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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerChiodo Simona
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorPHIL-04/A - Aesthetics
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (461.08Kb - 06/12/2024)

Office hours
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani---Via Bonardi 3 (5711)---From :
To :
02.23995711---Il ricevimento degli studenti è al termine delle lezioni e su appuntamento
Personal websitehttps://www.dastu.polimi.it/dettaglio-personale-docente/?teacherId=452

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Forms of rationality facing uncertainty: wisdom’s possible key role in antifragility (Show >>)
Issues and prospects of valuation science (Show >>)
La forza della fragilità (Show >>)
What improving technology through ethics means (Show >>)
Scientific Books
Predicted humans. Emerging technologies and the burden of sensemaking (Show >>)
Editorship of scientific books
Improving technology through ethics (Show >>)
Science of valuations. Natural structures, technological infrastructures, cultural superstructures (Show >>)
Journal Articles
From Phoebus to witches to death clocks. Why we are taking predictive technologies to the extreme (Show >>)
Two reasons why the future of the city may teach us something key: abstracting and being wise (Show >>)
What AI “art” can teach us about art (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Breve introduzione
The use and abuse of keywords (Show >>)
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Philosophy and architecture sharing words (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Il destino contemporaneo della saggezza: una risposta alla complessità e all’incertezza (Show >>)
Immanenza radicale. Dalle tecnologie emergenti al futuro dei cardini della cultura occidentale (Show >>)
Thinking of autonomous vehicles ideally (Show >>)
Trading human autonomy for technological automation (Show >>)
Scientific Books
Technology and the overturning of human autonomy (Show >>)
Editorship of scientific books
Keywords. Beautiful, sustainable, together (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Engineered humans (Show >>)
Intelligenza artificiale e destino della forma (Show >>)
Quantified sleep. Self-tracking technologies and the reshaping of 21st-century subjectivity (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Journal Articles
Adding wisdom to computation: the task of philosophy today (Show >>)
Quantified self as epistemological anarchism (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Traduzione in volume
Art inside technology (Show >>)
On the meaning of technology's domination (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Dall'equazione alla metafora (Show >>)
Exercising the European essence: from epistemology to ethics (Show >>)
The Italian philosophy of technology (Show >>)
Editorship of scientific books
Italian philosophy of technology (Show >>)
Journal Articles
From je ne sais quoi to quantified self. A philosophical agenda (Show >>)
Human autonomy, technological automation (and reverse) (Show >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT