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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerZio Enrico
QualificationFull professor
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Energia
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIIND-07/D - Nuclear Power Plants
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (106.37Kb - 16/02/2024)

Office hours
Energia------MondayFrom 17:30
To 18:30
6340---Previo appuntamento
Personal websitehttp://lasar.cesnef.polimi.it

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A Bayesian Regularized Artificial Neural Network for Estimating The Ignition Probability In Oil And Gas Plants (Show >>)
A Simulation Model of Resilience Evaluation for Natural Gas Pipeline Network Systems (Show >>)
An Empirical method for Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Critical Flow Simulation (Show >>)
Estimation of Real-Time Bottomhole Parameters in CO2 Injection Wells During Operations by Means of an Ensemble of Neural Networks (Show >>)
Mean Variance Estimation Neural Network Particle Filter for Predicting Battery Remaining Useful Life (Show >>)
Quantum-like Uncertainty Quantification (QUQ) for urban sustainability and resilience (Show >>)
Uncertainty-Aware Prediction of Remaining Useful Life in Complex Systems (Show >>)
Scientific Books
An Artificial Intelligence-Based Framework for Burn-in Reduction in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Bayesian data-driven framework for aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty quantification in remaining useful life predictions (Show >>)
A Framework for the Evaluation of Network Reliability under Periodic Demand (Show >>)
A Generalized Testing Model for Interval Lifetime Analysis Based on Mixed Wiener Accelerated Degradation Process (Show >>)
A Multistage Physics-Informed Neural Network for Fault Detection in Regulating Valves of Nuclear Power Plants (Show >>)
A Physics-of-Failure (PoF) model-based Dynamic Bayesian Network for considering the aging of safety barriers in the risk assessment of industrial facilities (Show >>)
A STAMP-Game model for accident analysis in oil and gas industry (Show >>)
A Systematic Approach of Global Sensitivity Analysis and Its Application to a Model for the Quantification of Resilience of Interconnected Critical Infrastructures (Show >>)
A blockchain-based credibility evaluation scheme for navigational event dissemination in the internet of ships (Show >>)
A condition-informed dynamic Bayesian network framework to support severe accident management in nuclear power plants (Show >>)
A network-based approach to improving robustness of a high-speed train by structure adjustment (Show >>)
A novel methodology based on long short-term memory stacked autoencoders for unsupervised detection of abnormal working conditions in semiconductor manufacturing systems (Show >>)
A novel methodology for the optimization of design parameters of electromagnetic relays (Show >>)
A physics-informed autoencoder for system health state assessment based on energy-oriented system performance (Show >>)
A simulation-based approach for resilience assessment of process system: A case of LNG terminal system (Show >>)
A systematic approach for the adequacy analysis of a set of experimental databases: Application in the framework of the ATRIUM activity (Show >>)
Accelerated degradation testing for lifetime analysis considering random effects and the influence of stress and measurement errors (Show >>)
An agent-based cooperative co-evolutionary framework for optimizing the production planning of energy supply chains under uncertainty scenarios (Show >>)
Application of REPAS to analyze the sump clogging issue following a LOCA and its impact on the reliability of the ECCS long-term core cooling function (Show >>)
Battery cumulative lifetime prognostics to bridge laboratory and real-life scenarios (Show >>)
Bi-level task planning strategy for blended-wing-body underwater gliders (Show >>)
Combining natural language processing and bayesian networks for the probabilistic estimation of the severity of process safety events in hydrocarbon production assets (Show >>)
Coordinating dynamic traffic-power systems under decentralized and centralized decision environments (Show >>)
Data Adequacy by an Extended Analytic Hierarchy Process for Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Safety Analysis (Show >>)
Data and Model Combined Unsupervised Fault Detection and Assessment Framework for Underwater Thruster (Show >>)
Digital twins in safety analysis, risk assessment and emergency management (Show >>)
Distributed-collaborative surrogate modeling approach for creep-fatigue reliability assessment of turbine blades considering multi-source uncertainty (Show >>)
Domain generalization for cross-domain fault diagnosis: An application-oriented perspective and a benchmark study (Show >>)
Dynamic weight-based accelerated test modeling for fault degradation and lifetime analysis (Show >>)
Ecological network analysis and optimization of resilience and efficiency for electric power systems design (Show >>)
Editoral on special issue “Text mining applied to risk analysis, maintenance and safety” (Show >>)
Enhancing accuracy of prediction of critical heat flux in Circular channels by ensemble of deep sparse autoencoders and deep neural Networks (Show >>)
Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks for Approximating the Survival Signature of Critical Infrastructures (Show >>)
Fault detection in complex mechatronic systems by a hierarchical graph convolution attention network based on causal paths (Show >>)
Feature Selection by Binary Differential Evolution for Predicting the Energy Production of a Wind Plant (Show >>)
Fifty years of reliability in operations research (Show >>)
Forecasting Solar Photovoltaic Power Production: A Comprehensive Review and Innovative Data-Driven Modeling Framework (Show >>)
GMM-BinSeg: A Data Segmentation Method for CFRP/Aluminum Stacks Drilling- Countersinking Monitoring Signal (Show >>)
Global Sensitivity Analysis for Segmented Inverse Uncertainty Quantification in the Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants (Show >>)
Heavy Tail and Long-Range Dependence for Skewed Time Series Prediction Based on a Fractional Weibull Process (Show >>)
Impact of Malfunctioning Sensors on Data-Driven Reduced Order Modelling: Application to Molten Salt Reactors (Show >>)
Industry 5.0: Do risk assessment and risk management need to update? And if yes, how? (Show >>)
Managing secondary risks with optimal risk response strategy and risk-related resource scheduling (Show >>)
Monte Carlo Tree Search-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flexible Operation & Maintenance Optimization of a Nuclear Power Plant (Show >>)
Multidomain Class-Imbalance Generalization With Fault Relationship-Induced Augmentation for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis (Show >>)
Novel Outlier-Robust Accelerated Degradation Testing Model and Lifetime Analysis Method Considering Time-Stress-Dependent Factors (Show >>)
On the prediction of power outage length based on linear multifractional Lévy stable motion (Show >>)
Operating Condition Generalization Network for Fault Diagnosis of Brushless DC Motors (Show >>)
Physical model embedding-based generative adversarial networks for unsupervised fault detection of underwater thrusters (Show >>)
Physics-Informed deep Autoencoder for fault detection in New-Design systems (Show >>)
Probabilistic scenario analysis of integrated road-power infrastructures with hybrid fleets of EVs and ICVs (Show >>)
Prognostics and Health Management Methods for Reliability Prediction and Predictive Maintenance (Show >>)
Reliability Optimization (Show >>)
Reliability improvement of the dredging perception system: A sensor fault-tolerant strategy (Show >>)
Risk-Informing Nuclear Reactor Safety: The Prediction of the Probability of Core Damage Due to Loss of Power and Cooling (Show >>)
Securing demand–response in smart grids against false pricing attacks (Show >>)
Sensitivity analysis by differential importance measure for unsupervised fault diagnostics (Show >>)
Simultaneous Fault Diagnosis and Size Estimation Using Multitask Federated Incremental Learning (Show >>)
Subdomain Adaptation Order Network for Fault Diagnosis of Brushless DC Motors (Show >>)
Sustainable mega-seaports with integrated multi-energy systems: Life-cycle environmental and economic evaluation (Show >>)
TSoSRA: A task-oriented resilience assessment framework for system-of-systems (Show >>)
The atypical transport system: Natural gas pipeline system (Show >>)
Threshold-Varying Assessment for Prognostics and Health Management (Show >>)
Unsupervised Fault Detection of Brushless DC Motors under Multioperating Conditions via Order Hybrid Interpolated Gaussian Descriptor (Show >>)
Vulnerability Analysis of Power Transmission Grids Subject to Cascading Failures (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Digital Twin Modeling for Enhanced Operational Reliability: A Case Study on a Dredging Perception System (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Advanced Intelligent Pipeline Management Technology (Show >>)
Data-driven prognostics and health management (PHM) for predictive maintenance of industrial components and systems (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
A General Data-Driven Framework for Remaining Useful Life Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification Using Split Conformal Prediction (Show >>)
A Method based on Natural Language Processing for Periodically Estimating Variations of Performance of Safety Barriers in Hydrocarbon Production Assets (Show >>)
An Effective Knowledge Mining Method for Compressor Fault Text Data Based on Large Language Model (Show >>)
An Importance Function to Generate Scenarios for Training a Grey-Box Model for the Computational Risk Assessment of Cyber-Physical Systems (Show >>)
Analysis of Road Transport Networks Travelled by both Internal Combustion and Electric Vehicles and Subject to Traffic Congestion due to Incident Scenarios (Show >>)
Cascades-Risk Informed Transmission Expansion Planning by Behavioural Cloning (Show >>)
Community Detection Algorithm for Natural Gas Pipeline Network Based on Transmission Characteristics (Show >>)
Development of a Repeatable and Objective Decision Model for the Human Error Probability Estimation According to the HEART Framework (Show >>)
Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Based on Petri Net (Show >>)
Exploiting Explanations to Detect Misclassifications of Deep Learning Models in Power Grid Visual Inspection (Show >>)
Key Performance Indicators of Aging Safety Barriers in Oil and Gas Facilities (Show >>)
Optimization Method for an Improved Training of Physics Informed Neural Networks (Show >>)
Prediction of the Number of Defectives in a Production Batch of Semiconductor Devices (Show >>)
Probabilistic simulation model of resilience assessment of natural gas pipeline systems (Show >>)
Quantum Imprecise Bayesian Networks (QIBN) for Modelling Socio-Ecological-Technical Systems under Uncertainty (Show >>)
Reliability Analysis of Telecommunication Networks from Customer Damage Perspective: An Overview of Two Techniques (Show >>)
Study on the Application of Graph Theory Algorithms and Attack Graphs in Cybersecurity Assessment (Show >>)
Two formal methodologies of Model-Based Safety Assessment for Fault Tree Analysis (Show >>)
Scientific Books
Governance of Smart Energy Systems (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Bootstrapped Modularised method of Global Sensitivity Analysis applied to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (Show >>)
A Data Augmentation Boosted Dual Informer Framework for the Performance Degradation Prediction of Aero-Engines (Show >>)
A Deep Learning Feature Fusion Based Health Index Construction Method for Prognostics Using Multiobjective Optimization (Show >>)
A Semisupervised Deep Hybrid Multitask Model for RUL Prediction (Show >>)
A graph neural network (GNN) method for assigning gas calorific values to natural gas pipeline networks (Show >>)
A multi-objective optimization model for identifying groups of critical elements in a high-speed train (Show >>)
A novel approach for remaining useful life prediction of high-reliability equipment based on long short-term memory and multi-head self-attention mechanism (Show >>)
A resilience evaluation method of natural gas pipeline system based on uncertainty analysis (Show >>)
A restoration-clustering-decomposition learning framework for aging-related failure rate estimation of distribution transformers (Show >>)
A sequential decision problem formulation and deep reinforcement learning solution of the optimization of O&M of cyber-physical energy systems (CPESs) for reliable and safe power production and supply (Show >>)
A signal segmentation method for CFRP/CFRP stacks drilling-countersinking monitoring (Show >>)
A systematic framework for the assessment of the reliability of energy supply in Integrated Energy Systems based on a quasi-steady-state model (Show >>)
A systematic method of remaining useful life estimation based on physics-informed graph neural networks with multisensor data (Show >>)
Adaptive Residual Useful Life Prediction for the Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors with Pulse-Width Modulation Based on Multiple Modes and Transfer Learning (Show >>)
Adaptive transfer learning for multimode process monitoring and unsupervised anomaly detection in steam turbines (Show >>)
An Adaptive Sampling Framework for Life Cycle Degradation Monitoring (Show >>)
An integrated methodology for dynamic risk prediction of thermal runaway in lithium-ion batteries (Show >>)
An optimization model for planning testing and control strategies to limit the spread of a pandemic – The case of COVID-19 (Show >>)
Bi-objective optimization of the scheduling of risk-related resources for risk response (Show >>)
Conditional feature disentanglement learning for anomaly detection in machines operating under time-varying conditions (Show >>)
Data-driven optimal strategy for scheduling the hourly uncertain demand response in day-ahead markets (Show >>)
Deep Multiadversarial Conditional Domain Adaptation Networks for Fault Diagnostics of Industrial Equipment (Show >>)
Entropy-driven Monte Carlo simulation method for approximating the survival signature of complex infrastructures (Show >>)
Flexible operation and maintenance optimization of aging cyber-physical energy systems by deep reinforcement learning (Show >>)
Guest Editorial: Special Issue of ESREL2020 PSAM15 (Show >>)
Guest Editorial: Special Issue of ESREL2020 PSAM15 (Show >>)
Hybrid system response model for condition monitoring of bearings under time-varying operating conditions (Show >>)
Improving resilience of high-speed train by optimizing repair strategies (Show >>)
Insights in the safety analysis of an early microreactor design (Show >>)
Knowledge Transfer-Based Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm for Selective Maintenance Optimization of Multistate Complex Systems (Show >>)
Maintenance optimization in industry 4.0 (Show >>)
Multi-Fractal Weibull Adaptive Model for the Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Electric Vehicle Lithium Batteries (Show >>)
Multi-objective reliability and cost optimization of fuel cell vehicle system with fuzzy feasibility (Show >>)
Multi-objective two-stage stochastic unit commitment model for wind-integrated power systems: A compromise programming approach (Show >>)
Multi-task learning boosted predictions of the remaining useful life of aero-engines under scenarios of working-condition shift (Show >>)
Opportunistic maintenance policies for multi-machine production systems with quality and availability improvement (Show >>)
Optimal operation and maintenance of energy storage systems in grid-connected microgrids by deep reinforcement learning (Show >>)
Physics informed neural networks for surrogate modeling of accidental scenarios in nuclear power plants (Show >>)
Physics-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for fault detection of underwater thruster (Show >>)
Quantum reliability analysis of a wireless telecommunication network (Show >>)
Redundancy Allocation of Components with Time-Dependent Failure Rates (Show >>)
Reliability evaluation of the hybrid-redundancy sensor fault tolerate system in the dredging perception system (Show >>)
Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Adaptive Fractional Lévy Stable Motion with Capacity Regeneration and Random Fluctuation Phenomenon (Show >>)
Resilience of Natural Gas Pipeline System: A Review and Outlook (Show >>)
Robust multi-objective optimization of safety barriers performance parameters for NaTech scenarios risk assessment and management (Show >>)
Robust optimization of the design of monopropellant propulsion control systems using an advanced teaching-learning-based optimization method (Show >>)
Routing UAVs in landslides Monitoring: A neural network heuristic for team orienteering with mandatory visits (Show >>)
Seismic resilience assessment of Small Modular Reactors by a Three-loop Monte Carlo Simulation (Show >>)
Special Section on Community Resilience to Disruptive Events: Models and Analyses, Lessons Learned and Case Studies (Show >>)
Supply reliability-driven joint optimization of maintenance and spare parts inventory in a gas pipeline system (Show >>)
The Aramis Data Challenge to prognostics and health management methods for application in evolving environments (Show >>)
Vision-Based Defect Measurement of Drilled CFRP Composites Using Double-Light Imaging (Show >>)
Vulnerability analysis of demand-response with renewable energy integration in smart grids to cyber attacks and online detection methods (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
A Simulation-Based Framework for the Adequacy Assessment of Integrated Energy Systems Exposed to Climate Change (Show >>)
Fault Detection by Signal Reconstruction in Nuclear Power Plants (Show >>)
Optimal Management of the Flow of Parts for Gas Turbines Maintenance by Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Neural Networks (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
A Grey-Box Digital Twin-based Approach for Risk Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants (Show >>)
A Mathematical Framework for the Evaluation of System Expected Utility Not Satisfied Under Periodic Demand (Show >>)
A Methodological Framework for the Resilience Analysis of Road Transport Networks Exposed to Freezing Rain (Show >>)
A Methodology for the Dynamic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Batteries (Show >>)
A Physics-Informed Training Approach for Data-Driven Method in Remaining Useful Life Estimation (Show >>)
A Taxonomy for Modelling Reports of Process Safety Events in the Oil and Gas Industry (Show >>)
A Two-Stage Stochastic Unit Commitment Model for Wind-integrated Power Systems Flexibility Assessment (Show >>)
An Unsupervised Method for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Stage Production Systems Based on LSTM Autoencoders (Show >>)
Calculation of the Collapse Rating of Individual Pipe Joints for OCTG Casing and Tubing (Show >>)
Collaborative Kernel-based Nonlinear Degradation Modeling with Transfer Learning for Remaining Useful Life Prediction (Show >>)
Estimation of the Case Temperature of Insulated Gate Bipolar Temperatures in Induction Cooktops by Deep Neural Network (Show >>)
Estimation of the Lower Heating Value of Solid Recovered Fuel Based on Swir Hyper-Spectral Images and Machine Learning (Show >>)
Experimental Investigation of Failure Thresholds of Rolling Element Bearings (Show >>)
Grey-Box Models for Cyber-Physical Systems Reliability, Safety and Resilience Assessment (Show >>)
Identification of Features of Rare Risk Events in Oil Refineries Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Show >>)
Identification of Vulnerabilities in Integrated Power-Telecommunication Infrastructures; A Simulation-based Approach (Show >>)
Long Short-Term Memory ANNs for Fast Assessment of Injection Policies of Water-Flooding in Oil and Gas Reservoirs (Show >>)
Monitoring Degradation of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors in Induction Cooktops by Artificial Neural Networks (Show >>)
Optimization Workflow Using Deep Learning Based Forward Models For Waterflooded Oil Reservoirs (Show >>)
Prediction of the Remaining Useful Life of MOSFETs Used in Automotive Inverters by an Ensemble of Neural Networks (Show >>)
The explainable uncertainty in degradation process: a discovery from non-accelerated batteries degradation experiment (Show >>)
Vulnerability Assessment of Interdependent Infrastructures Based on a Cascading Failure Model (Show >>)
Wrapper Selection of Features for Fault Diagnostics of Truss Structures (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Bayesian Belief Network Model for the Risk Assessment and Management of Premature Screen-Out during Hydraulic Fracturing (Show >>)
A Bayesian belief network framework for nuclear power plant human reliability analysis accounting for dependencies among performance shaping factors (Show >>)
A Deep Branched Network for Failure Mode Diagnostics and Remaining Useful Life Prediction (Show >>)
A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Electromechanical Actuators with Simulating Model under Small Experimental Data Sample Condition (Show >>)
A Modeling and Analysis Framework for Integrated Energy Systems Exposed to Climate Change-Induced NaTech Accidental Scenarios (Show >>)
A Niching Augmented Evolutionary Algorithm for the Identification of Functional Dependencies in Complex Technical Infrastructures From Alarm Data (Show >>)
A Novel Metric to Evaluate the Association Rules for Identification of Functional Dependencies in Complex Technical Infrastructures (Show >>)
A Novel Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Predicting Contact Bounce of Electromagnetic Relays With Flexible Spring Components (Show >>)
A Siamese hybrid neural network framework for few-shot fault diagnosis of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (Show >>)
A clustering-based framework for searching vulnerabilities in the operation dynamics of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (Show >>)
A deep reinforcement learning-based method for predictive management of demand response in natural gas pipeline networks (Show >>)
A dynamic event tree for a blowout accident in an oil deep-water well equipped with a managed pressure drilling condition monitoring and operation system (Show >>)
A framework based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for the classification of the severity of road accidents from reports (Show >>)
A framework for predicting the remaining useful life of machinery working under time-varying operational conditions (Show >>)
A framework of sensitivity analysis for the performance assessment of safety barriers impacted by NaTech accidents (Show >>)
A general model for life-cycle cost analysis of Condition-Based Maintenance enabled by PHM capabilities (Show >>)
A graph structure feature-based framework for the pattern recognition of the operational states of integrated energy systems (Show >>)
A heuristic features selection approach for scenario analysis in a regional seismic probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (Show >>)
A hybrid method for prognostics of lithium-ion batteries capacity considering regeneration phenomena (Show >>)
A method for economic evaluation of predictive maintenance technologies by integrating system dynamics and evolutionary game modelling (Show >>)
A method for fault detection in multi-component systems based on sparse autoencoder-based deep neural networks (Show >>)
A methodology to perform dynamic risk assessment using system theory and modeling and simulation: Application to nuclear batteries (Show >>)
A new preventive maintenance strategy optimization model considering lifecycle safety (Show >>)
A novel reliability monitoring scheme based on the monitoring of manufacturing quality error rates (Show >>)
A novelty-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for identifying functional dependencies in complex technical infrastructures from alarm data (Show >>)
A reliability-centered methodology for identifying renovation actions for improving resilience against heat waves in power distribution grids (Show >>)
A systematic method for the optimization of gas supply reliability in natural gas pipeline network based on Bayesian networks and deep reinforcement learning (Show >>)
A two-stage estimation method based on Conceptors-aided unsupervised clustering and convolutional neural network classification for the estimation of the degradation level of industrial equipment (Show >>)
An Adaptive Generalized Cauchy Model for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Wind Turbine Gearboxes with Long-Range Dependence (Show >>)
An Angle-Based Bi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Redundancy Allocation in Presence of Interval Uncertainty (Show >>)
An advanced teaching-learning-based algorithm to solve unconstrained optimization problems (Show >>)
An iterative model of the generalized Cauchy process for predicting the remaining useful life of lithium-ion batteries (Show >>)
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Discriminant Analysis Using Multi-View Learning (Show >>)
Comparison of the HAZOP, FMEA, FRAM, and STPA Methods for the Hazard Analysis of Automatic Emergency Brake Systems (Show >>)
Condition-based Maintenance for Performance Degradation under Non-periodic Unreliable Inspections (Show >>)
Data-Driven Optimal Test Selection Design for Fault Detection and Isolation Based on CCVKL Method and PSO (Show >>)
Evolving Connectionist System and Hidden Semi-Markov Model for Learning-Based Tool Wear Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Prediction (Show >>)
Finite Iterative Forecasting Model Based on Fractional Generalized Pareto Motion (Show >>)
Gas liquid cylindrical cyclone flow regime identification using machine learning combined with experimental mechanism explanation (Show >>)
Generative Adversarial Networks With AdaBoost Ensemble Learning for Anomaly Detection in High-Speed Train Automatic Doors (Show >>)
Guest Editorial: Special Section on AI Enhanced Reliability Assessment and Predictive Health Management (Show >>)
Guest Editorial: special issue of ESREL2020 PSAM15 (Show >>)
Hybrid and enhanced PSO: Novel first order reliability method-based hybrid intelligent approaches (Show >>)
Hybrid discrete differential evolution and deep Q-Network for multimission selective maintenance (Show >>)
Importance measures for critical components in complex system based on Copula Hierarchical Bayesian Network (Show >>)
Improved quantitative risk assessment of a natural gas pipeline considering high-consequence areas (Show >>)
Informational probabilistic sensitivity analysis and active learning surrogate modelling (Show >>)
Integrated fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for a flexible regional aircraft (Show >>)
Long-range dependence and heavy tail characteristics for remaining useful life prediction in rolling bearing degradation (Show >>)
Machine learning-based models to prioritize scenarios in a Quantitative Risk Analysis: An application to an actual atmospheric distillation unit (Show >>)
Matérn process-based simulation of wind speed time series (Show >>)
Multi-objective availability and cost optimization by PSO and COA for series-parallel systems with subsystems failure dependencies (Show >>)
Multifractional and long-range dependent characteristics for remaining useful life prediction of cracking gas compressor (Show >>)
Online Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Packet Loss Influence-Inspired Retransmission Mechanism (Show >>)
Optimal design of step-stress accelerated degradation test oriented by nonlinear and distributed degradation process (Show >>)
Optimization of the Operation and Maintenance of renewable energy systems by Deep Reinforcement Learning (Show >>)
Optimizing generation expansion planning with operational uncertainty: A multistage adaptive robust approach (Show >>)
Parallel density scanned adaptive Kriging to improve local tsunami hazard assessment for coastal infrastructures (Show >>)
Passive safety systems analysis: A novel approach for inverse uncertainty quantification based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoders and Kriging metamodeling (Show >>)
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM): Where are we and where do we (need to) go in theory and practice (Show >>)
Prognostics and health management: A review from the perspectives of design, development and decision (Show >>)
Resilience-oriented optimal post-disruption reconfiguration for coupled traffic-power systems (Show >>)
Risk-Response Strategy Optimization Considering Limited Risk-Related Resource Allocation and Scheduling (Show >>)
Robust state-of-charge estimation of Li-ion batteries based on multichannel convolutional and bidirectional recurrent neural networks (Show >>)
Sensitivity-Analysis-Driven Surrogate Model for Molten Salt Reactors Control (Show >>)
Social Robotics and Synthetic Ethics: A Methodological Proposal for Research (Show >>)
