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Le informazioni sulla didattica, sulla ricerca e sui compiti istituzionali riportate in questa pagina sono certificate dall'Ateneo; ulteriori informazioni, redatte a cura del docente, sono disponibili sulla pagina web personale e nel curriculum vitae indicati nella scheda.
DocenteKarimi Hamid Reza
QualificaProfessore associato a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Meccanica
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIIND-02/A - Meccanica Applicata Alle Macchine
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (94.68Kb - 13/05/2021)

Orario di ricevimento
Department of Mechanical Engineering ---via La Masa 1, 20156 Milan, ItalyMartedìDalle 10:00
Alle 12:00
Pagina web redatta a cura del docentehttps://www.mecc.polimi.it/en/research/faculty/faculty/prof-hamid-reza-karimi/

Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A novel label-aware global graph construction method and spiking-coded graph neural network for intelligent process fault diagnosis (Mostra >>)
Back-propagation-based multivariate state estimation technique: A lightweight adaptive condition monitoring approach for wind turbine (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
A Multi-source Sensors Framework for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Under Strong Noise (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Articoli su riviste
A distributed state and fault estimation scheme for state-saturated systems with quantized measurements over sensor networks (Mostra >>)
A framework for human–robot collaboration enhanced by preference learning and ergonomics (Mostra >>)
A multi-objective hierarchical deep reinforcement learning algorithm for connected and automated HEVs energy management (Mostra >>)
A new multi-source information domain adaption network based on domain attributes and features transfer for cross-domain fault diagnosis (Mostra >>)
A novel asymmetrical autoencoder with a sparsifying discrete cosine Stockwell transform layer for gearbox sensor data compression (Mostra >>)
A two-stage importance-aware subgraph convolutional network based on multi-source sensors for cross-domain fault diagnosis (Mostra >>)
A universal multi-source domain adaptation method with unsupervised clustering for mechanical fault diagnosis under incomplete data (Mostra >>)
An active SLAM with multi-sensor fusion for snake robots based on deep reinforcement learning (Mostra >>)
An event-triggered sliding mode control mechanism to exponential consensus of fractional-order descriptor nonlinear multi-agent systems (Mostra >>)
An in-phase filter-based flux observation strategy for sensorless control of PMSMs (Mostra >>)
Battery state estimation methods and management system under vehicle–cloud collaboration: A Survey (Mostra >>)
Bi-level weighted mixed-domain self-attention network for non-contact heart rate estimation (Mostra >>)
Cementitious composites in aquatic environments, evaluation of fracture and mechanical behavior in long-term submerging in fresh and saltwater, and simulated splash zone conditions (Mostra >>)
Convex parameterization of uncertain pendulous accelerometer with mixed H2/Hinf robust optimal control (Mostra >>)
Coverage path planning for cleaning robot based on improved simulated annealing algorithm and ant colony algorithm (Mostra >>)
Data‐driven iterative learning cooperative trajectory tracking control for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles with input saturation constraints (Mostra >>)
Determination of mode I fracture toughness of brittle materials with a new method (Mostra >>)
Dictionary trained attention constrained low rank and sparse autoencoder for hyperspectral anomaly detection (Mostra >>)
Evaluation of wind-induced turbulence around offshore platforms in different wind speeds and directions, along with safety assessment of helicopter operation and helideck's air-gap optimization (Mostra >>)
Event‐triggered resilient joint mobile robot localization and sensor fault estimation (Mostra >>)
Intelligent emergency traffic signal control system with pedestrian access (Mostra >>)
Koopman‐based 3‐dimensional path following control for robotic flexible needles (Mostra >>)
Memory synchronisation of delayed neural networks via variable sampling control (Mostra >>)
Model-free aperiodic tracking for discrete-time systems using hierarchical reinforcement learning (Mostra >>)
Multi-scale feature flow alignment fusion with Transformer for the microscopic images segmentation of activated sludge (Mostra >>)
Neural quadratic sliding mode control of interconnected Markov jump systems through dynamic event-triggered observer (Mostra >>)
New hot workability prediction method under non-constant deformation conditions (Mostra >>)
On necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time control of positive stochastic Poisson jump systems (Mostra >>)
On the fatigue life of dental implants: Numerical and experimental investigation on configuration effect (Mostra >>)
Open-set marine object instance segmentation with prototype learning (Mostra >>)
Pendulous accelerometer dynamics enhanced via torque balance optimization control (Mostra >>)
Planetary gearbox fault classification based on tooth root strain and GAF pseudo images (Mostra >>)
Resilient machine learning for steel surface defect detection based on lightweight convolution (Mostra >>)
Self-triggered fixed-time bipartite fault-tolerant consensus for nonlinear multiagent systems with function constraints on states (Mostra >>)
Shaping of the frequency response of vibrating plates with openings for vibro-acoustic systems (Mostra >>)
Stability analysis and stabilization of discrete-time switched nonlinear systems with mode-dependent average dwell time under nested actuator saturation (Mostra >>)
Stability analysis of switched stochastic time‐varying delay neural networks with asynchronous switching aperiodic intermittent control (Mostra >>)
Statistical evaluation of fracture and mechanical performance of engineered cementitious composites (ECC), containing different percentages of glass, polypropylene, polyvinyl-alcohol fibers, and fly ash (Mostra >>)
Stochastic LPV MPC-based path following control for bevel-tip flexible needle with probabilistic constraints (Mostra >>)
TFF-CNN: Distributed optical fiber sensing intrusion detection framework based on two-dimensional multi-features (Mostra >>)
Tipping prediction of a class of large-scale radial-ring neural networks (Mostra >>)
Unified synchronization and fault‐tolerant anti‐disturbance control for synchronization of multiple memristor‐based neural networks (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
PREFACE (Mostra >>)
Preface (Mostra >>)
Preface (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Learning-Based Driving Style Classification Approach for Intelligent Vehicles (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A comparative assessment of the impact of tilting on structural safety and behavior of fixed offshore platforms (Mostra >>)
A deep reinforcement learning approach to energy management control with connected information for hybrid electric vehicles (Mostra >>)
A mixed attention-gated U-Net for continuous cuffless blood pressure estimation (Mostra >>)
A new intelligent fault diagnosis framework for rotating machinery based on deep transfer reinforcement learning (Mostra >>)
A robust MPC approach for platooning control of automated vehicles with constraints on acceleration (Mostra >>)
Adaptive neural network sliding mode control for reliable stabilization of uncertain Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems regulated by switching rules (Mostra >>)
Adaptive neural-network-based sliding mode control of switching distributed delay systems with Markov jump parameters (Mostra >>)
Adaptive sliding mode control of Markov jump systems with completely unknown mode information (Mostra >>)
An adaptive reinforcement learning-based multimodal data fusion framework for human–robot confrontation gaming (Mostra >>)
An experimental study and theoretical evaluation on the effect of specimen geometry and loading configuration on recorded fracture toughness of brittle construction materials (Mostra >>)
An explainable intelligence fault diagnosis framework for rotating machinery (Mostra >>)
Attention gate guided multiscale recursive fusion strategy for deep neural network-based fault diagnosis (Mostra >>)
Calculation of no‐load induced electromotive force of pole changing line‐start permanent magnet synchronous motor (Mostra >>)
Cold hardiness evaluation of some Pistacia species based on electrolyte leakage and eco-physiological parameters (Mostra >>)
Comparison of mixed mode I/III fracture toughness data obtained from the ENDB specimens manufactured by gyratory cylinders with two diameters of 100 and 150 mm (Mostra >>)
Data-driven fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems with output saturation (Mostra >>)
Deep learning-based open set multi-source domain adaptation with complementary transferability metric for mechanical fault diagnosis (Mostra >>)
Deep learning-based visual detection of marine organisms: A survey (Mostra >>)
Distributed state-of-charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries with random sensor failure under dynamic event-triggering protocol (Mostra >>)
DualLSTM: A novel key-quality prediction for a hierarchical cone thickener (Mostra >>)
Dynamic adaptive control of Markov jump systems with mixed transition rates through reduced-order sliding mode technique with application to circuits (Mostra >>)
Dynamic path planning of mobile robot based on improved simulated annealing algorithm (Mostra >>)
Edge notched disc test for evaluation of mode-I fracture toughness of brittle material (Mostra >>)
Effect of Foliar Application of Humic Acid and Zinc Sulfate on Vegetative, Physiological, and Biochemical Characteristics of Physalis alkekengi L. Under Soilless Culture (Mostra >>)
Effect of layer angle and ambient temperature on the mechanical and fracture characteristics of unidirectional 3D printed PLA material (Mostra >>)
Effect of water to cement (W/C) ratio and age on mechanical behavior of tire-recycled steel fiber reinforced concrete (Mostra >>)
Evolving long short-term memory neural network for wind speed forecasting (Mostra >>)
Filter-wrapper combined feature selection and adaboost-weighted broad learning system for transformer fault diagnosis under imbalanced samples (Mostra >>)
Fixed-time periodic stabilization of discontinuous reaction–diffusion Cohen–Grossberg neural networks (Mostra >>)
Full range of mode I and II cracking performance of asphalt mixtures containing low to high reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) contents; modified by recycling agent and substituting of a softer binder (Mostra >>)
Genetic structure analysis and genetic fingerprinting of pomegranate cultivars (Punica granatum L.) by using SCoT molecular markers (Mostra >>)
Global noise reduction in free-field conditions by using active noise-controlling casings (Mostra >>)
Guest Editorial: Recent advances in reliable control and cost-effective engineering design for autonomous systems (Mostra >>)
Integrated learning self-triggered control for model-free continuous-time systems with convergence guarantees (Mostra >>)
Joint actuator fault estimation and localization under Round-Robin protocol for wheeled mobile robot (Mostra >>)
Leader–follower sliding mode formation control of fractional-order multi-agent systems: A dynamic event-triggered mechanism (Mostra >>)
Measurement outlier-resistant mobile robot localization using multiple Doppler-azimuth radars under round-robin protocol (Mostra >>)
Mode I and mode II fracture toughness and fracture energy of cement concrete containing different percentages of coarse and fine recycled tire rubber granules (Mostra >>)
Model-free self-triggered control based on deep reinforcement learning for unknown nonlinear systems (Mostra >>)
Multi-scale split dual calibration network with periodic information for interpretable fault diagnosis of rotating machinery (Mostra >>)
Output tracking control design with anti-disturbance rejection for modified repetitive nonlinear control systems (Mostra >>)
Pre-harvest application of GABA and CaO delays senescence and maintains of physicochemical characteristics of fresh ‘‘Ahmad Aghaei’’ pistachio during cold storage (Mostra >>)
Predicting unsteady heat-fluid interaction features and nonlinear acoustic behaviors in standing-wave thermoacoustic engines using unsteady RANS, LES and hybrid URANS/LES methods (Mostra >>)
Remaining driving range prediction for electric vehicles: Key challenges and outlook (Mostra >>)
Repair efficiency evaluation for cracked asphalt mixture pavement in different ambient temperatures using bitumen and polymer concrete as repair materials (Mostra >>)
Repetitive control design for switched neutral systems with input time‐delay (Mostra >>)
Resilient stubborn observer for switched autonomous systems with an energy harvesting sensor (Mostra >>)
Robot path planning based on artificial potential field with deterministic annealing (Mostra >>)
Semantic attention and relative scene depth-guided network for underwater image enhancement (Mostra >>)
Strength and cracking resistance of concrete containing different percentages and sizes of recycled tire rubber granules (Mostra >>)
Underflow concentration prediction based on improved dual bidirectional LSTM for hierarchical cone thickener system (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
A Cargo Throughput Capacity Quantization Estimation Using Semi-Markov Jump System Filter Within Partial State Delay (Mostra >>)
A Multi-sensor Information Fusion Method for Autonomous Vehicle Perception System (Mostra >>)
Detection Against Replay Attack: A Feedback Watermark Approach (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A CNN-based Explainable Fault Diagnosis Model for Gearboxes in Rotating Machinery (Mostra >>)
A self-supervised LSTM network for cell temperature prediction in aluminium electrolysis reduction (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A Digital Twin Model of Three-Dimensional Shading for Simulation of the Ironmaking Process (Mostra >>)
A Fuzzy Fusion Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Framework Based on the Enhancement Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (Mostra >>)
A Learning-Based Vehicle-Cloud Collaboration Approach for Joint Estimation of State-of-Energy and State-of-Health (Mostra >>)
A Novel Blockchain Approach for Improving the Security and Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Jellyfish Search Optimizer (Mostra >>)
A comprehensive study on ring shape specimens under compressive and tensile loadings for covering the full range of I+II fracture modes of gypsum material (Mostra >>)
A distributed dynamic event-triggered mechanism to HMM-based observer design for H-infinity sliding mode control of Markov jump systems (Mostra >>)
A new deep learning framework based on blood pressure range constraint for continuous cuffless BP estimation (Mostra >>)
A new intelligent ECG recognition approach based on CNN and improved ALO-SVM (Mostra >>)
A novel self-supervised deep LSTM network for industrial temperature prediction in aluminum processes application (Mostra >>)
A traverse algorithm approach to stochastic stability analysis of Markovian jump systems with unknown and uncertain transition rates (Mostra >>)
Advanced Autonomous Machines and Design Developments (Mostra >>)
Advances in Machine Learning for Sensing and Condition Monitoring (Mostra >>)
An Incremental Learning Framework for Human-like Redundancy Optimization of Anthropomorphic Manipulators (Mostra >>)
An adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control for regenerative braking system of electric vehicles (Mostra >>)
An approximation lagrangian-based algorithm for the maximum clique problem via deterministic annealing neural network (Mostra >>)
An event-triggered mechanism to observer-based sliding mode control of fractional-order uncertain switched systems (Mostra >>)
Asynchronous H∞ filtering for semi-Markov jump T-S fuzzy systems within partial state delay and deception attack: Applied to aircraft-pilot state estimation (Mostra >>)
Crack resistance of fiber-reinforced asphalt mixtures: Effect of test specimen and test condition (Mostra >>)
Deep Q-Network with Reinforcement Learning for Fault Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems (Mostra >>)
Design and validation of simple bend beam specimen for covering the full range of I+II fracture modes (Mostra >>)
Driver state detection for driver-automation shared control with fuzzy logic (Mostra >>)
Dynamic learning control design for interval type-2 fuzzy singularly perturbed systems: A component-based event-triggering protocol (Mostra >>)
Emerging methodologies in stability and optimization problems of learning-based nonlinear model predictive control: A survey (Mostra >>)
Fault section location for distribution network based on linear integer programming (Mostra >>)
Finite-time cascade-like tracking control of direct-drive wave energy converters (Mostra >>)
Full range I/II fracture behavior of asphalt mixtures containing RAP and rejuvenating agent using two different 3-point bend type configurations (Mostra >>)
Guest Editorial: Recent advances in sliding mode control under network environment (Mostra >>)
How to deal with the complexity in robotic systems? (Mostra >>)
Learning???based robust control methodologies under information constraints (Mostra >>)
Manifold semi-supervised learning for aluminum electrolysis temperature identification based on regularized hierarchical extreme learning machine (Mostra >>)
Measurement outlier-Resistant target tracking in wireless sensor networks with energy harvesting constraints (Mostra >>)
Modelling vibro-acoustic response of lightweight square aluminium panel influenced by sound source locations for active control (Mostra >>)
Neural network-based event-triggered data-driven control of disturbed nonlinear systems with quantized input (Mostra >>)
New results on sampled-data output-feedback control of linear parameter-varying systems (Mostra >>)
Observer-based SMC for stochastic systems with disturbance driven by fractional Brownian motion (Mostra >>)
