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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerFassi Davide
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Design
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorCEAR-08/D - Design
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (655.17Kb - 05/10/2023)

Office hours
DesignTerra---TuesdayFrom 09:30
To 12:30
02.2399.5853---Please send an email to book a meeting
Personal websitehttps://www.desis.polimi.it/

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Editorship of scientific books
SMOTIES Toolbox. Design tools for the creative transformation of public spaces in small and remote places (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Introduction (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Case studies on private and public food procurement: a transversal analysis (Show >>)
Design for public engagement: merging the role of academics and neighbourhood communities (Show >>)
Special contribution - Tactical urbanism as a form of design of the unfinished (Show >>)
Territorial networks, services and public engagement (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Accessible Food Networks: case studies’ insights for impacting systemic and socio-cultural transformations of university campuses as urban players (Show >>)
Situated partnerships to face food waste within a neighborhood based food redistribution service: the case of "SOSpesa" (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Human Cities / Smoties - creative. Works with small and remote places (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
L’urbanismo tattico come forma di design del non-finito. (Show >>)
Progettare in contesti situati. L’esperienza di O ff Campus Nolo (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Co-designing Contents With Situated Stakeholders: An In-Field Process in Nolo (Milan) (Show >>)
Culture and creativity as assets for inclusive growth in small and remote places: a design-led process (Show >>)
SOSpesa – Neighbourhood solidarity networks for the recovery, distribution, and valorisation of food surplus. (Show >>)
[Changing] Spaces and services (Show >>)
Journal Articles
‘SOSpesa’–Service Design Leveraging Neighborhood Solidarity Networks to Tackle Food Poverty, Food Surplus, and Sustainability of Local Commerce (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Co-designing public spaces (Show >>)
Social Innovation Solutions with Local Neighbourhoods (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Designing proximity with situated stakeholders (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Project-based communities: lessons learned from collaborative city-making experiences (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Multiple narratives for multiple visions: engaging citizens in building future scenarios for their city through participatory design and storytelling (Show >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT