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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerLongo Michela
QualificationAssociate professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Energia
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIIND-08/B - Electrical Power Systems
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (68.93Kb - 11/09/2020)

Office hoursOffice hours is not available yet
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Mobility and Future Trends (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Comparison of EV Consumption Based on Simulation of Real Driving Condition (Show >>)
E-buses Charging Phase: an Optimized Model for Charging Management (Show >>)
Electric Vehicle Modelling Applied to Dynamic Wireless Charging: Case Study (Show >>)
Mid-Term Feasibility Assessment of Battery Electric Trucks and Fuel Cell Electric Trucks (Show >>)
Optimization of an Asymmetrical 5-level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Modulation by Evaluation of Dead Times Impact (Show >>)
Photovoltaic Performance Assessment in Different Weather Conditions Utilizing an Artificial Neural Network Ensemble (Show >>)
Renewable Integration for Green Urban Mobility: A Case Study of Public Transport Depot Electrification (Show >>)
Solar Powered Micro-grid in Asmara: Model for Sustainable Generation and Distribution (Show >>)
Sustainable Smart Road: A Unified Cost Estimation Model for Renewable-Powered Smart Roads (Show >>)
Towards Sustainable Hydrogen Mobility: Evaluating Renewable Energy Systems for Green Hydrogen Generation (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Categorization of Attributes and Features for the Location of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Show >>)
Comparative Analysis of Sustainable Electrification in Mediterranean Public Transportation (Show >>)
Comparative analysis of decarbonization of local public transportation: A real case study (Show >>)
Decarbonizing Transportation: A Data-Driven Examination of ICE Vehicle to EV Transition (Show >>)
Deep Learning in Power Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Trends (Show >>)
Electrifying Urban Transportation: A Comparative Study of Battery Swap Stations and Charging Infrastructure for Taxis in Chicago (Show >>)
Experimental Observation and Validation of EV Model for Real Driving Behavior (Show >>)
Exploring the Synergy of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles (Show >>)
Increasing transportation sustainability from scratch: Small city context (Show >>)
Innovative Energy Approach for Design and Sizing of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (Show >>)
Make-or-Buy Policy Decision in Maintenance Planning for Mobility: A Multi-Criteria Approach (Show >>)
Optimization of a proposed biomass generator: Harnessing citizen waste with electric vehicle charging infrastructure (Show >>)
Organic Rankine cycle-ejector heat pump hybrid system using low GWP zeotropic mixtures for trigeneration application (Show >>)
Time-dependent photovoltaic performance assessment on a global scale using artificial neural networks (Show >>)
Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Integration in On-Board Electric Systems for Hybrid Marine Applications (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
Anomaly Detection in Photovoltaic Systems via Deep Learning Autoencoder (Show >>)
Application of Bus as a Service and Analysis of Electric Bus Consumption in Urban Areas (Show >>)
Assessing Electric Vehicle Charging Patterns: A Comprehensive Analysis of Charging Stations Usage (Show >>)
Assessment Analysis of BEV/PHEV Recharge in a Residential Micro-Grid Based on Renewable Generation (Show >>)
Charging Design for Battery Electric Multiple Unit: Implementation on a Real Railway Line (Show >>)
Collective water transport electrification: Venetian ferry boat case study (Show >>)
Feasibility Study and Cost Analysis of Electrification for a Non-electrified Railway Line (Show >>)
From Diesel to Electric Bimodal Train: Case Study in Italy for Decarbonization of Railway Lines (Show >>)
Green Mobility Application in Malaga: Analysis of the Transition from ICE to EV (Show >>)
Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging on Voltage and Current Harmonics at the Point of Common Coupling (Show >>)
Implementation of Battery Electric Multiple Unit on Railways: Pavia Case Study (Show >>)
Internet of Things (IoT) Monitoring and Control for Smart Heating and Cooling in a Residential Building (Show >>)
Literature Review - Mobile Electric Storage System (MESS): Use Cases and Applications (Show >>)
Literature Review on Electric Grid Resilience: Electric Vehicles as a Possible Support? (Show >>)
Monte Carlo BEV Users Simulation to Assess the Charging Stations Usage in Highway (Show >>)
Operations on Railyard Sites, the Dutch Case: In between Landscape Design and Engineering (Show >>)
Opportunity of Transport Sustainability for a Small City: Case Study (Show >>)
Optimal Design and Cost Analysis of Microgrid Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems with Hydrogen Production and Storage and Battery (Show >>)
Railway Infrastructure Resilience Analysis in Case of Flooding: Case Study in Italy (Show >>)
Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles in Park&Ride Stations (Show >>)
Totally Green Vehicle? Correlation the RES and Load Curves of CSs (Show >>)
Use of Piecewise Linear Regression to Model and Analyze EV Charging Curve (Show >>)
Water Transport Decarbonization: Preliminary Case Study in Venice (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Power Prediction via Transfer Learning and Deep Neural Networks (Show >>)
A Quantitative Method to Assess the Vehicle-To-Grid Feasibility of a Local Public Transport Company (Show >>)
A new concept of highways infrastructure integrating energy storage devices for e-mobility transition (Show >>)
Battery Electric Buses or Fuel Cell Electric Buses? A Decarbonization Case Study in the City of Brescia, Italy (Show >>)
Battery Electric Storage Systems: Advances, Challenges, and Market Trends (Show >>)
Electrification of Motorway Network: A Methodological Approach to Define Location of Charging Infrastructure for EV (Show >>)
Electrification of Transport Service Applied to Massawa–Asmara (Show >>)
Energy Demand Model of Battery E-Buses for LPT: Implementation, Validation and Scheduling Optimization (Show >>)
Experimental Investigation of Fast−Charging Effect on Aging of Electric Vehicle Li−Ion Batteries (Show >>)
High-resolution PV power prediction model based on the deep learning and attention mechanism (Show >>)
K-Means and Alternative Clustering Methods in Modern Power Systems (Show >>)
Knowledge Extraction From PV Power Generation With Deep Learning Autoencoder and Clustering-Based Algorithms (Show >>)
Power and Energy Demand to Support E-Mobility on Highway: The Italian Case Study (Show >>)
Preliminary Assessment for a Sustainable and Integrated Solar-Powered Transport System in Asmara – Eritrea (Show >>)
Preliminary evaluation of infrastructure and mobility services in mega-event: the Italian case study (Show >>)
Strategic Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Efficient Mobility along Highways: A Real Case Study in Spain (Show >>)
The "15-minutes station": a case study to evaluate the pedestrian accessibility of railway transport in Southern Italy (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Harnessing the local innovation system: an overarching solution for policy and financing instruments for promoting the localization of smart infrastructure (Show >>)
Influence of Electric Vehicles on Improvements in the Electric Distribution Grid (Show >>)
Revolutionizing the localization of smart city infrastructure policies and financing (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
A Comprehensive Study on Electrification of Old Bus Fleets: a Real Case Study in Ottawa (Show >>)
Cost and Emission Comparison of Long-Distance Travel and Life-Cycle for EV and ICE Vehicle: a Case Study (Show >>)
Data-Driven Model for PV Power Generation Patterns Extraction via Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods (Show >>)
Different Demand for Charging Infrastructure along a Stretch of Highway: Italian Case Study (Show >>)
Energy Consumption Calculating in Electric Vehicles Considering Road Gradient (Show >>)
Energy Storage Integration into Fast Charging Stations Installed on e-Highways (Show >>)
Evaluation of Electric Vehicles Travel Capabilities in Relation to Charging Infrastructure in the Spanish Context (Show >>)
Feasibility Study of Use of Electric Vehicle In a Small Town Of Spain (Show >>)
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems with Hydrogen and Battery Storage Options for Stand-Alone Residential Building Application in Canada (Show >>)
Impacts of Energy Storage Facilities on Resilient Operation of Multi-Carrier Energy Hub Systems (Show >>)
Implementation and Validation Modelling of Energy Demand of Electric Buses for Local Public Transport (Show >>)
Innovative Freight Trasport: Case Study on New Technologies Reliability (Show >>)
Integration of Parking Lot Capacity in Retail Energy and Reserve Market Mechanism (Show >>)
Internet of Things (IoT)-Based System for Smart Home Heating and Cooling Control (Show >>)
Literature Review on Wireless Charging Technologies: Future Trend for Electric Vehicle? (Show >>)
Numerical Dataset Analysis and Sensors Architecture Review for Vehicle Dynamics Application (Show >>)
On the Sustainable Charging of Electric Vehicles in the Presence of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation (Show >>)
Performance Assessment of Heat Pump and Solar Thermal Heating with Seasonal Storage Systems for Smart Microgrid Research Center Building at IAUN (Show >>)
Sustainable Electricity Generation in Developing Countries: Case Study in a Sub-Saharan Rural Community (Show >>)
Sustainable Green Island in Smart Road: Case Study Applied on Italian Highway Network (Show >>)
Transport Service Electrification in Developing Countries (Show >>)
Vanadium Redox Flow Battery in Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Marine Applications (Show >>)
Journal Articles
An unsupervised learning schema for seeking patterns in rms voltage variations at the sub-10-minute time scale (Show >>)
Assessment of Renewable Natural Gas Refueling Stations for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (Show >>)
Energy from the waves: Integration of a HESS to a wave energy converter in a DC bus electrical architecture to enhance grid power quality (Show >>)
Feasibility Investigation of Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure for Heavy‐Duty Vehicles in Canada (Show >>)
From Traditional to Electric Free-Floating Car Sharing: Application and Case Study in the City of Milan in Italy (Show >>)
Full Implementation of Electric Mobility in a Countryside Region of Spain (Show >>)
Hydrogen Gas Refueling Infrastructure for Heavy-Duty Trucks: A Feasibility Analysis (Show >>)
Method for analysis and identification of adhesion coefficient through on-board sensors (Show >>)
Multi-Objective Optimization of PV and Energy Storage Systems for Ultra-Fast Charging Stations (Show >>)
Photovoltaic and battery systems sizing optimization for ultra-fast charging station integration (Show >>)
Recent Advances in Small-Scale Carbon Capture Systems for Micro-Combined Heat and Power Applications (Show >>)
Seeking patterns in rms voltage variations at the sub-10-minute scale from multiple locations via unsupervised learning and patterns' post-processing (Show >>)
Strategies for the Modelisation of Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption: A Review (Show >>)
Transformation of an existing urban bus line: Milan Full Electric project (Show >>)
Voltage-sag source detection: Developing supervised methods and proposing a new unsupervised learning (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Contributions on scientific books
Future Mobility Advances and Trends (Show >>)
Future developments in vehicle-to-grid technologies (Show >>)
Machine Learning Models in Smart Cities – Data-Driven Perspective (Show >>)
Smart urban mobility traffic control system components (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Adaptive protection scheme for AC microgrids: Simulations for grid-connected/islanded mode (Show >>)
Bidirectional Solid-State Circuit Breakers for DC Microgrid Applications (Show >>)
Charging Infrastructure Sizing for the Electrification of a Bus Line (Show >>)
Dynamic simulation of organic Rankine cycle-assisted ground-source heat pump based micro-cogeneration system in cold climates: A case study in Canada (Show >>)
Feasibility Analysis of Refuelling Infrastructure for Compressed Renewable Natural Gas Long-Haul Heavy-Duty Trucks in Canada (Show >>)
Feasibility Study of An Automatic Grid-Tied Solar Irrigation System for Rural Application (Show >>)
Feasibility study of refuelling infrastructure for compressed hydrogen gas long-haul heavy-duty trucks in Canada (Show >>)
MEMS-based Measurements in Virtual Reality: Setup an Electric Vehicle (Show >>)
Public and Micro-Mobility Transportation Modes Comparison (Show >>)
Vehicle-To-Grid: a Case Study of ATM E-Bus Depots in the City of Milan in Italy (Show >>)
Journal Articles
15-Min Station: A Case Study in North Italy City to Evaluate the Livability of an Area (Show >>)
Advances in the application of machine learning techniques for power system analytics: A survey† (Show >>)
Design and implementation of an electric skibus line in north Italy (Show >>)
Electrification of a Bus Line in Savona Considering Depot and Opportunity Charging (Show >>)
Electrification of lpt in algeciras bay: A new methodology to assess the consumption of an equivalent e-bus (Show >>)
Estimation model of total energy consumptions of electrical vehicles under different driving conditions (Show >>)
Hess in a wind turbine generator: Assessment of electric performances at point of common coupling with the grid (Show >>)
Modular Approach to Ultra-fast Charging Stations (Show >>)
Optimal size of a smart ultra-fast charging station (Show >>)
Organic rankine cycle-ground source heat pump with seasonal energy storage based micro-cogeneration system in cold climates: The case for canada (Show >>)
Performance Investigation Of The Lifetime Of Solar Cell Using Surface Photovoltage (Spv) Method And Efficiency Measurement (Show >>)
Performance investigation of solar organic Rankine cycle system with zeotropic working fluid mixtures for use in micro-cogeneration (Show >>)
Recent advances in internet of things (IoT) infrastructures for building energy systems: A review (Show >>)
Relationship between railway stations and the territory: case study in Lombardy - Italy for 15-min station (Show >>)
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