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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerOrmellese Marco
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta"
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIMAT-01/A - Materials Science And Technology
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (280.65Kb - 07/01/2025)

Office hours
chimica, materiali e ingegneria chimica, G. Natta1---WednesdayFrom 10:30
To 12:30
02-23993118---sede Mancinelli
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024
No product yet registered in the year 2024

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Corrosion of rebars in concrete: Comparison of preventative measures (Show >>)
Hydrogen charging in steel, methods, and innovations (Show >>)
Tafel-Piontelli model for the prediction of the corrosion rate of active metals in weakly acidic environments. Application to sweet corrosion in the Oil and Gas industry (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A green vanadium-based formulation for the conversion of steel (Show >>)
Benzoate-Based Inhibitor Film to Prevent Chloride-Induced Corrosion: Simulation Study of Efficiency of Dry or Hydrated Film (Show >>)
Big milestones in the study of steel corrosion in concrete (Show >>)
Effect of a Nitrate-Based Corrosion Inhibitor on Carbonation-Induced Corrosion (Show >>)
Hydrogen charging of carbon and low alloy steel by electrochemical methods (Show >>)
In-situ characterisation of the corrosion products formed on C-steel immersed in a soil-simulating solution (Show >>)
Investigating the activation of passive metals by a combined in-situ AFM and Raman spectroscopy system: a focus on titanium (Show >>)
Recent Advances in the Use of Green Corrosion Inhibitors to Prevent Chloride-Induced Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete (Show >>)
TiO2 Microparticles Incorporation in Coatings Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) on Titanium (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Evaluation of Preventative Methods against Rebar Corrosion in Concrete (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
FEM Simulation Analysis of the Pipe-Casing Under Cathodic Protection (Show >>)
Long term performance of corrosion inhibitors in concrete (Show >>)
Recent advances on the influence of microstructural characteristics on corrosion resistance in H2SO4 of anodized titanium (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Comprehensive Investigation on the Effects of Surface Finishing on the Resistance of Stainless Steel to Localized Corrosion (Show >>)
Addition of Organic Acids during PEO of Titanium in Alkaline Solution (Show >>)
Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Zinc and Zinc Alloys (Show >>)
FEM simulation of a grounded carbon steel pipe under impressed current cathodic protection (Show >>)
Hydration of Triethylenetetramine Based Inhibitor Film Accelerate the Chloride-Induced Corrosion in Concrete: A Molecular Dynamics Study (Show >>)
Influence of stoichiometry on the corrosion response of titanium oxide coatings produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation (Show >>)
Recent advances in the use of inhibitors to prevent chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete (Show >>)
Tafel-Piontelli model for the prediction of uniform corrosion rate of active metals in strongly acidic environments (Show >>)
The Improvement of Durability of Reinforced Concretes for Sustainable Structures: A Review on Different Approaches (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Metodo di monitoraggio della corrosione (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Atmospheric corrosion behavior of zinc and zinc alloys: comparison between natural and accelerated exposure (Show >>)
Big milestones in the study of steel corrosion in concrete (Show >>)
Corrosion propagation: comparison of electrochemical and mass loss measurements (Show >>)
Use of potential probes to monitor cathodic protection: accuracy of the of the IR free potential (Show >>)
pH measurement during cathodic protection and DC interference (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A comparison between corrosion performances of titanium grade 2 and 7 in strong reducing acids (Show >>)
A nanoscale investigation on the influence of anodization parameters during plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium by high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (Show >>)
An insight into the evolution of corrosion resistant coatings on titanium during bipolar plasma electrolytic oxidation in sulphuric acid (Show >>)
Comportamento degli acciai inossidabili in esposizione atmosferica Behavior of stainless steels in atmospheric exposure (Show >>)
Corrosione e protezione delle strutture offshore Offshore structures: corrosion and protection (Show >>)
Effects of non-stationary stray current on carbon steel buried pipelines under cathodic protection (Show >>)
Effetto della frequenza di anodizzazione e della polarizzazione catodica sulla resistenza a corrosione del titanio CP (Show >>)
FEM simulation of corrosion under macro-cell mechanis (Show >>)
Grandi tappe nello studio della corrosione delle armature (Show >>)
Metodi di prevenzione e protezione aggiuntiva per la durabilità delle strutture in calcestruzzo armato (Show >>)
Organic Inhibitors to Prevent Chloride-Induced Corrosion in Concrete: Atomistic Simulations of Triethylenetetramine-Based Inhibitor Film (Show >>)
Sealing of porous titanium oxides produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation (Show >>)
Studio sulla delaminazione di ossidi PEO immersi in acido solforico mediante spettroscopia elettrochimica ad impedenza (Show >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT