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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerPrandini Maria
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIINF-04/A - Systems And Control Engineering
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (224.22Kb - 03/11/2024)

Office hours
DEIB, Building 202---TuesdayFrom 13:30
To 14:30
------Please, send an email to agree for an appointment in presence. Note that office hours are not restricted to be on Tuesday.
Personal websitehttps://prandini.faculty.polimi.it/

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A Leader-Follower Strategy with Distributed Consensus for the Coordinated Navigation of a Team of Quadrotors in an Environment with Obstacles (Show >>)
Lessons Learned and Practical Solutions for Equipment Health Management in the Chemical Industry (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Dual Bisection Approach to Economic Dispatch of Generators with Prohibited Operating Zones (Show >>)
Automated Photovoltaic Power Plant Inspection via Unmanned Vehicles (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Handling Complexity in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems Through Distributed Computation (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
A Collaborative Multi-Agent Nonlinear System Identification Algorithm with Spectral Regularization (Show >>)
A data-driven approach to fault diagnostics for industrial process plants based on feature extraction and inferential statistics (Show >>)
A novel decentralized approach to large-scale multi-agent MILPs (Show >>)
A steady-state optimal coordination strategy for DERs systems with guaranteed probabilistic performance (Show >>)
Editorship of scientific books
Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-physical Systems (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Ancillary services provision via aggregation: Joint power flexibility assessment and disaggregation policy design (Show >>)
Augmented Lagrangian Tracking for distributed optimization with equality and inequality coupling constraints (Show >>)
Dealing with infeasibility in multi-parametric programming for application to explicit model predictive control (Show >>)
Lane Change in Automated Driving: An Explicit Coordination Strategy (Show >>)
On the sensitivity of linear resource sharing problems to the arrival of new agents (Show >>)
Probabilistic feasibility in data-driven multi-agent non-convex optimization (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A scenario solution to state-feedback controller design for discrete-time linear systems subject to probabilistic constraints (Show >>)
An abstraction and refinement computational approach to safety verification of discrete time nonlinear systems (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A constrained clustering approach to bounded-error identification of switched and piecewise affine systems (Show >>)
A probabilistic approach to mid-term conflict detection with accuracy estimate (Show >>)
Distributed decision-coupled constrained optimization via Proximal-Tracking (Show >>)
Hyper-Graph Partitioning for a Multi-Agent Reformulation of Large-Scale MILPs (Show >>)
Optimal steady-state disturbance compensation for constrained linear systems: the Gaussian noise case (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
An efficient aircraft conflict probability estimation method using a spatial multi-resolution scheme (Show >>)
New results on resource sharing problems with random agent arrivals and an application to economic dispatch in power systems (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Distributed Dual Proximal Minimization Algorithm for Constraint-Coupled Optimization Problems (Show >>)
A mixed-integer distributed approach to prosumers aggregation for providing balancing services (Show >>)
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