Observer-based adaptive neural tracking control for a class of nonlinear systems with prescribed performance and input dead-zone constraints (Mostra >>)
Observer-based event-triggered H-infinity sliding control of Markovian jump system suffer from actuator attacks (Mostra >>)
Optimal control of Markovian jump systems via a neural network-based ADP iterative algorithm (Mostra >>)
Preface (Mostra >>)
RBF Neural Network Sliding Mode Control for Passification of Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems with Application to Offshore Cranes (Mostra >>)
Real-time implementation of a super twisting control algorithm for an upper limb wearable robot (Mostra >>)
Recursive fusion estimation for mobile robot localization under multiple energy harvesting sensors (Mostra >>)
Reinforcement learning-based control for offshore crane load-landing operations (Mostra >>)
Robust stability of switched nonlinear systems with delay and sampling (Mostra >>)
Stability analysis of semi-Markov switching stochastic mode-dependent delay systems with unstable subsystems? (Mostra >>)
Stability of stochastic delay switched neural networks with all unstable subsystems: A multiple discretized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals method (Mostra >>)
The role of mix design and short glass fiber content on mode-I cracking characteristics of polymer concrete (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Quality-related fault detection and diagnosis: a technical review and summary (Mostra >>)
Monografie o trattati scientifici
Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis Techniques for Complex Engineering Systems (Mostra >>)
Sliding Mode Control of Semi-Markovian Jump Systems (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Adaptive Optimal Control for Unknown Constrained Nonlinear Systems With a Novel Quasi-Model Network (Mostra >>)
Adaptive fading extended kalman filtering for mobile robot localization using a doppler–azimuth radar (Mostra >>)
Adaptive finite-time super-twisting sliding mode control for robotic manipulators with control backlash (Mostra >>)
Adaptive-Critic Design for Decentralized Event-Triggered Control of Constrained Nonlinear Interconnected Systems Within an Identifier-Critic Framework (Mostra >>)
Complex Engineering Systems (Mostra >>)
Developments of digital twin technologies in industrial, smart city and healthcare sectors: a survey
 (Mostra >>)
Dynamic sliding mode control for nonlinear parameter-varying systems (Mostra >>)
Editorial on Special Issue: “Trends and Developments on Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems” (Mostra >>)
Editorial special issue on recent developments in deep neural networks for intelligent mechatronics (Mostra >>)
Editorial: Special Issue on Automation in Mechatronic and Robotic Systems – Advanced Perception, Planning and Control (Mostra >>)
Finite-time estimation algorithms for LPV discrete-time systems with application to output feedback stabilization (Mostra >>)
Finite-time fuzzy adaptive quantized output feedback control of triangular structural systems (Mostra >>)
Finite-time projective synchronization control of variable-order fractional chaotic systems via sliding mode approach (Mostra >>)
Guest Editorial: Special issue on neural networks-based reinforcement learning control of autonomous systems (Mostra >>)
Guest Editorial: Special issue on recent technological innovations in automation and control systems for marine vehicles (Mostra >>)
Guidance and control methodologies for marine vehicles: A survey (Mostra >>)
Neural adaptive fault-tolerant finite-time control for nonstrict feedback systems: An event-triggered mechanism (Mostra >>)
Non-fragile H∞ control for LPV-based CACC systems subject to denial-of-service attacks (Mostra >>)
Observer-based H∞ consensus for linear multi-agent systems subject to measurement osutliers (Mostra >>)
Processes soft modeling based on stacked autoencoders and wavelet extreme learning machine for aluminum plant-wide application (Mostra >>)
Residual wide-kernel deep convolutional auto-encoder for intelligent rotating machinery fault diagnosis with limited samples (Mostra >>)
Self-triggered finite-time H∞ control for Markov jump systems with multiple frequency ranges performance (Mostra >>)
Solving the production transportation problem via a deterministic annealing neural network method (Mostra >>)
Variance-constrained resilient H∞ filtering for mobile robot localization under dynamic event-triggered communication mechanism (Mostra >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT