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Erogati in lingua Inglese

Semestre (Sem)
1Primo Semestre
2Secondo Semestre
AInsegnamento Annuale
Attività formative
Lingua d'erogazione
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua italiana
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua inglese
--Non definita
Didattica innovativa
I CFU riportati a fianco a questo simbolo indicano la parte dei CFU dell'insegnamento erogati con Didattica Innovativa.
Tali CFU riguardano:
  • Cotutela con mondo esterno
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Soft Skills
Dati Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2015/2016
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Corso di Studi (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (486) Engineering Physics - Ingegneria Fisica
Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato F2B - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
Anno di Corso 2

Scheda Insegnamento
Codice Identificativo 090914
Denominazione Insegnamento CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS
Tipo Insegnamento Monodisciplinare
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) 5.0
Semestre Primo Semestre
Programma sintetico This course will present current and advanced methodologies for the control of robotic manipulators. After the review of some basic elements, and the presentation of a few advanced topics, in robot kinematics, the dynamic model of the manipulator will be discussed, along with its main properties. The control of the manipulator will be addressed both in terms of motion planning and in terms of feedback control. Path and trajectory planning in joint space and in Cartesian space will be presented, together with advanced topics such as kinematic and dynamic scaling of trajectories and obstacle avoidance. Concerning the feedback control, independent joint control techniques will be first discussed, with emphasis on the role of the flexibility in the joints, then advanced model-based centralized controllers will be studied. The final part of the course will be devoted to the control of robots with external sensors, including both force sensors to control the physical interaction with the environment and vision sensors to model the environment and achieve visual servoing of the manipulator.
Settori Scientifico Disciplinari (SSD)
Attività formative Codice SSD Descrizione SSD CFU

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---AZZZZRocco Paolo
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT