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Settore Scientifico DisciplinareICHI-01/C - Teoria Dello Sviluppo Dei Processi Chimici
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Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025
Nessun prodotto attualmente registrato nell'anno 2025

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A data-driven, lumped kinetic modeling of OME2-5 pyrolysis and oxidation (Mostra >>)
A kinetic study on the blending behavior of sustainable and conventional aviation fuels: Soot formation processes (Mostra >>)
A low-Mach volume-of-fluid model for the evaporation of suspended droplets in buoyancy-driven flows (Mostra >>)
A lumped kinetic model and experimental investigation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) condensed-phase pyrolysis (Mostra >>)
Cellulose pyrolysis kinetic model: Detailed description of volatile species (Mostra >>)
Chemical kinetics of SARA fractions pyrolysis: Resins (Mostra >>)
Chemical reactor network modeling in the context of solid fuel combustion under oxy-fuel atmospheres (Mostra >>)
Coupling chemical lumping to data-driven optimization for the kinetic modeling of dimethoxymethane (DMM) combustion (Mostra >>)
Detailed speciation of biomass pyrolysis products with a novel TGA-based methodology: the case-study of cellulose (Mostra >>)
Development of a multiphase chemical reactor network method as a tool for simulating biomass gasification in fluidized beds (Mostra >>)
Experimental and modeling investigation of the laminar flame speeds for ammonia with various oxygen and diluent mixtures (Mostra >>)
Experimental and numerical study of pollutant emissions from a domestic condensing boiler fed with natural gas enriched with H2 (Mostra >>)
H2S-driven sensitization and inhibition of CH4 oxidation: An experimental and wide-range kinetic-modeling study (Mostra >>)
Impact of high-temperature biomass pyrolysis on biochar formation and composition (Mostra >>)
Kinetic modeling of carbonaceous particle morphology, polydispersity and nanostructure through the discrete sectional approach (Mostra >>)
Multicomponent droplet evaporation in a geometric volume-of-fluid framework (Mostra >>)
Prediction of flammable range of benzene/N2/O2/H2O mixtures using detailed kinetics (Mostra >>)
Reduced-order condensed-phase kinetic models for polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene thermochemical recycling (Mostra >>)
Soot formation in combustion of spherically symmetric isolated fuel droplets with different initial diameters (Mostra >>)
Techno-economic analysis of a solar-driven biomass pyrolysis plant for bio-oil and biochar production (Mostra >>)
Theoretical and kinetic analysis of anisole and cresol primary reactivity in pyrolysis and combustion (Mostra >>)
Theoretical study of important phenylacetylene reactions in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon growth (Mostra >>)
Unravelling the complexity of hemicellulose pyrolysis: Quantitative and detailed product speciation for xylan and glucomannan in TGA and fixed bed reactor (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A comprehensive kinetic framework for solid carbon deposition and hydrogen production from the pyrolysis of light hydrocarbons streams (Mostra >>)
A generalized partially stirred reactor model for turbulent closure (Mostra >>)
Automated Kinetic Mechanism Evaluation for e-Fuels Using SciExpeM: The Case of Oxymethylene Ethers (Mostra >>)
Automatic validation and analysis of predictive models by means of big data and data science (Mostra >>)
Low- and intermediate-temperature ammonia/hydrogen oxidation in a flow reactor: Experiments and a wide-range kinetic modeling (Mostra >>)
New insights into the oxidation chemistry of pyrrole, an N-containing biomass tar component (Mostra >>)
Oxygen effects on soot formation in H2/n-heptane counterflow flames (Mostra >>)
Towards a lumped approach for solid plastic waste gasification: Polyethylene and polypropylene pyrolysis (Mostra >>)
Towards a lumped approach for solid plastic waste gasification: Polystyrene pyrolysis (Mostra >>)
Unraveling the complexity of pyrolysates from residual fuels by Py-GCxGC-FID/SCD/TOF-MS with an innovative data processing method (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Chemistry of nitrogen oxides (NOx) formation in flameless combustion (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Articoli su riviste
A new detailed kinetic model for surrogate fuels: C3MechV3.3 (Mostra >>)
An experimental, theoretical and kinetic-modeling study of hydrogen sulfide pyrolysis and oxidation (Mostra >>)
Automated identification and calculation of prompt effects in kinetic mechanisms using statistical models (Mostra >>)
Automatically generated detailed and lumped reaction mechanisms for low- and high-temperature oxidation of alkanes (Mostra >>)
Dimethyl ether oxidation analyzed in a given flow reactor: Experimental and modeling uncertainties (Mostra >>)
Experimental and modeling investigation on pyrolysis of agricultural biomass residues: Khat stem and coffee husk for bio-oil application (Mostra >>)
Exploring fuel molecular structure effects on the pyrolysis chemistry of branched hexenes (Mostra >>)
HȮ2 + HȮ2: High level theory and the role of singlet channels (Mostra >>)
Investigation of Oxy‐Fuel Combustion through Reactor Network and Residence Time Data (Mostra >>)
Modeling soot particles as stable radicals: a chemical kinetic study on formation and oxidation. Part I. Soot formation in ethylene laminar premixed and counterflow diffusion flames (Mostra >>)
Modeling soot particles as stable radicals: a chemical kinetic study on formation and oxidation. Part II. Soot oxidation in flow reactors and laminar flames (Mostra >>)
On the influence of NO addition to dimethyl ether oxidation in a flow reactor (Mostra >>)
On the radical behavior of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soot formation and oxidation (Mostra >>)
Rate constants for H-atom abstraction reactions from mono-aromatic hydrocarbons by H, CH3, OH and 3O2: A systematic theoretical investigation (Mostra >>)
Soot formation from n-heptane counterflow diffusion flames: Two-dimensional and oxygen effects (Mostra >>)
Special issue of thermo-chemical conversion of biomass (Mostra >>)
Theoretical kinetics of HO2 + C5H5: A missing piece in cyclopentadienyl radical oxidation reactions (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Kinetics mechanism of asphaltenes liquid-phase pyrolysis (Mostra >>)
Lumping of the low temperature oxidation of n-pentane: application of MEL (Mostra >>)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Evolution and Interactions with Soot Particles during Fuel Surrogate Combustion: A Rate Rule-Based Kinetic Model (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A Predictive Physico-chemical Model of Biochar Oxidation (Mostra >>)
Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification (Mostra >>)
Ammonia-methane interaction in jet-stirred and flow reactors: An experimental and kinetic modeling study (Mostra >>)
An evolutionary, data-driven approach for mechanism optimization: theory and application to ammonia combustion (Mostra >>)
Assessment of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme in multiscale simulations of a single-particle pyrolyzer and a pilot-scale entrained flow pyrolyzer (Mostra >>)
Calibration and validation of a comprehensive kinetic model of coal conversion in inert, air and oxy-fuel conditions using data from multiple test rigs (Mostra >>)
Carrier-phase DNS of detailed NOx formation in early-stage pulverized coal combustion with fuel-bound nitrogen (Mostra >>)
Chemical Kinetics of Asphaltene Pyrolysis (Mostra >>)
Data Ecosystems for Scientific Experiments: Managing Combustion Experiments and Simulation Analyses in Chemical Engineering (Mostra >>)
Development and application of an efficient chemical reactor network model for oxy-fuel combustion (Mostra >>)
Interface-resolved simulation of the evaporation and combustion of a fuel droplet suspended in normal gravity (Mostra >>)
Kinetic modeling of the ignition of droplets of fast pyrolysis bio-oil: Effect of initial diameter and fuel composition (Mostra >>)
Master equation lumping for multi-well potential energy surfaces: A bridge between ab initio based rate constant calculations and large kinetic mechanisms (Mostra >>)
OptiSMOKE++: A toolbox for optimization of chemical kinetic mechanisms (Mostra >>)
Pyrolysis and combustion chemistry of pyrrole, a reference component for bio-oil surrogates: Jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling (Mostra >>)
Systematic evaluation and kinetic modeling of low heating rate sulfur release in various atmospheres (Mostra >>)
The chemistry of chemical recycling of solid plastic waste via pyrolysis and gasification: State-of-the-art, challenges, and future directions (Mostra >>)
Theoretical and kinetic modeling study of chloromethane (CH3Cl) pyrolysis and oxidation (Mostra >>)
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