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2Second Semester
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Course Details
Academic Year 2018/2019
School School of Industrial and Information Engineering
Name (Master of Science degree)(ord. 270) - MI (486) Engineering Physics
Track F2B - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
Programme Year 1

Course Details
ID Code 091584
Course Type Integrated Course
Credits (CFU / ECTS) 10.0
Semester First Semester
Course Description The course comprises the following two modules: 1. The main focus is on organic materials with the purpose of providing the knowledge for their application in electronics, photonics and optoelectronics. The course deals with conducting materials, photochromic materials, liquid crystals, as distinct topics. For each class of materials, molecular structure-properties relationships are studied also considering the possible technological applications. Attention is focused on the design of devices such as LEDs, transistors, photovoltaic cells, LCDs, smart windows. Finally, techniques for the deposition of the organic materials into films are considered. Table of contents - Functional materials: basic principles. Molecular machines: an example of smart material. - Fundamentals on organic functional materials: molecular skeleton, side groups; the electronic effect of side groups. Conjugated materials Molecular design: from localized chemical bonding to delocalized chemical bonding (LCAO, electronic levels) Structure to properties relationship: the UV-vis spectroscopy The deactivation from the excited state: the emissive properties (photoluminescence) Polyacetylene: structure, synthesis, electrical properties; Shirakawa films Applications of conducting polymers: OLED, photovoltaic cells, thin film transistors, smart windows, sensors Liquid crystals Fundamentals, mesogens, main LC phases; polymer liquid crystals; LC embedded in polymer matrix (preparation methods, drop configuration, smart windows). - Liquid crystal displays. 2. Focusing on inorganic semiconductors and metals, this part of the course, considers the effects introduced by electron and light confinement into the optical properties of materials. Starting from the description of confined structures, through dedicated nanofabrication techniques, the consequences on physical properties are discussed. Particular attention is devoted to inorganic semiconductors and as a special class of emitting devices solid state and nanotechnological lasers are considered. An introduction to Plasmonics is presented together with a general description of the optical properties of dielectric and metals.
Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Educational activities SSD Code SSD Description CFU

Schedule, add and removeAlphabetical groupCodeModule DescriptionLecturer(s)CFUSem.LanguageTeaching Assignment Details
From (included)To (excluded)
---AZZZZ091583NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALSDel Zoppo Mirella Elvira Angela5.01
091582FUNCTIONAL MATERIALSBertarelli Chiara5.01
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT