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Le informazioni sulla didattica, sulla ricerca e sui compiti istituzionali riportate in questa pagina sono certificate dall'Ateneo; ulteriori informazioni, redatte a cura del docente, sono disponibili sulla pagina web personale e nel curriculum vitae indicati nella scheda.
DocenteNova Isabella
QualificaProfessore ordinario a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Energia
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareICHI-02/B - Chimica Industriale E Tecnologica
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (140.97Kb - 09/03/2023)

Orario di ricevimentoOrario di ricevimento non ancora disponibile
Pagina web redatta a cura del docente---

Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025
Nessun prodotto attualmente registrato nell'anno 2025

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A Strategic NH3-Dosing Approach for the Minimization of N2O Production During NH3-SCR Reactions over Cu-SSZ-13 Catalysts (Mostra >>)
Assessing Cu2+ active sites evolution on Cu-SSZ-13 NH3-SCR catalysts during hydrothermal aging: A transient response approach (Mostra >>)
Investigation of Low-Temperature OHC and RHC in NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA Catalysts: Effects of H2O and SAR (Mostra >>)
Preface of “Environmental catalysis” special issue for EECAT2023 (Mostra >>)
Quantitative Kinetic Insights from Operando‐UV‐Vis Spectroscopy: An Application to NH3‐SCR of NOx on Cu‐CHA Catalysts (Mostra >>)
Transient kinetic analysis of CO oxidation over a Cu-SSZ-13 catalyst proves complete conversion of ZCu2+(OH)- cations to binuclear Cu2+ species (Mostra >>)
Transient kinetic analysis of the standard SCR reduction half cycle on Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts: Roles of temperature, hydrothermal aging and H2O feed content (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
CFD analysis on the optimization of POCS performances under randomical transformations: a bridge with open-cell foams (Mostra >>)
Dual-Site RHC and OHC Transient Kinetics Predict Low-T Standard SCR Steady-State Rates over a Cu-CHA Catalyst (Mostra >>)
First‐principles Assessment of the Role of Water in the Reduction Half Cycle of Low‐Temperature NH3‐SCR over Cu‐CHA (Mostra >>)
Transient CO Oxidation as a Versatile Technique to Investigate Cu2+ Titration, Speciation and Sites Hydrolysis on Cu–CHA Catalysts: The Cu Loading Effect (Mostra >>)
Transient Redox Behavior of a NH3-SCR Cu-CHA SCR Catalyst: Effect of O2 Feed Content Variation (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
An Experimental Study of Dual-Layer Adscr Systems for NOx Abatement during Cold-Start Transients (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Appraising Multinuclear Cu2+ Structure Formation in Cu-CHA SCR Catalysts via Low-T Dry CO Oxidation with Modulated NH3 Solvation (Mostra >>)
Dual-layer AdSCR monolith catalysts: A new solution for NOx emissions control in cold start applications (Mostra >>)
Dynamic Binuclear Cu II Sites in the Reduction Half-Cycle of Low-Temperature NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA Catalysts (Mostra >>)
Transient kinetic analysis of passive SCR systems for NH3 abatement from natural gas fueled heavy duty engines over dual-layer ASC catalysts: An experimental and modelling study (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
AdSCR Systems (Adsorption + Selective Catalytic Reduction): Analysis of the Influence of H2O and CO2 on Low Temperature NOx Emission Reduction Performances (Mostra >>)
Mechanistic insight in NO trapping on Pd/Chabazite systems for the low-temperature NOx removal from Diesel exhausts (Mostra >>)
On the Redox Mechanism of Low-Temperature NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reduction Half Cycle (Mostra >>)
Preface to the enrico tronconi festschrift (Mostra >>)
Review of hydrocarbon poisoning and deactivation effects on Cu- Zeolite, fe-zeolite, and vanadium-based selective catalytic reduction catalysts for nox removal from lean exhausts (Mostra >>)
The h2o effect on cu speciation in cu-cha-catalysts for nh3-scr probed by nh3 titration (Mostra >>)
Transient Kinetic Analysis of Low-Temperature NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA Catalysts Reveals a Quadratic Dependence of Cu Reduction Rates on CuII (Mostra >>)
Unraveling the Hydrolysis of Z2Cu2+to ZCu2+(OH)-and Its Consequences for the Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO on Cu-CHA Catalysts (Mostra >>)
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