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DocenteCastelletti Andrea Francesco
QualificaProfessore ordinario a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIINF-04/A - Automatica
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (338.11Kb - 07/02/2025)

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Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione2216LunedìDalle 10:00
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Pagina web redatta a cura del docentehttp://www.ei.deib.polimi.it/

Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
Unwrapping the triptych of climatic, social and energy-market uncertainties in the operation of multipurpose hydropower reservoirs (Mostra >>)
What drives farmers’ behavior under climate change? Decoding risk awareness, perceived impacts, and adaptive capacity in northern Italy (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
A Multi-dimensional Safe Operating Space Evaluation Framework for Regional Water Resources Systems (Mostra >>)
Advancing Physical Interpretability of Arctic Sea Ice Dynamics through Automatic Feature Selection (Mostra >>)
Advancing drought detection and management using ML enhanced impact-based drought indexes (Mostra >>)
Assessing the Effect of Droughts on Complex Multi-sector Water Systems (Mostra >>)
From multi-decadal energy planning to hourly power dispatch: evaluating the reliability of energy projections in the Southern African Power Pool (Mostra >>)
Impact of socio-economic and climatic scenarios on power trade vulnerability in Africa (Mostra >>)
Merging social learning and behavior modelling to reinforce farmers adaptation to climate change (Mostra >>)
On the impact of operational uncertainties on water distribution system design (Mostra >>)
Social data, narratives, and agent-based modelling to explore farmers’ behaviour and climate change actions (Mostra >>)
Stakeholders dialogues to reinforce the governance of the WEFE nexus in complex water systems. Learning from Lake Como, Italy (Mostra >>)
Unveiling behavioral heterogeneity: An Agent-Based Model exploration of farmer decision-making in the face of climate change (Mostra >>)
Constructing a Social Media-Based Index to Capture the Socio-Economic Impacts of Droughts (Mostra >>)
Modeling heterogeneous farmers' response to climate change via agent-based simulation (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Incorporating flexibility in the long-term design of water distribution systems using operational variables (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A systematic framework for data augmentation for tropical cyclone intensity estimation using deep learning (Mostra >>)
Analysis, characterization, prediction, and attribution of extreme atmospheric events with machine learning and deep learning techniques: a review (Mostra >>)
Average domination: A new multi-objective value metric applied to assess the benefits of forecasts in reservoir operations under different flood design levels (Mostra >>)
Combining wavelet-enhanced feature selection and deep learning techniques for multi-step forecasting of urban water demand (Mostra >>)
Coupled simulation of urban water networks and interconnected critical urban infrastructure systems: A systematic review and multi-sector research agenda (Mostra >>)
Dam Reoperation to Mitigate Changing Climate Extremes in the Omo River Basin, Ethiopia (Mostra >>)
Downscaling, bias correction, and spatial adjustment of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning (Mostra >>)
Exploring the Climate Puzzle: A Surprising Twist in Fighting Climate Change (Mostra >>)
Floating photovoltaics may reduce the risk of hydro-dominated energy development in Africa (Mostra >>)
How do irrigation district managers deal with climate change risks? Considering experiences, tipping points, and risk normalization in northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Integrating Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Direct Policy Search for Modeling Multipurpose Water Reservoir Systems (Mostra >>)
Long-term temperature prediction with hybrid autoencoder algorithms (Mostra >>)
Rethinking energy planning to mitigate the impacts of African hydropower (Mostra >>)
Robust Stackelberg Equilibrium Water Allocation Patterns in Shallow Groundwater Areas (Mostra >>)
Targeting farmers’ heterogeneity to enrich climate change adaptation policy design: findings from northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Transboundary cooperation in infrastructure operation generates economic and environmental co-benefits in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Climate change adaptation through integrated management of water reuse technologies (Mostra >>)
Closing the loop between water supply and demand in the Nile River Basin under global change (Mostra >>)
Clustering farmers’ adaptation preferences to face climate change in northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Combining farmers’ heterogeneity and risk preferences in the ABNexus model to reinforce behavior modelling and decision-making processes (Mostra >>)
Detection of Arctic rivers streamflow drivers through automatic feature selection (Mostra >>)
From Correlation to Causation: Discovering the Drivers of Urban Water Demands in the Contiguous United States (Mostra >>)
How effectively (or not) can science and research be turned into adopted solutions and policies? (Mostra >>)
Improving the spatial accuracy of extreme tropical cyclone rainfall in ERA5 using deep learning (Mostra >>)
Integrated planning methods to identify dam portfolios that minimize environmental and climatic impacts of new African hydropower (Mostra >>)
Integrating farmers’ risk aversion in climate change behavioral modelling to improve decision-making processes (Mostra >>)
Machine-learning enhanced forecast of tropical cyclone rainfall for anticipatory humanitarian action  (Mostra >>)
Operational considerations for the long-term design of water distribution systems (Mostra >>)
Political instability influence on hydropower planning in Africa: a continental scale analysis (Mostra >>)
Social-learning processes and behaviour modelling to reinforce climate change and policy design (Mostra >>)
Underlying farmers’ storylines and behaviour on climate change to reinforce risk assessment in northern Italy (Mostra >>)
A Neural Granger Causality Inference Approach to Identify Meteorological and Socio-Demographic Drivers of Urban Water Demand in the Contiguous United States (Mostra >>)
Evaluating the Value of Water Demand Forecasts for Real-Time Operation of Water Distribution Networks (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Scenario-based model predictive control of water reservoir systems (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A survey of water utilities’ digital transformation: drivers, impacts, and enabling technologies (Mostra >>)
Balancing Sediment Connectivity and Energy Production via Optimized Reservoir Sediment Management Strategies (Mostra >>)
ChatGPT in Hydrology and Earth Sciences: Opportunities, Prospects, and Concerns (Mostra >>)
Climate change awareness, perceived impacts, and adaptation from farmers’ experience and behavior: a triple-loop review (Mostra >>)
Declining cost of renewables and climate change curb the need for African hydropower expansion (Mostra >>)
Exploding the myths: An introduction to artificial neural networks for prediction and forecasting (Mostra >>)
Investigating the characteristics of residential end uses of water: A worldwide review (Mostra >>)
Model Predictive Control of water resources systems: A review and research agenda (Mostra >>)
Multi-objective optimal design of interbasin water transfers: The Tagus-Segura aqueduct (Spain) (Mostra >>)
Operationalizing equity in multipurpose water systems (Mostra >>)
Operations Eclipse Sequencing in Multipurpose Dam Planning (Mostra >>)
Optimisation-based refinement of genesis indices for tropical cyclones (Mostra >>)
The determinants of household water consumption: A review and assessment framework for research and practice (Mostra >>)
Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Indices in a New High‐Resolution Climate Models Ensemble: Limitations and Way Forward (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
A triple-loop survey to delve into physical climate storylines and address climate risk management: Learning from farmers’ perception and behaviour in northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Advancing drought monitoring via feature extraction and multi-task learning algorithms (Mostra >>)
Advancing the operation of multipurpose water reservoirs with multi-timescale forecasts: Application to Lake Como (Mostra >>)
Arctic sea ice dynamics forecasting through interpretable machine learning (Mostra >>)
Balancing sediment connectivity and energy production via optimized reservoir sediment management strategies (Mostra >>)
Can Machine Learning Help Human-Water Systems Models “Behave” Better? (Mostra >>)
Carbon intensity of hydropower: a key driver of power capacity expansion under climate policy in the African continent (Mostra >>)
Climate change adaptation through water portfolios planning in Alpine water systems (Mostra >>)
Climate change risk and farmers’ behavior: Testing main driving factors from social learning in northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Climate change, hydrological variability, and declining cost of renewables reduce economic viability of African hydropower potential (Mostra >>)
Combining farmers and irrigation consortia’s perspectives on climate change to reduce risk aversion and reinforce policy making at the regional scale (Mostra >>)
Connecting spatial climate information to infrastructure operations using deep reinforcement learning (Mostra >>)
Connecting spatial climate information to infrastructure operations using deep reinforcement learning (Mostra >>)
Contrasting farmers' perception of climate change and climatic data: How (in)consistency supports risk reduction and resilience? (Mostra >>)
Cooperative adaptive climate policies to balance economic, temperature and inequality objectives in the presence of deep uncertainty in the RICE50+ IAM (Mostra >>)
Cooperative adaptive climate policies: an application of the EMODPS algorithm to deal with multiple objectives and deep uncertainty in the RICE50+ integrated assessment model (Mostra >>)
Data-driven Modelling of Urban Water Demands across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales: The Case Study of Milan, Italy (Mostra >>)
Dynamic Water-Energy-Food nexus management in transboundary river basins incorporating water infrastructure operation and demand control (Mostra >>)
Exploring the unintended consequences of climate change mitigation for African river basins (Mostra >>)
Extracting the most valuable information from multi-timescale hydrological forecasts for informing the operation of multipurpose water systems (Mostra >>)
Farmers' attitudes regarding climate change: How risk awareness and perception effects adaptive capacity? (Mostra >>)
How water demand interventions can influence water management in the Nile River Basin (Mostra >>)
Hydropower capacity expansion in the African continent under different socio-economic and climate policy scenarios (Mostra >>)
Integrated real-time control of water reservoirs with deterministic and probabilistic multi-timescale forecasts: Application to the Lake Como (Mostra >>)
Integrating agent-based modelling and behavioural data analytics: A case study of climate change farmers’ perception in Italy (Mostra >>)
Linking sediment transport and river morphology (Mostra >>)
Multi-scale Modelling of Urban Water Demand under Urban Development and Societal Uncertainties: The Case Study of Milan, Italy (Mostra >>)
Multi-timescale hydro-meteorological forecasts for the optimal control of the multipurpose Lake Como (Mostra >>)
Operationalizing equity in multipurpose water systems control (Mostra >>)
Optimizing the operating rule of a controversial interbasin water transfer: the Tagus-Segura aqueduct (Spain) (Mostra >>)
Regulation of the Alpine Lake Como under climate change. Bottom-Up vs Top-Down approach, and CMIP5 vs CMIP6 (Mostra >>)
Robust Dam Planning in the Mekong River Basin accounting for GHGs Emissions and River Sediment Connectivity (Mostra >>)
Robust River Basin planning under extreme climate events and socio-economic changes: the Red River Basin in China-Vietnam (Mostra >>)
Tropical cyclone genesis potential in CMIP6 climate models (Mostra >>)
Understanding Arctic Sea Ice Variability and its Patterns: A Comparative Clustering Analysis (Mostra >>)
Unintended consequences of climate change mitigation for African river basins (Mostra >>)
Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimise Genesis Potential Indices for Tropical Cyclone Genesis (Mostra >>)
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Multi-Objective Robust Planning Tools (Mostra >>)
Water and Climate Cange: Water Management in Transboundary River Basins Under Climate Change (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Comparing Predictive Machine Learning Models for Short-and Long-Term Urban Water Demand Forecasting in Milan, Italy (Mostra >>)
Hourly operation of a regulated lake via Model Predictive Control (Mostra >>)
Integrating local and global projections for the generation of water demand scenarios in the Red River Basin, Vietnam (Mostra >>)
Surrogate modeling for water reuse planning in complex water systems (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A Dynamic, Network Scale Sediment (Dis)Connectivity Model to Reconstruct Historical Sediment Transfer and River Reach Sediment Budgets (Mostra >>)
Advancing reservoir operations modelling in SWAT to reduce socio-ecological tradeoffs (Mostra >>)
Climate uncertainty and technological innovation shape investments in renewable energy for small off-grid islands (Mostra >>)
Disentangling Sources of Future Uncertainties for Water Management in Sub-Saharan River Basins (Mostra >>)
From optimal to robust climate strategies: expanding integrated assessment model ensembles to manage economic, social, and environmental objectives (Mostra >>)
Learning-based hierarchical control of water reservoir systems (Mostra >>)
Neuro-Evolutionary Direct Policy Search for Multiobjective Optimal Control (Mostra >>)
On farmers’ perceptions of climate change and its nexus with climate data and adaptive capacity. A comprehensive review (Mostra >>)
Participatory design of robust and sustainable development pathways in the Omo-Turkana river basin (Mostra >>)
Save the Mekong Delta from drowning (Mostra >>)
Self‐Adaptive Multi‐Objective Climate Policies Align Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (Mostra >>)
Soft-cooperation via data sharing eases transboundary conflicts in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin (Mostra >>)
Strategic planning of hydropower development: balancing benefits and socioenvironmental costs (Mostra >>)
Unintended consequences of climate change mitigation for African river basins (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
A Basin-Scale, Dynamic Sediment (Dis)Connectivity Model to Reconstruct Historical Geomorphological Disruptions and Explore Future Sediment Transport Trajectories (Mostra >>)
A dynamic, network scale sediment (dis)connectivity model to reconstruct historical sediment transfers and river reach sediment budgets (Mostra >>)
Adaptive normative constraints to mitigate climate change induced conflicts in a snowmelt dominated water system (Mostra >>)
Advancing drought monitoring via feature extraction (Mostra >>)
An agent-based negotiating framework for international climate agreements (Mostra >>)
Can we use flood control infrastructures in forecast-based drought management in a drying climate? (Mostra >>)
Connecting Spatial Climate Information to Infrastructure Operations using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Mostra >>)
Disentailing Sources of Future Uncertainties for Water Management Policies in a Subtropical Water System. (Mostra >>)
Exploring socio-natural factors of farmers’ adaptation: A review on risk awareness and perception towards climate change (Mostra >>)
Flexible Balance of Adaptation and Mitigation via Self-Adaptive Multi-Objective Climate Policies (Mostra >>)
How far is climate change adaptation policy from practice? Contrasting the effectiveness and acceptance of local and regional strategies in irrigated agricultural systems in Northern Italy (Mostra >>)
Improving the decision-making in DICE: self-adaptive climate policies to handle explicit uncertainty and adaptation modelling (Mostra >>)
Joint design of floating solar plant and dam operating policies for waterborne epidemics control: an assessment on the Kariba dam (Mostra >>)
Modelling farmer behaviours in coupled human-nature systems under changing climate and society (Mostra >>)
Policy Representation Learning for Multiobjective Reservoir Policy Design with Different Objective Dynamics (Mostra >>)
Rethinking reservoir operations: how expanding operation goals can yield win-win climate adaptation outcomes (Mostra >>)
Robust African Hydropower Development under Global Socio-Economic Uncertainties (Mostra >>)
Robust multi-scale strategies for increasing the resilience of the Mekong Delta (Mostra >>)
Social surveys to support personal experience in human-water-climate change interactions. A review on farmers' behavior (Mostra >>)
Social-learning from Farmers’ Experience and Behavior: A Triple-loop Analysis on Climate Change Awareness, Perceived Impacts, and Adaptation (Mostra >>)
Strategic Dam Planning Accounting for Greenhouse Gases Emissions and River Sediment Connectivity (Mostra >>)
The AWESOME Project: A decision analytic framework for managing Water Energy Food and Ecosystems across sectors and scales in the South Mediterranean (Mostra >>)
The HydroSocial Cycle approach to deepen on socio-ecological systems analysis and water management (Mostra >>)
When Timing Matters - Misdesigned Dam Filling Impacts Hydropower Sustainability (Mostra >>)
ide3a: A Digital Campus for Transdisciplinary Research on Interconnected Urban Critical Infrastructure Systems (Mostra >>)
Comparative analysis of different spatial clustering techniques to model Arctic sea ice dynamics (Mostra >>)
Data-driven Modelling of Urban Water Demand in Major European Cities: the Case Study of Milan, Italy. (Mostra >>)
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Water Resources Planning and Management in a Changing Climate and Society (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Time-Variant Variational Transfer for Value Functions (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A State-of-the-Art Review of Optimal Reservoir Control for Managing Conflicting Demands in a Changing World (Mostra >>)
Advancing the representation of reservoir hydropower in energy systems modelling: The case of Zambesi River Basin (Mostra >>)
Descriptive or normative: How does reservoir operations modeling influence hydrological simulations under climate change? (Mostra >>)
Designing With Information Feedbacks: Forecast Informed Reservoir Sizing and Operation (Mostra >>)
Exploring future vulnerabilities of subalpine Italian regulated lakes under different climate scenarios: bottom‐up vs top-down and CMIP5 vs CMIP6 (Mostra >>)
Hydroclimatic change challenges the EU planned transition to a carbon neutral electricity system (Mostra >>)
Long-term water conservation is fostered by smart meter-based feedback and digital user engagement (Mostra >>)
Persistent inequality in economically optimal climate policies (Mostra >>)
Policy Representation Learning for Multiobjective Reservoir Policy Design With Different Objective Dynamics (Mostra >>)
Sediment transport at the network scale and its link to channel morphology in the braided Vjosa River system (Mostra >>)
Strategic basin and delta planning increases the resilience of the Mekong Delta under future uncertainty (Mostra >>)
Urban water consumption at multiple spatial and temporal scales. A review of existing datasets (Mostra >>)
When timing matters—misdesigned dam filling impacts hydropower sustainability (Mostra >>)
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