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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerBarella Silvia
QualificationAssociate professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Meccanica
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIIND-03/C - Metallurgy
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (44.88Kb - 14/11/2011)

Office hours
Meccanica------ThursdayFrom 14:30
To 16:30
8662---su appuntamento
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Journal Articles
A hot deformation constitutive model applicable for complete austenite and dynamic ferrite transformation interval (Show >>)
Construction of meta-dynamic recrystallization dynamic model of 316L stainless steel based on grain orientation spread during continuous variable rate thermal deformation (Show >>)
Effect of cold drawing reduction rate on edge-to-center-characterized microstructure and orientation alongside residual stresses in conjunction with magnetic properties of low-carbon high-alloy ferromagnetic steel (Show >>)
Embroidered Property Materials: A Novel Strategy for Developing Patterned Materials (Show >>)
Experimental determination of crack growth resistance curves of high-strength steel using thin clamped SENT specimens (Show >>)
Influence of Quenching and Partitioning on the Mechanical Properties of Low-Silicon 33MnCrB5 Boron Steel (Show >>)
Mechanical-metallurgical-corrosion behavior of Cr-Si-S-C ferritic/ferromagnetic stainless steel, known as AISI 430F, before and after isothermal recrystallization annealing (Show >>)
Metallurgical and Mechanical Investigation on Single-Step Quenching and Partitioning Thermal Treatments on Commercial Low Alloyed 30MnV6 Steel (Show >>)
New hot workability prediction method under non-constant deformation conditions (Show >>)
Repassivation-oriented pitting corrosion analysis in a cause-effect relationship with microstructure, precipitation, and mechanical behavior of low-carbon medium-chromium ferritic stainless steel (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Application of Quenching and Partitioning Treatment and Its Effect on Initiation Fracture Toughness in AISI 4140 Steel (Show >>)
Comprehensive Analysis on Quenching and Partitioning on a 30MnV6 Microalloyed Steel (Show >>)
Influence of Iron and Manganese on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of a Recycled en AC-43200 Aluminium-Silicon Alloy (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A multidisciplinary approach to optimizing the mechanical characterization and dismantling of nuclear-grade graphite (Show >>)
Constitutive description of work hardening and dynamic softening behavior under variable deformation states (Show >>)
Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior Under Inhomogeneous Thermomechanical Deformation State (Show >>)
Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Q370qE Bridge Steel (Show >>)
Effect of Shot Peening on Oxidation and Precipitation in Inconel 718 (Show >>)
Effect of anodizing on high cycle fatigue behaviour of cast AlSi8Mg-T6 alloy (Show >>)
Microstructural, textural, and residual stress evolution alongside the magnetic properties through isothermal static recrystallization of cold-drawn Fe–Cr–Si–S–C ferritic high-alloy stainless steel and by JMAK modelling (Show >>)
Modeling and characterization of dynamic recrystallization under variable deformation states (Show >>)
Numerical simulation of dynamic recrystallization behavior of 316L stainless steel under flexible rolling state (Show >>)
Static softening behavior of 316L stainless steel under flexible rolling process (Show >>)
Study on Error Compensation Method of Online Roll Profile Measurement (Show >>)
The Reliability of Single-Step and Double-Step Quench and Partitioning Heat Treatments on an AISI 420A Low Carbon Martensitic Stainless Steel (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Cold rolling effect on lightweight austenitic stainless-steel (Show >>)
Technology and controls improvements on the continuous casting for optimization on solidification process and on whole value chain of special steel grades (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Automatic Detection of Real Damage in Operating Tie‐Rods (Show >>)
Characterization and Comparison of Single VAR-Remelted and Double VAR-Remelted Ingots of INCOLOY ® Alloy 925 (Show >>)
Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Low-Carbon Steel during the Flexible Rolling Process: Modeling and Characterization (Show >>)
Dynamic recrystallization behavior of low-carbon steel during hot rolling process: modeling and simulation (Show >>)
Dynamic recrystallization behavior under steady and transient mutation deformation state (Show >>)
Effect of tinplated scraps surface-to-volume ratio on the efficiency of the electrolytic detinning process (Show >>)
Future Scenarios for Reducing Emissions and Consumption in the Italian Steelmaking Industry (Show >>)
Iron Making in Fornovolasco (Italy) at the End of the Fifteenth Century, the Canecchio Furnace, and an Artifact Characterization (Show >>)
Mechanical and tribo-metallurgical behavior of 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel affected by severe cold plastic deformation: a comprehensive review article (Show >>)
Ni-Based CW6MC: Effect of the Internal Revert Recycle on the Soundness of the Alloy (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Predictive Tools for in-Line Isothermal Extrusion of 6xxx Aluminum Alloys (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Characterization of dynamic recrystallization behavior of low carbon steel under flexible rolling process (Show >>)
JMAK model applied on the κ-carbide precipitation in FeMnAlC steels (Show >>)
Processing and Characterization of Self-Reducing Briquettes Made of Jarosite and Blast Furnace Sludges (Show >>)
Study on the Pneumatic Lime Injection in the Electric Arc Furnace Process: An Evaluation on the Performance Benefits (Show >>)
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