Subset simulation for optimal sensors positioning based on value of information (Show >>)
Supply resilience assessment of natural gas pipeline network systems (Show >>)
System design optimization with mixed subsystems failure dependencies (Show >>)
The Contribution of Small Modular Reactors to the Resilience of Power Supply (Show >>)
The Role of Nuclear Small Modular Reactors for the Resilience of Integrated Energy Systems (Show >>)
Time space modelling for fault diagnosis and prognosis with uncertainty management: A general theoretical formulation (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Reliability Analysis, Safety Assessment and Optimization: Methods and Applications in Energy Systems and Other Applications (Show >>)
The risk of the electrical power grid due to natural hazards and recovery challenge following disasters and record floods: What next? (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
A Bayesian Regularized Artificial Neural Network for the estimation of the Ignition Probability in accidents in Oil & Gas plants (Show >>)
A Method based on Gaussian Process Regression for Modelling Burn-in of Semiconductor Devices (Show >>)
A Modeling Framework for the Analysis of Integrated Energy Systems Exposed to NaTech Events Induced by Climate Change (Show >>)
A Natural Language Processing Method for the Identification of the Factors Influencing Road Accident Severity (Show >>)
A multistate Bayesian Network integrating MISOF and probit modelling for the risk assessment of oil and gas plants (Show >>)
A planning strategy for maintenance interventions under complex systems (Show >>)
Damage Detection in Truss Structures Supporting Pipelines and Auxiliary Equipment in Power Plants (Show >>)
Dynamic Reliability Assessment Framework for Integrated Energy Systems Based on the Improved Universal Generating Function (Show >>)
Dynamic Reliability Assessment of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (CPEs) by GTST-MLD (Show >>)
Finite State Machine Modelling for The Performance Analysis of An Integrated Road-Power Infrastructure with A Hybrid Fleet of EVs And ICVs (Show >>)
Multihazard Risk Aggregation Approach for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities (Show >>)
Natural Language Processing and Bayesian Networks for the Analysis of Process Safety Events (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Bayesian framework of inverse uncertainty quantification with principal component analysis and Kriging for the reliability analysis of passive safety systems (Show >>)
A Fractional Brownian Motion Model for Forecasting Lost Load and Time Interval between Power Outages (Show >>)
A Framework based on Finite Mixture Models and Adaptive Kriging for Characterizing Non-Smooth and Multimodal Failure Regions in a Nuclear Passive Safety System (Show >>)
A Hierarchical Resilience Enhancement Framework for Interdependent Critical Infrastructures (Show >>)
A Novel Framework for the Operational Reliability Evaluation of Integrated Electric Power-Gas Networks (Show >>)
A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Model of Component Test Plan and Redundancy Allocation for System Reliability Optimization (Show >>)
A data-driven approach to anomaly detection and vulnerability dynamic analysis for large-scale integrated energy systems (Show >>)
A failure mechanism consistency test method for accelerated degradation test (Show >>)
A framework for the resilience analysis of complex natural gas pipeline networks from a cyber-physical system perspective (Show >>)
A generalized cauchy method for remaining useful life prediction of wind turbine gearboxes (Show >>)
A generalized petri net-based modeling framework for service reliability evaluation and management of cloud data centers (Show >>)
A machine learning-based methodology for multi-parametric solution of chemical processes operation optimization under uncertainty (Show >>)
A method for fault diagnosis in evolving environment using unlabeled data (Show >>)
A multi-branch deep neural network model for failure prognostics based on multimodal data (Show >>)
A multi-criteria model for the security assessment of large-infrastructure construction sites (Show >>)
A new hybrid model for wind speed forecasting combining long short-term memory neural network, decomposition methods and grey wolf optimizer (Show >>)
A novel association rule mining method for the identification of rare functional dependencies in Complex Technical Infrastructures from alarm data (Show >>)
A physics-informed machine learning framework for predictive maintenance applied to turbomachinery assets (Show >>)
A semi-supervised method for the characterization of degradation of nuclear power plants steam generators (Show >>)
A simulation-based multi-objective optimization framework for the production planning in energy supply chains (Show >>)
Accounting for Safety Barriers Degradation in the Risk Assessment of Oil and Gas Systems by Multistate Bayesian Networks (Show >>)
An MEWMA-based segmental multivariate hidden Markov model for degradation assessment and prediction (Show >>)
An integrated risk index accounting for epistemic uncertainty in probability risk assessment (Show >>)
An integrated, systematic data-driven supply-demand side management method for smart integrated energy systems (Show >>)
An optimization framework for opportunistic planning of preventive maintenance activities (Show >>)
Association rules extraction for the identification of functional dependencies in complex technical infrastructures (Show >>)
Bootstrapped ensemble of artificial neural networks technique for quantifying uncertainty in prediction of wind energy production (Show >>)
Data-driven reliability assessment method of Integrated Energy Systems based on probabilistic deep learning and Gaussian mixture Model-Hidden Markov Model (Show >>)
Deep reinforcement learning based on proximal policy optimization for the maintenance of a wind farm with multiple crews (Show >>)
Development of an integrated dynamic model for supply security and resilience analysis of natural gas pipeline network systems (Show >>)
Failure identification in a nuclear passive safety system by Monte Carlo simulation with adaptive Kriging (Show >>)
Fault diagnosis and reconfigurable control for commercial aircraft with multiple faults and actuator saturation (Show >>)
Feature extraction for early fault detection in rotating machinery of nuclear power plants based on adaptive VMD and Teager energy operator (Show >>)
Fractional Lévy stable motion with LRD for RUL and reliability analysis of li-ion battery (Show >>)
Gaussian Fields for Predicting Drift of Oil and Gas Pipes (Show >>)
Generalized Cauchy difference iterative forecasting model for wind speed based on fractal time series (Show >>)
Globalization and global risk: How risk analysis needs to be enhanced to be effective in confronting current threats (Show >>)
Guest Editorial: Value of Information (VoI) in reliability and risk assessment (Show >>)
Identification of LOFA precursors in ITER superconducting magnet cryogenic cooling circuit (Show >>)
Identification of critical components in the complex technical infrastructure of the large hadron collider using relief feature ranking and support vector machines (Show >>)
Integrated planning framework for preventive maintenance grouping: A case study for a conveyor system in the Chilean mining industry (Show >>)
Joint Distribution-Based Test Selection for Fault Detection and Isolation under Multiple Faults Condition (Show >>)
Metabolism and difference iterative forecasting model based on long-range dependent and grey for gearbox reliability (Show >>)
Metamodeling and on-line clustering for loss-of-flow accident precursors identification in a superconducting magnet cryogenic cooling circuit (Show >>)
Multi-state reliability assessment model of base-load cyber-physical energy systems (CPES) during flexible operation considering the aging of cyber components (Show >>)
Novel efficient method for structural reliability analysis using hybrid nonlinear conjugate map-based support vector regression (Show >>)
Old Lessons of Risk Assessment and Management from the COVID-19 Pandemics and Individual Infections Dynamics (Show >>)
On-line Estimation of Degradation State Under Random Change of Mode (Show >>)
Optimal Prognostics and Health Management-driven inspection and maintenance strategies for industrial systems (Show >>)
Optimal sensor positioning on pressurized equipment based on Value of Information (Show >>)
Product technical life prediction based on multi-modes and fractional Lévy stable motion (Show >>)
Quantification of uncertainty in CFD simulation of accidental gas release for O & G quantitative risk assessment (Show >>)
Radiation-induced degradation analysis and reliability modeling of COTS ADCs for space-borne miniature fiber-optic gyroscopes (Show >>)
Reliability assessment of passive safety systems for nuclear energy applications: State‐of‐the‐art and open issues (Show >>)
Remaining useful life prediction for complex systems considering varying future operational conditions (Show >>)
Resilience Assessment and Importance Measure for Interdependent Critical Infrastructures (Show >>)
Resilience assessment of electrified road networks subject to charging station failures (Show >>)
Risk Assessment of an Electrical Power System Considering the Influence of Traffic Congestion on a Hypothetical Scenario of Electrified Transportation System in New York State (Show >>)
Risk Perception Biases and the Resilience of Ethics for Complying with COVID-19-Pandemic-Related Safety Measures (Show >>)
Time-dependent reliability analysis of the reactor building of a nuclear power plant for accounting of its aging and degradation (Show >>)
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