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Erogati in lingua Inglese

Semestre (Sem)
1Primo Semestre
2Secondo Semestre
AInsegnamento Annuale
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CAffini o integrative
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Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua italiana
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua inglese
--Non definita
Didattica innovativa
I CFU riportati a fianco a questo simbolo indicano la parte dei CFU dell'insegnamento erogati con Didattica Innovativa.
Tali CFU riguardano:
  • Cotutela con mondo esterno
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Soft Skills
Dati Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2020/2021
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Civile
Ambientale e Territoriale
Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Corso di Studi (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (495) Geoinformatics Engineering - Ingegneria Geoinformatica
Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato GEC - Geoinformatics Engineering - CS
Anno di Corso 1

Scheda Insegnamento
Codice Identificativo 053799
Denominazione Insegnamento GEOSPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS [I.C.]
Tipo Insegnamento Corso Integrato
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) 10.0
Semestre Primo Semestre
Programma sintetico The course deals with a variety of predicting techniques applied to environmental variables expressed as functions of time, of space or both (signals, fields or time varying fields). Applications can be found in a large number of domains, hydrology, geophysics, geodesy, oceanography, just to mention those close to the environmental engineering. The predicting techniques are mainly based on the idea that close in time and space values of the phenomena under study are similar, or, in other words, have a smooth behavior; this idea is expressed in different forms also according to the kind of modeling: deterministic or stochastic. The proposed course aims at giving the mathematical tools needed to perform the data analysis by selecting and organizing the topics according to a possible realistic processing flow: the pre-processing phase techniques, a first processing phase consisting in a deterministic de-trending and a final processing refinement by a stochastic analysis of the residuals. In more detail, pre-processing includes outlier detection and removal, clustering and gridding. Deterministic processing includes least squares interpolation with linear combination of known functions (Spline interpolation and Discrete Fourier Transform are specifically described): hybrid norm or Tychonov interpolation is described in this context. Finally, the stochastic modeling of the residuals is introduced with the concepts of stationary signals and homogeneous and isotropic random fields, empirical variogram and covariance function estimation and the linear prediction with kriging techniques. The course is complemented by a number of laboratory sessions, using R and Matlab software suites, devoted to the implementation of the studied techniques.
Settori Scientifico Disciplinari (SSD)
Attività formative Codice SSD Descrizione SSD CFU

Orario: aggiungi e rimuoviScaglioneCodiceDenominazione ModuloDocente/iCFUSem.Lingua offertaProgramma dettagliato
Da (compreso)A (escluso)
---AZZZZ053798GEOSPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS [MOD. B]Venuti Giovanna5.01
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT