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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerMorichetti Francesco
QualificationAssociate professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIINF-02/A - Electromagnetic Fields
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (169.19Kb - 07/10/2021)

Office hours
DEIBRialzato32WednesdayFrom 14:30
To 17:30
02.2399.8954---Building 30 (Polifab) - Via G. Colombo 81
Personal websitehttp://photonics.deib.polimi.it/morichetti/

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Light Monitoring in Standard Silicon Photonics with a Monolithic Transimpedance Amplifier (Show >>)
Zero-Change Zero-Cost Electronics in Silicon Photonics for Real-Time Control of Programmable Interferometric Meshes (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
CMOS Electronic Circuits in Standard Silicon Photonics (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Breaking the interconnection limit by integrating CMOS electronics on PICs (Show >>)
CMOS analog electronics for on-chip monitoring and control of Silicon Photonics circuits (Show >>)
Integrated Photonic Transceiver for Adaptive Mitigation of Atmospheric Turbulence in Free Space Optical Links (Show >>)
Photo-Thermal Plasmonic Sensors for Technology-Independent Control and Stabilization of PICs (Show >>)
Photo-Thermal Plasmonic Sensors for Transparent Detection and Control of Integrated Photonic Devices (Show >>)
Programmable photonics for atmospheric turbulence compensation in free space optics communications (Show >>)
Recovering optical chaos through turbulence with silicon photonic processor (Show >>)
Scalable techniques for electronic control of programmable photonic circuits (Show >>)
Temperature-insensitive control strategy for photonic ICs using photo-thermal plasmonic sensors (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Adaptive Optical Thinned Antenna Array Controlled by an Integrated Photonic Processor (Show >>)
Closed-loop control of photonic ring resonators by means of photo-thermal plasmonic sensors (Show >>)
Determining the optimal communication channels of arbitrary optical systems using integrated photonic processors (Show >>)
Monolithic Transimpedance Amplifier for On-Chip Light Monitoring in Pure Silicon Photonics (Show >>)
Self-adaptive integrated photonic receiver for turbulence compensation in free space optical links (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Automatic Setting of Multiple FSO Orthogonal Communication Channels Between Photonic Chips (Show >>)
Integrated Photonic Processor Enabling Dynamic Mitigation of Turbulence-Induced Scintillation in an Optical Free Space Link (Show >>)
Mitigation of Atmospheric Turbulence in an Optical Free Space Link With an Integrated Photonic Processor (Show >>)
Monolithic electronics in Silicon Photonics for time-multiplexed sensing and control (Show >>)
Monolithically Integrated CMOS Electronics in Zero-Change Silicon Photonics (Show >>)
On the Design of Unconventional Optical Phased Array Antennas (Show >>)
Programmable photonics for free space optics communications and computing (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Brillouin and Kerr nonlinearities of a low-index silicon oxynitride platform (Show >>)
Experimental evaluation of digitally verifiable photonic computing for blockchain and cryptocurrency (Show >>)
Experimentally realized in situ backpropagation for deep learning in photonic neural networks (Show >>)
Inline Photothermal Surface Plasmon Detector Integrated in Titanium Dioxide Waveguides (Show >>)
Power monitoring in a feedforward photonic network using two output detectors (Show >>)
Scalable low-latency optical phase sensor array (Show >>)
Self-Stabilized 50 Gb/s Silicon Photonic Microring Modulator Using a Power-Independent and Calibration-Free Control Loop (Show >>)
Spectral Classification and Cloning of Photonic Integrated Filters for Volume Testing (Show >>)
Time-Multiplexed Control of Programmable Silicon Photonic Circuits Enabled by Monolithic CMOS Electronics (Show >>)
Unconventional Monolithic Electronics in a Conventional Silicon Photonics Platform (Show >>)
Variable optical true-time delay line breaking bandwidth-delay constraints (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Automatic Testing of a Silicon Photonic Reconfigurable Add/Drop Multiplexer (Show >>)
Breaking the Delay-Bandwidth Product of Continuously-Tunable MZI Delay-Lines (Show >>)
Continuously Tuneable MZI-based Delay Line Overcoming Delay-Bandwidth Product (Show >>)
Establishing Multiple Chip-to-Chip Orthogonal Free-Space Optical Channels using Programmable Silicon Photonics Meshes (Show >>)
Multi-Channel Free-Space Optics Receiver Enabled by a Programmable Photonic Processor (Show >>)
Multiple orthogonal free-space channels for chip-to-chip communication using self-configuring MZI meshes (Show >>)
Probe-Card Based Automatic Testing of Photonic Integrated Filters (Show >>)
Temperature Tolerant On-Chip WDM Silicon Photonic Transmitter and AWGR-based Routing Interconnects (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Amorphous-silicon visible-light detector integrated on silicon nitride waveguides (Show >>)
High-sensitivity transparent photoconductors in voltage-controlled silicon waveguides (Show >>)
Separating arbitrary free-space beams with an integrated photonic processor (Show >>)
Spatially resolving amplitude and phase of light with a reconfigurable photonic integrated circuit (Show >>)
Temperature and wavelength drift tolerant WDM transmission and routing in on-chip silicon photonic interconnects (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Metodo per la sintonizzazione e il testing di dispositivi ottici (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Active Compensation of Nonlinear Effects in Silicon Photonic Microring Filters (Show >>)
Automated Cloning and Lookup Table Generation for Reconfigurable Photonic Integrated Filters (Show >>)
Compact amorphous-silicon visible-light monitor integrated in silicon nitride waveguides (Show >>)
Control of SiP Waveguide-Embedded Electronic Devices by Substrate/Gate Potential Tuning (Show >>)
Dynamic Compensation of Nonlinear Phenomena in Silicon Photonic Microring Resonator Filter (Show >>)
Electronics-photonics co-design for robust control of optical devices in dense integrated photonic circuits (Show >>)
Establishing free-space optical communication channels through a reconfigurable silicon mesh (Show >>)
Multimode Free Space Optical Link Enabled by SiP Integrated Meshes (Show >>)
Polarization Transparent Add-Drop Multiplexer with Hitless Tuneability (Show >>)
Polarization-transparent FSR-free microring resonator filter with wide hitless tunability (Show >>)
Reconfigurable FSR-free microring resonator filter with wide hitless tunability (Show >>)
Self-Configuring Silicon-Photonic Receiver for Multimode Free Space Channels (Show >>)
Self-Stabilized Silicon Mach-Zehnder Interferometers by Integrated CMOS Controller (Show >>)
ZnS antireflection coating for Silicon for MIR - LWIR applications (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Coherent self-control of free-space optical beams with integrated silicon photonic meshes (Show >>)
Dithering-based real-time control of cascaded silicon photonic devices by means of non-invasive detectors (Show >>)
Dynamic mitigation of nonlinear effects in a silicon photonic add-drop filter (Show >>)
Electrical conductance of silicon photonic waveguides (Show >>)
Polarization-transparent silicon photonic add-drop multiplexer with wideband hitless tuneability (Show >>)
Room-temperature deposition of ZnS antireflection coatings for MIR-LWIR applications (Show >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT