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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerGiglio Marco
QualificationFull professor
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Meccanica
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIIND-03/A - Mechanical Design And Machine Construction
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (292.7Kb - 30/01/2025)

Office hours
Dipartimento di MeccanicaCampus Bovisa La Masa, Edificio B22TuesdayFrom 15:15
To 16:15
Personal websitehttp://www.giglio.faculty.polimi.it/

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Journal Articles
Reference-free distributed monitoring of deflections in multi-span bridges (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A preliminary investigation of the inverse Finite Element Method applied to bridge structures (Show >>)
An Advanced Nonlinear Framework for Early Detection and Prognosis of Fatigue Cracks in Plate-Like Structures (Show >>)
Convolutional autoencoder-based framework for damage localization under variable temperature (Show >>)
Copula-Based Multi-structure Damage Co-diagnosis and Prognosis for the Fleet Maintenance Digital Twin (Show >>)
Exploring transfer learning for improving ultrasonic guided wave-based damage localization (Show >>)
In-service Load Monitoring for an UAV Digital Twin (Show >>)
Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Structural Damage Diagnosis in Aluminium Plates (Show >>)
Physics-informed surrogate modeling for a damaged rotating shaft (Show >>)
Shape Sensing and Damage Identification with iFEM on a Double Bottom Structure of a Containership (Show >>)
Shape sensing with iFEM on a type IV pressure vessel based on experimental measurements (Show >>)
Transfer learning applications for corrosion prediction for electrodissoluted specimens (Show >>)
Unsupervised Damage Localization In Composite Plates Using Lamb Waves And Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Convolutional autoencoders and CGANs for unsupervised structural damage localization (Show >>)
Effect of fixture boundary conditions for low-velocity impact: A focus on composites with different matrix and fibers (Show >>)
Enhancing Lamb wave-based damage diagnosis in composite materials using a pseudo-damage boosted convolutional neural network approach (Show >>)
Enhancing Planetary Exploration through Digital Twins: A Tool for Virtual Prototyping and HUMS Design (Show >>)
Explainability of convolutional neural networks for damage diagnosis using transmissibility functions (Show >>)
In-Depth Analysis of the Burst of a Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank in Gravedona, Italy (Show >>)
Mitigating the Impact of Temperature Variations on Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Structural Health Monitoring through Variational Autoencoders (Show >>)
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the Condition Monitoring of Rotating Shafts (Show >>)
Preliminary Nose Landing Gear Digital Twin for Damage Detection (Show >>)
Real-Time Detection of Internal Short Circuits in Lithium-Ion Batteries using an Extend Kalman Filter: A Novel Approach Combining Electrical and Thermal Measurements (Show >>)
Simple projection method: a novel algorithm for estimation of characteristic element length in finite element simulations of composites (Show >>)
Temperature enhanced early detection of internal short circuits in lithium-ion batteries using an extended Kalman filter (Show >>)
Topological optimization of ballistic protective structures through genetic algorithms in a vulnerability-driven environment (Show >>)
Unsupervised data-driven method for damage localization using guided waves (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
An Enhanced Model-Based Algorithm for Early Internal Short Circuit Detection in Lithium-Ion Batteries (Show >>)
Computational modeling of confined blast waves with focus on interaction with structures (Show >>)
Crack Size Estimation with an Inverse Finite Element Model (Show >>)
Damage Localization Frameworks Based on Unsupervised Deep Learning Neural Networks (Show >>)
Development of a space exploration rover digital twin for damage detection (Show >>)
Explainable framework for lamb wave-based damage diagnosis (Show >>)
Gaussian Process Strain Pre-extrapolation and Uncertainty Estimation for Inverse Finite Elements (Show >>)
Generating High-Resolution Flight Parameters in Structural Digital Twins Using Deep Learning-based Upsampling (Show >>)
Strain-Rate Dependent FDEM Simulation of the Perforation Behaviour of Woven Composites Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact (Show >>)
Transmissibility Functions-Based Structural Damage Assessment with the Use of Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A fuzzy-set-based joint distribution adaptation method for regression and its application to online damage quantification for structural digital twin (Show >>)
A novel numerical method for stochastic study of fiber-reinforced composites with nanoparticles under impact loading (Show >>)
Cluster-Based Joint Distribution Adaptation Method for Debonding Quantification in Composite Structures (Show >>)
Copula-Based Collaborative Multistructure Damage Diagnosis and Prognosis for Fleet Maintenance Digital Twins (Show >>)
Debonding quantification in adhesive bonded joints by the inverse finite element method (Show >>)
Dual effect of temperature and strain on the electrical response of highly sensitive silicone elastomers doped with graphene nanoplatelets (Show >>)
Experimental and numerical studies on the repeated low-velocity impact response and damage accumulation in woven S2-glass fibre/epoxy composites (Show >>)
Multi-criteria decision-making analysis and numerical simulation of the low-velocity impact response of inter-ply S2-glass/aramid woven fabric hybrid laminates (Show >>)
Numerical Study on the Damage of a Carbon Woven Composite Panel Subjected to Blast Loading (Show >>)
On Eulerian-Lagrangian methods to investigate the blast response of composite plates (Show >>)
On the explainability of convolutional neural networks processing ultrasonic guided waves for damage diagnosis (Show >>)
Repeated impact behaviour of inter-ply hybrid aramid/S2-glass epoxy laminates (Show >>)
Research on a quantitative fault diagnosis method for rotor rub-impact (Show >>)
Structural Performance-Based Design Optimisation of a Secondary Mirror for a Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant (Show >>)
Towards Automatic Crack Size Estimation with iFEM for Structural Health Monitoring (Show >>)
Towards a deep learning-based unified approach for structural damage detection, localisation and quantification (Show >>)
Towards a stochastic inverse Finite Element Method: A Gaussian Process strain extrapolation (Show >>)
Variable Thickness Strain Pre-Extrapolation for the Inverse Finite Element Method (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A distribution model for low-velocity impact tests on Kevlar-epoxy composites reinforced by nanoparticles (Show >>)
A method for determining the distribution of carbon nanotubes in nanocomposites by electric conductivity (Show >>)
Damage assessment of CFRP laminate plate subjected to close-range blast loading: hydrocode methodology validation and case study (Show >>)
Integrated multi-objective optimisation of the support structure of heliostats in concentrated solar power plants using a genetic algorithm (Show >>)
Multi-function movable scotch block: application of an analytical-experimental methodology for the design of the innovative component (Show >>)
Particle Filters and Auto-Encoders Combination for Damage Diagnosis on Hysteretic Non-Linear Structures Subject to Changing Environmental Conditions (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Numerical Study on the Influence of Strain Rate in Finite-Discrete Element Simulation of the Perforation Behaviour of Woven Composites (Show >>)
An Approach for Material Model Identification of a Composite Coating Using Micro-Indentation and Multi-Scale Simulations (Show >>)
Experimental and numerical evaluation of the perforation resistance of multi-layered alumina/aramid fiber ballistic shield impacted by an armor piercing projectile (Show >>)
Influence of strain-rate related parameters on the simulation of ballistic impact in woven composites (Show >>)
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Open Holes on the Impact Response of CFRP Laminates (Show >>)
Numerical investigation on the uniaxial compressive behaviour of an epoxy resin and a nanocomposite (Show >>)
On statistical Multi-Objective optimization of sensor networks and optimal detector derivation for structural health monitoring (Show >>)
Physics-based strain pre-extrapolation technique for inverse Finite Element Method (Show >>)
Strain-based delamination prediction in fatigue loaded CFRP coupon specimens by deep learning and static loading data (Show >>)
Vibration-based structural health monitoring exploiting a combination of convolutional neural networks and autoencoders for temperature effects neutralization (Show >>)
Vulnerability assessment to projectiles: Approach definition and application to helicopter platforms (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Low-velocity impact damage detection of CFRP composite panel based on Transfer Impedance approach to Structural Health Monitoring (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
An Impact Monitoring System for Aeronautical Structures (Show >>)
Analysis of the blast wave – structure interface phenomenon in case of explosive events (Show >>)
Convolutional Neural Networks for Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Structural Damage Detection and Localisation (Show >>)
Damage Identification by Inverse Finite Element Method on Composite Structures Subject to Impact Damage (Show >>)
Investigation on low velocity impact damage identification with ultrasonic techniques under different sensor network conditions (Show >>)
Shape Sensing with Inverse Finite Element Method on a Composite Plate Under Compression Buckling (Show >>)
Spatial Filtering Technique-Based Enhancement of the Reconstruction Algorithm for the Probabilistic Inspection of Damage (RAPID) (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A fast fracture plane orientation search algorithm for Puck's 3D IFF criterion for UD composites (Show >>)
A modified peridynamic method to model the fracture behaviour of nanocomposites (Show >>)
An evaluation of Cuntze and Puck inter fibre failure criteria in simulation of thin CFRP plates subjected to low velocity impact (Show >>)
An interactive damage progression model for cross-ply laminates subject to fatigue load cycles (Show >>)
Analysis of mesoscale modelling strategies for woven composites (Show >>)
Analytical and empirical methods for the characterisation of the permanent transverse displacement of quadrangular metal plates subjected to blast load: Comparison of existing methods and development of a novel methodological approach (Show >>)
Comparison of strain pre-extrapolation techniques for shape and strain sensing by iFEM of a composite plate subjected to compression buckling (Show >>)
Damage diagnosis and prognosis in composite double cantilever beam coupons by particle filtering and surrogate modelling (Show >>)
Effect of fibre bundle uncertainty on the tensile and shear behaviour of plain-woven composites (Show >>)
Experimental and numerical investigation on the perforation resistance of double-layered metal shield under high-velocity impact of armor-piercing projectiles (Show >>)
Experimental and numerical investigation on the perforation resistance of double-layered metal shields under high-velocity impact of soft-core projectiles (Show >>)
Fatigue crack propagation in a helicopter component subjected to impact damage (Show >>)
Fatigue damage diagnosis and prognosis of an aeronautical structure based on surrogate modelling and particle filter (Show >>)
Finite Element Modelling of a Parabolic Trough Collector for Concentrated Solar Power (Show >>)
Multiscale modelling approach for simulating low velocity impact tests of aramid-epoxy composite with nanofillers (Show >>)
Neutralization of temperature effects in damage diagnosis of MDOF systems by combinations of autoencoders and particle filters (Show >>)
Numerical and experimental flight verifications of a calibration matrix approach for load monitoring and temperature reconstruction and compensation (Show >>)
Numerical and experimental verification of an inverse-direct approach for load and strain monitoring in aeronautical structures (Show >>)
Numerical investigation on the hybridization effect in inter-ply S2-glass and aramid woven composites subjected to ballistic impacts (Show >>)
Numerical simulation of high-velocity impact on fiber-reinforced composites using MAT_162 (Show >>)
Numerical study on the dynamic progressive failure due to low-velocity repeated impacts in thin CFRP laminated composite plates (Show >>)
On the mitigation of the RAPID algorithm uneven sensing network issue employing averaging and Gaussian blur filtering techniques (Show >>)
Shape sensing and damage identification with iFEM on a composite structure subjected to impact damage and non-trivial boundary conditions (Show >>)
Shape sensing of a complex aeronautical structure with inverse finite element method (Show >>)
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