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DocenteTornatore Massimo
QualificaProfessore ordinario a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIINF-03/A - Telecomunicazioni
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (217.02Kb - 01/10/2016)

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Alle 12:30
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Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025
Nessun prodotto attualmente registrato nell'anno 2025

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Automated Data Ingestion Framework for Enhanced Control and Maintenance of Optical Networks [Invited] (Mostra >>)
Hollow-Core-Fiber Placement in Latency-Constrained Metro Networks with edgeDCs (Mostra >>)
Joint QoT-aware optimization of OTN and WDM layers for low-cost optical metro networks (Mostra >>)
Network for AI: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with MST-based Scheduling and Multi-Aggregation over Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Resource Re-Allocation for Pre-Planned Power Outages in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Resource-Efficient Implementation of Multiple Concurrent Tree-Based Models in P4 Switches using Feature Sharing (Mostra >>)
Throughput Increase in Multi-Fiber Networks using Partial Lane-Change Capabilities (Mostra >>)
Throughput Maximization in (C+L+S) Networks with Incremental Deployment of HFAs and 3Rs (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
DRL-based progressive recovery for quantum-key-distribution networks (Mostra >>)
Digital-twin-assisted meta learning for soft-failure localization in ROADM-based optical networks (Mostra >>)
Machine Learning for Failure Management in Microwave Networks: A Data-Centric Approach (Mostra >>)
Routing, Channel, Key-Rate, and Time-Slot Assignment for QKD in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Poster: Continual Network Learning (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Novel Strategy of Carrier Cooperation with Coordinated Scheduling for Swift Failure/Disaster Recovery (Mostra >>)
Adaptive Entanglement Routing for Quantum Networks with Cutoff (Mostra >>)
An effective Strategy for Link Upgrade from C to C+L Band in Elastic Optical Backbone Networks (Mostra >>)
Cost and Power-Consumption Analysis for Power Profile Monitoring in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Cross-Task and Cross-Lightpath Failure Detection and Localization in Optical Networks Using Transfer Learning (Mostra >>)
DRL-FORCH: A Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Fog Computing Orchestrator (Mostra >>)
Evaluation of Power Consumption in 5G Networks at sub-6 GHz and mmWave (Mostra >>)
Experimental Assessment of Reversibility-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Optical Data Center Network Recon figuration (Mostra >>)
Impact of WDM-Band Drop on $\mathrm{S}+\mathrm{C}+\mathrm{L}$ Multi-Band Optical Transmission Systems (Mostra >>)
ML-Assisted Restoration Planning and Upgrade with Low Design Margins (Mostra >>)
Machine Learning-Based Line-Of-Sight Prediction in Urban Manhattan-Like Environments (Mostra >>)
Machine-Learning-Assisted Failure Prediction in Microwave Networks based on Equipment Alarms (Mostra >>)
Meta-Learning-based Failure Localization with Digital-Twin-enabled Multi-Mirror Models in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Progressive Quantum Key Distribution Network Recovery after Massive Failures (Mostra >>)
Protection of Inter-ONU Connectivity in Advanced PON with Minimum Trenching Cost (Mostra >>)
Quantum Key Distribution with Trusted Relay using an ETSI-compliant Software-Defined Controller (Mostra >>)
Resource Allocation in Optical Networks with Mode Group Division Multiplexing and Light Trail (Mostra >>)
Uncertainty-Aware QoT Forecasting in Optical Networks with Bayesian Recurrent Neural Networks (Mostra >>)
Vertical Split Learning-Based Identification and Explainable Deep Learning-Based Localization of Failures in Multi-Domain NFV Systems (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
DRL-Assisted Reoptimization of Network Slice Embedding on EON-Enabled Transport Networks (Mostra >>)
DeepLS: Local Search for Network Optimization based on Lightweight Deep Reinforcement Learning (Mostra >>)
Dual-Stage Planning for Elastic Optical Networks Integrating Machine-Learning-Assisted QoT Estimation (Mostra >>)
Experimental impact of power re-optimization in a mesh network (Mostra >>)
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Section on Robust and Reliable Networks of the Future (Mostra >>)
IC-QKD: An Information-Centric Quantum Key Distribution Network (Mostra >>)
Infrastructure-efficient Virtual-Machine Placement and Workload Assignment in Cooperative Edge-Cloud Computing Over Backhaul Networks (Mostra >>)
Maximizing Revenue With Adaptive Modulation and Multiple FECs in Flexible Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Minimizing the cost of hierarchical optical transport network traffic grooming boards in metro networks (Mostra >>)
Multi-Band Measurements for Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Channel Prediction and Simulation (Mostra >>)
Probabilistic low-margin optical-network design with multiple physical-layer parameter uncertainties (Mostra >>)
Real-Time 59.2 Tb/s Unrepeated Transmission Over 201.6 km Using Ultra-Wideband SOA as High-Power Booster (Mostra >>)
Reliable Provisioning With Degraded Service Using Multipath Routing From Multiple Data Centers in Optical Metro Networks (Mostra >>)
Resource-efficient protection scheme for optical service units in fifth-generation fixed networks (Mostra >>)
Selective hybrid EDFA/Raman amplifier placement to mitigate lightpath degradation in (C + L) networks (Mostra >>)
Towards explainable artificial intelligence in optical networks: the use case of lightpath QoT estimation (Mostra >>)
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Datasets for Machine Learning-Based Predictive Quality of Service (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
A Pragmatic Power-Consumption Analysis for IPoWDM Networks with ZR/ZR+ Modules (Mostra >>)
A Reinforcement Learning-based Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for XGS-PON Networks (Mostra >>)
Anomaly Detection and Localization in NFV Systems: an Unsupervised Learning Approach (Mostra >>)
Availability Evaluation of Service Function Chains Under Different Protection Schemes (Mostra >>)
Calibrated Probabilistic QoT Regression for Unestablished Lightpaths in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Datacenter-Carrier Cooperation over Optical Networks during Disaster Recovery (Mostra >>)
Experimental Demonstration of Multipath and Continuous Repetition in Optical Packet/Circuit Networks (Mostra >>)
Federated-Learning-Assisted Failure-Cause Identification in Microwave Networks (Mostra >>)
If Not Here, There. Explaining Machine Learning Models for Fault Localization in Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Joint Routing, Channel, and Key-Rate Assignment for Resource-Efficient QKD Networking (Mostra >>)
Low-Margin Optical-Network Design with Multiple Physical-Layer Parameter Uncertainties (Mostra >>)
Minimizing Cost of Hierarchical OTN Traffic Grooming Boards in Mesh Networks (Mostra >>)
On Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Failure Identification in Microwave Networks (Mostra >>)
Selective Hybrid EDFA/Raman Amplifier Placement to Avoid Lightpath Degradation in (C+L) Networks (Mostra >>)
Spectrum and Cost Savings from Beyond-100Gbaud Optical Transponders (Mostra >>)
Strategic Cooperation among Datacenter Providers and Optical-Network Carriers for Disaster Recovery (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Coflow scheduling and placement for packet-switched optical datacenter networks (Mostra >>)
Domain adaptation and transfer learning for failure detection and failure-cause identification in optical networks across different lightpaths (Mostra >>)
Dynamic Decomposition of Service Function Chain Using a Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach (Mostra >>)
Explainable Artificial Intelligence in communication networks: A use case for failure identification in microwave networks (Mostra >>)
Flexible Technologies to Increase Optical Network Capacity (Mostra >>)
Guest Editors Introduction: Special Section on Recent Advances in the Design and Management of Reliable Communication Networks (Mostra >>)
Machine-Learning-Enabled DDoS Attacks Detection in P4 Programmable Networks (Mostra >>)
Minimizing equipment and energy cost in mixed 10G and 100G/200G filterless horseshoe networks with hierarchical OTN boards (Mostra >>)
Multilayer protection-at-lightpath for reliable slicing with isolation in optical metro-aggregation networks (Mostra >>)
On Deep Reinforcement Learning for Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment (Mostra >>)
Progressive Slice Recovery With Guaranteed Slice Connectivity After Massive Failures (Mostra >>)
Survivable Virtual Network Mapping with Fiber Tree Establishment in Filterless Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Tutorial on filterless optical networks [Invited] (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Rivista
Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Haplotype Libraries for Classification of Stillbirth Susceptibility in Holstein Cows (Mostra >>)
Abstract in Atti di convegno
An Approach to Large-scale Disaster-Resilient Optical Networks with Openness and Disaggregation (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
C to C+L Bands Upgrade with Resource Re-provisioning in Optical Backbone Networks (Mostra >>)
Cross-Layer Design to Optimize Optical Amplifier Placement in Metro Networks (Mostra >>)
Experimental Demonstration of Suppression of Cascaded Performance Degradation in Multi-core Fiber Networks with Burst-mode EDFA (Mostra >>)
Optical Metro Network Design with Low Cost of Equipment (Mostra >>)
Protection Strategies for Dynamic VNF Placement and Service Chaining (Mostra >>)
Quantifying Resource Savings from Low-Margin Design in Optical Networks with Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (Mostra >>)
Reliable Provisioning for Dynamic Content Requests in Optical Metro Networks (Mostra >>)
Reoptimizing Network Slice Embedding on EON-enabled Transport Networks (Mostra >>)
Strategies for Dedicated Path Protection in Filterless Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Survivable Virtual Network Mapping against Double-Link Failures Based on Virtual Network Capacity Sharing (Mostra >>)
Virtual Network Mapping vs Embedding with Link Protection in Filterless Optical Networks (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A novel bandwidth allocation scheme for OTSS-enabled flex-grid intra-datacenter networks (Mostra >>)
C+L-band upgrade strategies to sustain traffic growth in optical backbone networks (Mostra >>)
Cascading-failure-resilient interconnection for interdependent power grid - Optical network (Mostra >>)
Comparison of domain adaptation and active learning techniques for quality of transmission estimation with small-sized training datasets [Invited] (Mostra >>)
Disaster resilience of optical networks: State of the art, challenges, and opportunities (Mostra >>)
Dynamic secret-key provisioning in quantum-secured passive optical networks (PONs) (Mostra >>)
Energy-Efficient vBBU Migration and Wavelength Reassignment in Cloud-Fog RAN (Mostra >>)
Guest Editorial Latest Advances in Optical Networks for 5G Communications and beyond (Mostra >>)
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Design and Management of Reliable Communication Networks (Mostra >>)
Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Anti-Jamming Communications: A Fast Reinforcement Learning Approach (Mostra >>)
Machine learning regression for QoT estimation of unestablished lightpaths (Mostra >>)
Network-Based Contact Tracing for Detection of Covid-19 Contagions: A Privacy-Preserving Approach (Mostra >>)
Online Virtual Machine Evacuation for Disaster Resilience in Inter-Data Center Networks (Mostra >>)
QoT-Aware Optical Amplifier Placement in Filterless Metro Networks (Mostra >>)
Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning for Failure Identification in Microwave Networks (Mostra >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT