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Erogati in lingua Inglese

Semestre (Sem)
1Primo Semestre
2Secondo Semestre
AInsegnamento Annuale
Attività formative
CAffini o integrative
Lingua d'erogazione
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua italiana
Insegnamento completamente offerto in lingua inglese
--Non definita
Didattica innovativa
I CFU riportati a fianco a questo simbolo indicano la parte dei CFU dell'insegnamento erogati con Didattica Innovativa.
Tali CFU riguardano:
  • Cotutela con mondo esterno
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Soft Skills
Dati Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2020/2021
Scuola Scuola di Ingegneria Civile
Ambientale e Territoriale
Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione
Corso di Studi (Mag.)(ord. 270) - MI (495) Geoinformatics Engineering - Ingegneria Geoinformatica
Piano di Studio preventivamente approvato GEC - Geoinformatics Engineering - CS
Anno di Corso 1

Scheda Insegnamento
Codice Identificativo 099339
Denominazione Insegnamento GEO FUNDAMENTALS [I.C.]
Tipo Insegnamento Corso Integrato
Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) 10.0
Semestre Primo Semestre
Programma sintetico Statistics. Observables and observations, random errors, normal distribution, variance and standard deviation, n-dimensional case and covariance matrix, mean and covariance propagation. Least squares principles and solution for linear and not linear problems. Chi square test. Reference Frames. Earth structure and shape: geoid, ellipsoid, geoid ondulation and deflection, cartesian and geodetic coordinates. Spherical and local planar approximations. Surveying. Instruments: bubble, theodolite, EDM, level, instrumental errors. Horizontal networks: observation equations, surveying schemes and adjustment. Trigonometric and gemetric levelling: vertical networks, observation equations, surveying and adjustment. Cartography. History of mapping. The mapping process. Reference and projection surfaces. Perspective and analytical projections. Linear and surface scale factors. Conformal and equivalent maps. The UTM projection. Digital Terrain Models Preliminaries: the components of the Earth system; environmental spheres; global change; tools for spatial analysis. The atmosphere: global energy balance; temperature patterns; pressure, winds and global circulation. The hydrosphere: hydrologic cycle, moisture and precipitation; global ocean, fresh water and cryosphere; weather and climate systems. The geosphere: lithosphere, weathering and global soils. The biosphere: fundamental ecological processes; biodiversity, biogeography and conservation threats; basic population dynamics and demography; sustainability of the biosphere. Software Engineering for Geoinformatics The course goal is to enable students to learn how to conceive, design and develop software applications for the geographical domain. The course will include the presentation and hands-on sessions on the following subjects: programming in Python, usage of geographical libraries in Python, identification and definition of requirements, software design, verification and validation, software development support tools.
Settori Scientifico Disciplinari (SSD)
Attività formative Codice SSD Descrizione SSD CFU

Orario: aggiungi e rimuoviScaglioneCodiceDenominazione ModuloDocente/iCFUSem.Lingua offertaProgramma dettagliato
Da (compreso)A (escluso)
---AZZZZ099338GEO FUNDAMENTALS [2]Biagi Ludovico Giorgio Aldo5.01
099337GEO FUNDAMENTALS [1]Mari Lorenzo5.01---
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT