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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerBruni Stefano
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Meccanica
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIIND-02/A - Applied Mechanics
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (113.33Kb - 24/01/2022)

Office hours
MECCANICA------TuesdayFrom 15:00
To 17:00
02/23998495---Ricevimento previo appuntamento per e.mail. Please contact me via e.mail
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Application of Non-Hertzian Creep Force Models in Rail Vehicle Dynamics Simulation (Show >>)
Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Axle-Box Vibration Measurements: Experimental Investigation Using a Full-Scale Roller Rig (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Railway rolling noise in curved tracks: Dynamic modelling of the wheelset and influence of the curve (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A methodology for track geometry estimation using inertial measurements: compensation of bogie filtering (Show >>)
An Exact Linear Tangential Contact Theory for Railway Rolling Noise Modelling in Curves (Show >>)
Assessment of Simplified Models of Conformal Wheel-Rail Rolling Contact (Show >>)
Influence of wheel/rail contact modelling on vehicle stability assessment using numerical simulations (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A multibody non-linear model of the post-derailment dynamics of a railway vehicle (Show >>)
A proposed tacho-less order tracking technique suitable for railway vehicle condition monitoring applications (Show >>)
Application of the extended FASTSIM for non-Hertzian contacts towards the prediction of wear and rolling contact fatigue of wheel/rail systems (Show >>)
Crack detection in railway axles using continuous monitoring and periodic non-destructive inspection: experimental investigation on a freight wagon using a full-scale roller rig (Show >>)
Influence of creep force modelling on the non-linear stability of a rail vehicle on tangent and curved tracks (Show >>)
Modelling, hardware-in-the-loop tests and numerical simulation of magneto-rheological semi-active primary suspensions in a railway vehicle (Show >>)
Monitoring the bogie lateral dynamics of a high-speed train through wireless sensor nodes (Show >>)
Numerical simulation of the post-derailment behaviour of a railway vehicle and its interaction with the infrastructure (Show >>)
Review of conformal wheel/rail contact modelling approaches: towards the application in rail vehicle dynamics simulation (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Analysis of post-derailment dynamic behaviour of a railway vehicle and interaction with deformable containment structure (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A fast method for solving conformal rolling contact problems (Show >>)
A linear non-Hertzian unsteady tangential wheel-rail contact model (Show >>)
Analysis and modelling of the dynamic stiffness up to 400 Hz of an air spring with a pipeline connected to a reservoir (Show >>)
Control of an integrated lateral and roll suspension for a high-speed railway vehicle (Show >>)
Editorial: Special issue on ‘contact mechanics and wear of rail/wheel systems (CM2022)’ (Show >>)
Generalisation of the linear theory of rolling contact to a single double-elliptic contact region and its application to solve non-Hertzian contact problems using extended FASTSIM (Show >>)
Impacts of vehicle light-weighting on wheel wear and RCF and a novel ultralight vehicle design (Show >>)
Secondary yaw control to improve curving vs. stability trade-off for a railway vehicle (Show >>)
Semi-active control of primary suspensions to improve ride quality in a high-speed railway vehicle (Show >>)
Transient wheel–rail rolling contact theories (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Train and track interactions (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
An algorithm to extend FASTSIM for non-Hertzian contact (Show >>)
Fast computation of wear distribution over contact patch (Show >>)
Improvement of High-Speed Vehicle Vertical Ride Comfort with Semi-active Primary Suspension (Show >>)
Monitoring of Alignment Level (AL)and Cross Level (CL) Track Geometry Irregularities from Onboard Vehicle Dynamics Measurements Using Probabilistic Fault Classifier (Show >>)
The design and development of a lightweight composite railway axle (Show >>)
Wheel Wear Evolution of Solid-Axle Wheelset with Active Steering (Show >>)
Wheel wear reduction from vehicle lightweighting: a case study for an innovative ultralight vehicle (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A simple active carbody roll scheme for hydraulically actuated railway vehicles using internal model control (Show >>)
A vision for a lightweight railway wheelset of the future (Show >>)
An examination of alternative schemes for active and semi-active control of vertical car-body vibration to improve ride comfort (Show >>)
Analysis of the axial and transversal stiffness of an air spring suspension of a railway vehicle: mathematical modelling and experiments (Show >>)
Application of semi-active yaw dampers for the improvement of the stability of high-speed rail vehicles: mathematical models and numerical simulation (Show >>)
Fault-tolerant design and evaluation for a railway bogie active steering system (Show >>)
Influence of individual wheel profiles on the assessment of running dynamics of a rail vehicle by numerical simulation: a case study (Show >>)
Numerical calculation of wear in rolling contact based on the Archard equation: Effect of contact parameters and consideration of uncertainties (Show >>)
Optimization of a Filament Wound Hybrid Metal Composite Railway Axle Design Concept (Show >>)
Structural analysis for the design of a lightweight composite railway axle (Show >>)
Study on active wheelset steering from the perspective of wheel wear evolution (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
The influence of the non-Hertzian wheel-rail contact to the dynamics of a rail vehicle in multibody simulation (Show >>)
Scientific Books
Rail Vehicle Mechatronics (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Editorial: Best Practices on Advanced Condition Monitoring of Rail Infrastructure Systems, Volume II (Show >>)
Monitoring of lateral and cross level track geometry irregularities through onboard vehicle dynamics measurements using machine learning classification algorithms (Show >>)
Novel technology concepts and architecture for on-board condition-based monitoring of railway running gear: The RUN2Rail vision (Show >>)
Parametric sizing study for the design of a lightweight composite railway axle (Show >>)
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Area Servizi ICT