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1First Semester
2Second Semester
AAnnual course
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--Not available
Innovative teaching
The credits shown next to this symbol indicate the part of the course CFUs provided with Innovative teaching.
These CFUs include:
  • Subject taught jointly with companies or organizations
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Soft Skills
Course Details
Academic Year 2021/2022
School School of Design
Name (Master of Science degree)(ord. 270) - BV (1261) Integrated Product Design
Track *** - Non diversificato
Programme Year 2

Course Details
ID Code 056347
Course Type Mono-Disciplinary Course
Credits (CFU / ECTS) 6.0
Semester First Semester
Course Description The course focuses on the implementation of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) systems, with a particular interest in exploring the implication and application of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, advanced manufacturing (AM), digital fabrication (DF), and collaborative robotics (CR) in the design of the innovative product, processes and services, and new business models. The course will address specifically CR as a trigger for a radical rethinking of fashion craftsmanship, hybridizing craft artisanal processes, qualifying and enriching human artisanal activities, discovering innovative creative and aesthetic languages, implementing new design and manufacturing processes, and business model focusing on a systemic approach that allows real-time connection with factories and retail channels, products, and final customers through new services of personalization but also toward higher sustainability. Through the application of a design-driven approach supported by a business management perspective, the course will investigate the possibilities of the use of CR in fashion craftsmanship, exploiting research and design low prototyping methodologies to test concepts and scenarios of application. The course will be delivered digitally through a theoretical part (asynchronous and synchronous online lessons) aimed at leveling the students' knowledge as a prerequisite for the second practical part (online lessons/reviews) that will be aimed at developing a project on the concept level. In this second part (Challenge-based), students will work in international groups to experience the process of interdisciplinary design development (design, business, and management). The students will be selected by Politecnico di Milano - School of Design (Italia), and Hogskolan I Boras - Swedish School of Textiles (Sweden).
Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Educational activities SSD Code SSD Description CFU
Innovative teaching The course includes  6.0  credits in Innovative Teaching as follows:
  • Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
  • MOOC

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---AZZZZCasciani Daria
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT