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DocenteCammi Antonio
QualificaProfessore associato a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Energia
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIIND-07/D - Impianti Nucleari
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (14.08Kb - 29/03/2018)

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Ingegneria Nucleare, via Ponzio 34/3, Milano Leonardo------MartedìDalle 14:00
Alle 16:00
02.2399.6332---Si prega di fissare anticipatamente l'appuntamento.
Pagina web redatta a cura del docentehttp://www.energia.polimi.it/didattica/scheda_persona.php?id=64

Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
Interpretable machine learning approach for electron antineutrino selection in a large liquid scintillator detector (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Thermal hydraulic analysis of liquid-fueled molten salt reactors (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Novel Approach for Parametric Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Application to the DYNASTY Experimental Facility (Mostra >>)
Advection-Diffusion of Scalars with the Incompressible Schrödinger Flow (Mostra >>)
An Alternative Approach for Group Constants Regression Based on Supervised Learning Techniques (Mostra >>)
Analysis of KRUSTY reactor behaviour with OFELIA environment (Mostra >>)
Design of the Cooling System of the Cavity of the European Gyrotron Using Adjoint-Based Topology Optimization Exploiting the Azimuthal Flow Direction (Mostra >>)
Inclusion of the buoyancy forces in the Incompressible Schrödinger Flow algorithm to simulate inviscid fluids (Mostra >>)
Industrial Qualification of the THALES TH1509U European 170 GHz 1 MW CW Gyrotron (Mostra >>)
Learning the dynamics of un-observable fields from out-core measurements of simple fields using Supervised Learning (Mostra >>)
Neutron Flux Reconstruction from Out-Core Sparse Measurements using Data-Driven Reduced Order Modelling (Mostra >>)
Shadowing Effect Correction for the Pavia TRIGA Reactor Using Monte Carlo Data and Reduced Order Modelling Techniques (Mostra >>)
State estimation in the DYNASTY experimental facility using Supervised Learning (Mostra >>)
Towards 2D reference deterministic calculations in support of industrial model verification and advanced reflector modeling setup (Mostra >>)
Understanding the Moderator Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity of Prismatic Graphite-moderated Gas-cooled Reactors with Burnable Absorbers (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A Monte Carlo Fuel Assembly Model Validation Adopting Post Irradiation Experiment Dataset (Mostra >>)
A finite element implementation of the incompressible Schrödinger flow method (Mostra >>)
Analysis of reactor burnup simulation uncertainties for antineutrino spectrum prediction (Mostra >>)
Analysis of the Operational and Safety Features of the In-Core Bubbling System of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Analysis of thorium-transuranic fuel deployment in a LW-SMR: A solution toward sustainable fuel supply for the future plants (Mostra >>)
Application of OpenFOAM to Research Reactor Modelling: Validation Against the TRIGA Mark II Reactor (Mostra >>)
Application of a non-intrusive reduced order modeling approach to magnetohydrodynamics (Mostra >>)
Data-driven model order reduction for sensor positioning and indirect reconstruction with noisy data: Application to a Circulating Fuel Reactor (Mostra >>)
Design of a 10 MW/m2-heat-flux removal system for a W7-X divertor tile using triply periodic minimal surfaces (Mostra >>)
Development, Validation and Application of a Mathematical Model for Inertial Fusion Energy Using OpenFOAM (Mostra >>)
Development, verification and experimental validation of a 3D numerical model for tubular solar receivers equipped with Raschig Ring porous inserts (Mostra >>)
Dimensional comparable numerical analysis of the thermal stratification in the lead-cooled experimental facility CLEAR-S (Mostra >>)
Distillation and gas stripping purification plants for the JUNO liquid scintillator (Mostra >>)
Impact of Malfunctioning Sensors on Data-Driven Reduced Order Modelling: Application to Molten Salt Reactors (Mostra >>)
Model order reduction of a once-through steam generator via dynamic mode decomposition (Mostra >>)
Model-independent Approach of the JUNO 8B Solar Neutrino Program (Mostra >>)
Modelica and Arduino-based hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a nuclear-powered engineering ship (Mostra >>)
Modeling and safety analysis of supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle reactor system under loss of coolant accident (LOCA) (Mostra >>)
Multi-physics model bias correction with data-driven reduced order techniques: Application to nuclear case studies (Mostra >>)
Non-modal stability analysis of magneto-hydrodynamic flow in a single pipe (Mostra >>)
Numerical Monte Carlo analysis of the void coefficient in Pavia TRIGA Mark II reactor (Mostra >>)
OFELIA: An OpenMC-FEniCSx coupling for neutronic calculation with temperature feedback (Mostra >>)
On the need for multi-dimensional models for the safety analysis of (fast-spectrum) Molten Salt Reactors (Mostra >>)
Preliminary Remote Handling Analysis and Validation of the Electrical Connectors Bridge for the IFMIF-DONES High Flux Test Module (Mostra >>)
Reactor dynamics analysis using Model Order Reduction: The TRIGA Mark II reactor case study (Mostra >>)
Real-time monitoring for the next core-collapse supernova in JUNO (Mostra >>)
Refractive index in the JUNO liquid scintillator (Mostra >>)
Sensitivity Analysis of the Lumped Thermal Model of the EU 170 GHz Gyrotron Magnetron Injection Gun (Mostra >>)
Stability analysis on two single-phase coupled natural circulation loops (Mostra >>)
Stability assessment of an optimized cooling configuration of a fusion gyrotron resonant cavity through an analytical model (Mostra >>)
The longevity of light water-cooled large-scale nuclear reactors: A holistic perspective (Mostra >>)
Validation activities at ENEA Brasimone in support of the IFMIF-DONES design (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
1D Modelica Modeling of the DYNASTY-eDYNASTY Coupled Natural Circulation Loops (Mostra >>)
An Innovative Reactivity Control Strategy for Small Modular Reactors (Mostra >>)
Data-driven modeling of the flow field between two PWR surrogate bundles under seismic conditions using Bagging-Optimized Dynamic Mode Decomposition (BOP-DMD) (Mostra >>)
Design and performance assessment of the ALFRED burner variation (Mostra >>)
Design of a Natural Circulation Experiment to Investigate Flow Stability (Mostra >>)
Development of an Equivalent Porous Medium Model for a Tubular Receiver Equipped With Raschig Rings (Mostra >>)
FEniCSx-OpenMC Coupling for Neutronic Calculation with Temperature Feedback (Mostra >>)
Indirect Field Reconstruction and Sensor Positioning in Circulating Fuel Reactors using Data-Driven Model Order Reduction (Mostra >>)
Investigation on a Double-Pass Tubular Absorber for Application in Solar Towers (Mostra >>)
Multi-Physics Model Correction With Data-Driven Reduced Order Modelling (Mostra >>)
OpenMC Analysis of TRIGA Mark II Reactor Void and Temperature Reactivity Coefficients (Mostra >>)
OpenMC Model Validation of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor (Mostra >>)
Pore-Scale Simulation of a Tubular Solar Absorber Partially Filled With Raschig Ring Porous Medium for Efficiency Enhancement Purposes (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
1D modelling and preliminary analysis of the coupled DYNASTY–eDYNASTY natural circulation loop (Mostra >>)
A complete CFD study on natural convection in the TRIGA Mark II reactor (Mostra >>)
A reduced order model for fission gas diffusion in columnar grains (Mostra >>)
A set of transient correlations for fast and unprotected loss of flow accident in VVER-1000 reactor using single-heated channel approach and Gene Expression Programming (Mostra >>)
ALFRED reactor and hybrid systems: A test case (Mostra >>)
Conceptual Design of the Steam Generators for the EU DEMO WCLL Reactor (Mostra >>)
Development of a practical control-oriented mathematical model for gas pressurizer (Mostra >>)
Experimental Results of PbLi-Water Reaction Performed in LIFUS5/Mod3 Separate Effect Test Facility (Mostra >>)
Experimental investigation on an air tubular absorber enhanced with Raschig Rings porous medium in a solar furnace (Mostra >>)
Hybrid Data Assimilation methods, Part II: Application to the DYNASTY experimental facility (Mostra >>)
Hybrid data assimilation methods, Part I: Numerical comparison between GEIM and PBDW (Mostra >>)
Implementation and performances of the IPbus protocol for the JUNO Large-PMT readout electronics (Mostra >>)
JUNO sensitivity on proton decay p → νK+ searches* (Mostra >>)
JUNO sensitivity to the annihilation of MeV dark matter in the galactic halo (Mostra >>)
Modeling and simulation of nuclear hybrid energy systems architectures (Mostra >>)
Neutronic and fuel cycle performance analysis of fluoride and chloride fuels in Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) (Mostra >>)
Non-intrusive system state reconstruction from indirect measurements: A novel approach based on Hybrid Data Assimilation methods (Mostra >>)
Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Melting Phenomena for Freeze Valve Analysis in Molten Salt Reactors (Mostra >>)
PbLi/Water Reaction: Experimental Campaign and Modeling Advancements in WPBB EUROfusion Project (Mostra >>)
Preliminary validation of the 1D modeling of the DYNASTY natural circulation loop against results from water experimental campaign (Mostra >>)
SIMMER-III/ANSYS coupling (Preliminary development and validation activities of an integral tool for the design and analysis of WCLL components) (Mostra >>)
STEAM Experimental Facility: A Step Forward for the Development of the EU DEMO BoP Water Coolant Technology (Mostra >>)
Stabilization of Generalized Empirical Interpolation Method (GEIM) in presence of noise: A novel approach based on Tikhonov regularization (Mostra >>)
Status, Features, and Future Development of the LIFUS5/Mod4 Experimental Facility Design (Mostra >>)
The Design of Water Loop Facility for Supporting the WCLL Breeding Blanket Technology and Safety (Mostra >>)
The JUNO experiment Top Tracker (Mostra >>)
Validation and integration tests of the JUNO 20-inch PMT readout electronics (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Numerical simulation of the European 170GHz Gyrotron’s Magnetron Injection Gun in support of reduced order models development for control purposes (Mostra >>)
STEAM experimental facility a step forward for the development of the DEMO BoP water coolant technology (Mostra >>)
Status, features, and future development of the LIFUS5Mod4 facility design (Mostra >>)
The Design Of Water Loop Facility For Supporting The Water Coolant Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket Technology And Safety (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Monte Carlo fuel assembly model validation adopting post irradiation experiment dataset (Mostra >>)
Advanced modelling and simulation of research reactors using Dynamic Mode Decomposition (Mostra >>)
Analysis of the void coefficient in Pavia TRIGA Mark-II reactor: Monte Carlo numerical evaluation and comparison with experimental data (Mostra >>)
Comparative analysis of different strategies exploiting the adjoint topology optimization method for enhancing the performance of a cooling device equipped with micro-channels (Mostra >>)
Development of an OpenFOAM multiphysics solver for solid fission products transport in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Dynamic Mode Decomposition analysis of a cooling channel of the TRIGA Mark II reactor (Mostra >>)
Dynamics of Natural Circulation in Presence of Distributed Heating: Results of the SAMOFAR CFD Simulation Campaign (Mostra >>)
Hybrid Data Assimilation methods: application to the DYNASTY experimental facility (Mostra >>)
Inviscid fluid simulation through Incompressible Schrödinger Flow method: a Finite Element approach (Mostra >>)
Large Eddy Simulation of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Dynasty Natural Circulation Loop (Mostra >>)
Modelling and Simulation of the Gaseous Fission Product Removal in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Multiphysics analysis of an in-core fission product removal system for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Numerical Investigation of the Performance of a Solar Air Heater Equipped with a Packed Bed (Mostra >>)
Numerical methodology for design and evaluation of natural circulation systems for MSR applications (Mostra >>)
Optical Performance of a Novel Tube-Bundle Cavity Receiver for Solar Parabolic Trough Collectors (Mostra >>)
Preliminary 1D modelling of the coupled DYNASTY-eDYNASTY experimental facility (Mostra >>)
Preliminary results of the experimental campaign conducted on the DYNASTY natural circulation loop (Mostra >>)
Sub-channel thermal hydraulics analysis of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II nuclear reactor (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A neutronics optimization approach for preliminary design and safety of nuclear reactors for nuclear thermal propulsion (Mostra >>)
Biogeography-Based Optimization of the Resonator Cooling in a MW-Class Gyrotron for Fusion Applications (Mostra >>)
Damping signatures at JUNO, a medium-baseline reactor neutrino oscillation experiment (Mostra >>)
Detection of the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background with JUNO (Mostra >>)
Development and implementation of a multi-physics high fidelity model of the TRIGA mark II reactor (Mostra >>)
Feasibility of detecting B8 solar neutrinos at JUNO (Mostra >>)
JUNO Physics Prospects (Mostra >>)
JUNO physics and detector (Mostra >>)
Mass testing and characterization of 20-inch PMTs for JUNO (Mostra >>)
Modelling and CFD analysis of the DYNASTY loop facility (Mostra >>)
Multiphysics analysis of RANS-based turbulent transport of solid fission products in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Multiphysics modelling of gaseous fission products in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Object-oriented modeling, simulation and control of a 6-DoF parallel kinematic manipulator for remote handling in DONES facility (Mostra >>)
On the use of advanced nuclear cogeneration plant integrated into latent heat storage for district heating (Mostra >>)
Potential of Core-Collapse Supernova Neutrino Detection at JUNO (Mostra >>)
Prospects for detecting the diffuse supernova neutrino background with JUNO (Mostra >>)
Sensitivity-Analysis-Driven Surrogate Model for Molten Salt Reactors Control (Mostra >>)
Sub-percent precision measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters with JUNO* (Mostra >>)
Towards net-zero emissions through the hybrid SMR-solar cogeneration plant equipped with modular PCM storage system for seawater desalination (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A New Reactivity Control Approach for Circulating Fuel Reactors (Mostra >>)
Adoption of ACPS in Nuclear Reactor Analysis (Mostra >>)
Advanced Modelling And Stability Analysis For Nuclear Reactors (Mostra >>)
Dynamic Response of LFR in Cogeneration Mode (Mostra >>)
First numerical evaluation of the thermal performance of a tubular receiver equipped with raschig rings for csp applications (Mostra >>)
Implementing Large-Scale Hybrid Desalination System Driven by Alfred Reactor and Parabolic-Trough Solar Power Plant, Equipped with Phase Change Material Storage System: The Case of Emirate (Mostra >>)
Multiphysics Topology Optimization with Application to Molten Salt Fast Reactor (Mostra >>)
Non-Modal Stability Analysis of the Zero-Dimensional Model of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A new lumped approach for the simulation of the magnetron injection gun for megawatt-class eu gyrotrons (Mostra >>)
An Eulerian Single-Phase Transport Model for Solid Fission Products in the Molten Salt Fast Reactor: Development of an Analytical Solution for Verification Purposes (Mostra >>)
An empirical interpolation method for two-dimensional vector fields and vector measurements (Mostra >>)
Application of adjoint-based sensitivity analysis to natural circulation of high-Pr fluid inside heat transport system (Mostra >>)
Assessment of the integrated mass conservative Kalman filter algorithm for Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics on the TRIGA Mark II reactor (Mostra >>)
Calculation of gamma-ray exposure buildup factor based on backpropagation neural network (Mostra >>)
Calibration strategy of the JUNO experiment (Mostra >>)
Conceptual design of the main Ancillary Systems of the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System (Mostra >>)
Definition of model-based control strategies for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor nuclear power plant (Mostra >>)
Derivation and Implementation in OpenFOAM of a Point-Kinetics Model for Molten Salt Reactors (Mostra >>)
Development of a CFD – LES model for the dynamic analysis of the DYNASTY natural circulation loop (Mostra >>)
Embedded readout electronics R&D for the large PMTs in the JUNO experiment (Mostra >>)
Experimental and numerical results of LIFUS5/Mod3 series E test on in-box LOCA transient for WCLL-BB (Mostra >>)
FPGA Implementation of an NCO Based CDR for the JUNO Front-End Electronics (Mostra >>)
Feasibility and physics potential of detecting 8B solar neutrinos at JUNO (Mostra >>)
Improving the overall thermal performance of parabolic trough solar collectors using porous media (Mostra >>)
JUNO sensitivity to low energy atmospheric neutrino spectra (Mostra >>)
Optimization of the JUNO liquid scintillator composition using a Daya Bay antineutrino detector (Mostra >>)
Radioactivity control strategy for the JUNO detector (Mostra >>)
Reduced order modeling for coupled thermal-hydraulics and reactor physics problems (Mostra >>)
The design and sensitivity of JUNO’s scintillator radiopurity pre-detector OSIRIS (Mostra >>)
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