorporating elements of videogames into the workplace. This course provides an introduction to gamification starting with a short introduction to game design and the analysis of the game elements used in gamification scenarios. Next, it moves to the basic tools used in gamified systems (which exploits points, badge, and leaderboards). Then, it analyses the two major approaches to motivation psychology in gamification, behaviourism and self determination theory, discussing their limitations. Finally, it will examine existing gamification framework and their application. Grading Students will be graded based on a small group gamification project they will carry out at the end of the course. A list of possible project proposals will be provided by the instructor, but students may also propose projects of their own, provided they are approved by the professor.
Settori Scientifico Disciplinari (SSD)
Attività formative Codice SSD Descrizione SSD CFU

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Da (compreso)A (escluso)
---AZZZZLanzi Pierluca---
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT