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Semester (Sem)
1First Semester
2Second Semester
AAnnual course
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Innovative teaching
The credits shown next to this symbol indicate the part of the course CFUs provided with Innovative teaching.
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  • Subject taught jointly with companies or organizations
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Course Details
Academic Year 2014/2015
School School of Industrial and Information Engineering
Name (Master of Science degree)(ord. 270) - MI (471) Biomedical Engineering
Track BCT - Ingegneria per cellule tessuti e biotecnologie - Cells, tissues and biotechnology
Programme Year 1

Course Details
ID Code 083047
Course Title BIOMATERIALS [C.I.]
Course Type Integrated Course
Credits (CFU / ECTS) 10.0
Semester Second Semester
Course Description Aim of the course is to illustrate state of the art, open problems and advanced solutions related to the use of biomaterials (metals, polymers, ceramics and composites) for the manufacturing of biomedical implantable devices. The course considers the present biomaterials study and characterization techniques, and focuses on the role of biomaterials surface and interface with biological tissues, also considering the surface modification techniques. For any specific field of applications, reasons for success or failure of the device will be considered through case studies discussion, mainly analyzing the reasons connected with biomaterials. The today and the future biomaterials improvement trends will be presented. The first part of the course (5 cfu) concerns the orthopaedic, dental and maxillofacial fields, while the second part (5 cfu) points up the applications in the cardiovascular, ophthalmologic and reconstructive surgery fields.
Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Educational activities SSD Code SSD Description CFU

Schedule, add and removeAlphabetical groupCodeModule DescriptionLecturer(s)CFUSem.LanguageTeaching Assignment Details
From (included)To (excluded)
---AZZZZ083046BIOMATERIALS [2]Fare' Silvia5.02
083045BIOMATERIALS [1]Chiesa Roberto5.02
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT