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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerPiscitello Lucia
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIEGE-01/A - Business And Management Engineering
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (99.72Kb - 09/02/2022)

Office hours
Ingegneria Gestionale33.04TuesdayFrom 11:30
To 13:30
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Digitalization, industry 4.0 policies and inward foreign direct investments: evidence from European regions (Show >>)
Disentangling the Effects of Circular Economy Principles on GVCs’ Activities, Configuration, and Governance (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Industrial Policies, FDI and Value Chain Reconfiguration in the Lithium Battery Industry (Show >>)
The dual-faced role of socioemotional wealth in determining the sustainability practices of family firms: a cross-country study (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Re-Evaluating the Offshoring Decision: A Behavioural Approach to the Role of Performance Discrepancy (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Trade-offs in FDI Effects on SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa Countries (Show >>)
Trade-offs in the 2030 Agenda: FDI effects on access to electricity and carbon mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Corporate Social Responsibility, Irresponsibility, and firms’ financial performance: evidence from emerging vs. developed countries (Show >>)
How Does Corporate Social Irresponsibility Affect Corporate Financial Performance of Emerging vs. Developed Countries Firms? The Moderating Role Stemming From the Adoption of Sustainability Practices and From the Country of Origin (Show >>)
Industry 4.0 ecosystems’ impact on innovativeness across European regions (Show >>)
MNEs in the Age of Resilience and Sustainability Imperatives and Tensions (Show >>)
Procurement Strategy for Resilience and Sustainability - A Vignette-based Experiment (Show >>)
Supply Chain Irresponsibility and Financial Performance: Moderating Effects of Country of Origin, Reputation, and Sustainable Practices – A Stakeholder and Expectancy Violation Perspective (Show >>)
The Adoption of a CE Paradigm by the MNEs: Impacts of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Principles on Governance and Localization Strategies (Show >>)
The Relationship between Supply Chain Irresponsibility and Financial Performance: An expectancy violation approach (Show >>)
The impact of Industry 4.0 EU policies on the digitalization and attraction of FDIs in selected European regions (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Cultural distance and the permanence of acquired CEOs in cross‐border high‐tech acquisitions: combining the acquirer's and CEO's perspectives (Show >>)
Impact of domestic and foreign knowledge mechanisms on the innovation performance of Indian firms (Show >>)
Intellectual property rights and the international transfer of climate change mitigating technologies (Show >>)
R&D employee tenure in MNC subsidiaries: the role of institutional distance and experience (Show >>)
Technology adoption and upskilling in the wake of Industry 4.0 (Show >>)
The Circular Economy as a New Production Paradigm to Enhance Resilience of MNEs and the Economic System. (Show >>)
The divestment-reinvestment sequence in foreign countries: The role of relational vs. transactional ownership (Show >>)
The role of founder CEO and independent board in family firms' international growth: evidence from India and Italy (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
International Business in Times of Crisis: What Perspectives to Take? (Show >>)
MNEs as catalysts of productive entrepreneurship: the case of Egypt (Show >>)
Reinvesting in the Host Country. Learning from Past Divestments to Plan Future Actions (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Corporate Controversies and Corporate Financial Performance – Exploring the Ambiguous Moderating Role of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices (SSCM) in Emerging vs. Developed Countries’ Firms (Show >>)
Corporate Irresponsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: exploring the moderating role of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in emerging vs. developed countries' firms (Show >>)
Creativity and Social Construction in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Show >>)
Divestment and re/investment in a foreign country: the role of ownership relationality (Show >>)
How does corporate social irresponsibility affect corporate financial performance? The moderating role stemming from the country of origin and from the adoption of sustainable supply chain management practices (Show >>)
Intellectual Property Rights and the International Transfer of Climate Change Mitigation Technologies (Show >>)
MNEs meet the Circular Economy paradigm (Show >>)
MNEs meet the Circular Economy paradigm: disentangling the effects of reduce, reuse, and recycle principles on GVCs’ activities, configuration, and governance (Show >>)
R&D Employee Tenure in MNC Subsidiaries: The Role of Institutional Distance and Experience (Show >>)
Technology adoption and upskilling in Industry 4.0 (Show >>)
Editorship of scientific books
International Business in Times of Crisis (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A new perspective on technology-driven creativity enhancement in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Show >>)
Choosing misaligned governance modes when offshoring business functions: A prospect theory perspective (Show >>)
Re-Evaluating the Offshoring Decision: A Behavioural Approach to the Role of Performance Discrepancy (Show >>)
The complementarity effect of exporting, importing and R&D on the productivity of Ukrainian MNEs (Show >>)
The employment implications of additive manufacturing (Show >>)
The impact of OFDI in global cities on innovation by Indian multinational enterprise (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A dynamic technocentric perspective on organizational creativity (Show >>)
Corporate controversies and corporate financial performance – exploring the ambiguous moderating role of sustainable supply chain management practices (SSCM) in emerging vs. developed countries’ firms (Show >>)
Divestment and re-entry sequences by family vs. non-family multinational enterprises (Show >>)
Divestment and reinvestment in a foreign country. The role of ownership relationality (Show >>)
Learning from (domestic vs. foreign) external sources by emerging economy firms. The moderating role of (the breadth of) technological capabilities (Show >>)
MNEs’ Adoption of Corporate Political Activity and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa (Show >>)
Post-offshoring scenarios: a behavioral approach to the decision-making process (Show >>)
Technological interdependencies, convergence and the emergence of new paradigms: The case of Additive Manufacturing, (Show >>)
Technology adoption and upskilling in the wake of I4.0 (Show >>)
Technology adoption and upskilling in the wake of Industry 4.0 (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Digital Affordances and Entrepreneurial Dynamics: New Evidence from European Regions (Show >>)
Digital Technologies, Innovation, and Skills: Emerging Trajectories and Challenges (Show >>)
Technological paradigms: The power of convergence (Show >>)
The role of family firms’ generational heterogeneity in the entry mode choice in foreign markets (Show >>)
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