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DocenteCarboni Michele Ezio Ruggero Maria
QualificaProfessore associato a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Meccanica
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIIND-03/A - Progettazione Meccanica E Costruzione Di Macchine
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (431.98Kb - 13/02/2023)

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Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A novel implementation of the cohesive zone model for the fatigue propagation of delamination in composites using a sequential static fatigue algorithm (Mostra >>)
Distributed backface strain sensing of composite adhesively bonded joints under mode II fatigue loading (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Crack Tip Localization in Adhesively Bonded CFRP-CFRP Joints subjected to Mode II Fatigue Loading (Mostra >>)
Monitoring Crack Tip Position in Adhesively Bonded Joints Under Mixed I+II Mode Loading (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Acoustic emission approach for identifying fracture mechanisms in composite bonded Joints: A study on varying Substrate’s stacking sequence (Mostra >>)
Crack detection in railway axles using continuous monitoring and periodic non-destructive inspection: experimental investigation on a freight wagon using a full-scale roller rig (Mostra >>)
Estimating crack tip position in adhesively bonded joints subjected to mode II quasi‐static loading (Mostra >>)
Estimation of Crack Tip Position in Adhesively Bonded Joints Subjected to Mode II Fatigue Loading (Mostra >>)
Modelling the static and fatigue behavior of hybrid spot welded-adhesively bonded single lap joints (Mostra >>)
On monitoring fretting fatigue damage in solid railway axles by acoustic emission with unsupervised machine learning and comparison to non-destructive testing techniques (Mostra >>)
Static Behavior of a 3D-Printed Short Carbon Fiber Polyamide: Influence of the Meso-Structure and Water Content (Mostra >>)
Sustainable 3D printing with recycled tire rubber-based filaments: an investigation of process parameters and mechanical behaviour (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Acoustic emission applied to mode I fatigue damage monitoring of adhesively bonded joints (Mostra >>)
An acoustic emission approach to the structural health monitoring of historical metallic tie-rods (Mostra >>)
Analysis of peel and shear strains in cracked lap shear specimens subjected to fatigue loading using digital image correlation (Mostra >>)
Engineering Archaeological Research: Submillimetric X-Ray CT Scan of Metal and Hard Stone Objects in Ancient Egyptian Mummies (Mostra >>)
Monitoring crack tip position in Cracked Lap Shear specimens subjected to fatigue loading (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Fatigue Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Short Fibre Reinforced Polyamide (Mostra >>)
Uncovering the toughening mechanisms of bonded joints through tailored CFRP layup (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Transforming maintenance with data - Cap. 1.3 The assessment of UT in service inspection reliability (POD) as a key element of the Starcrack algorithm (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
3D Printed Short Carbon Fibres Reinforced Polyamide: Tensile and Compressive Characterisation and Multiscale Failure Analysis (Mostra >>)
Acoustic emission-based monitoring of fatigue damage in CFRP-CFRP adhesively bonded joints (Mostra >>)
Fatigue Characterisation and Monitoring in 3D Printed Short Fibres Reinforced Polyamide (Mostra >>)
Ingegnerizzare la ricerca archeologica: tomografia computerizzata sub-millimetrica a raggi x di oggetti in metallo e pietra dura nelle mummie dell'antico Egitto (Mostra >>)
The design and development of a lightweight composite railway axle (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A vision for a lightweight railway wheelset of the future (Mostra >>)
Distributed fibre optic monitoring of mode I fatigue crack propagation in adhesive bonded joints and comparison with digital image correlation (Mostra >>)
Fatigue crack growth analysis in composite bonded joints by back face distributed strain sensing and comparison with X-ray microtomography (Mostra >>)
On crack tip localisation in quasi-statically loaded, adhesively bonded double cantilever beam specimens by acoustic emission (Mostra >>)
Wires for spring construction: full scale fatigue experimental tests (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Acoustic Emission Based Monitoring of Fatigue Damage in CFRP-CFRP Adhesive Bonded Joints (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Coherent Fiber-Optic Sensor for Ultra-Acoustic Crack Emissions (Mostra >>)
Experimental analysis of mode I crack propagation in adhesively bonded joints by optical backscatter reflectometry and comparison with digital image correlation (Mostra >>)
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