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DocenteTavoni Massimo
QualificaProfessore ordinario a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIEGE-01/A - Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (126.13Kb - 11/06/2020)

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Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025
Nessun prodotto attualmente registrato nell'anno 2025

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A multi-model assessment of inequality and climate change (Mostra >>)
Demand-side policies for power generation in response to the energy crisis: A model analysis for Italy (Mostra >>)
Inequality repercussions of financing negative emissions (Mostra >>)
Reducing the cost of capital to finance the energy transition in developing countries (Mostra >>)
Underestimating Demographic Uncertainties in the synthesis process of the IPCC (Mostra >>)
Unequal climate impacts on global values of natural capital (Mostra >>)
Weather- and climate-driven power supply and demand time series for power and energy system analyses (Mostra >>)
Widening the scope: The direct and spillover effects of nudging water efficiency in the presence of other behavioral interventions (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
A research and development investment strategy to achieve the Paris climate agreement (Mostra >>)
Examining evidence for the Finite Pool of Worry and Finite Pool of Attention hypotheses (Mostra >>)
Forget-Me-Not: The Persistent Effect of Information Provision for Adopting Climate-Friendly Goods (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Cooperative adaptive climate policies to balance economic, temperature and inequality objectives in the presence of deep uncertainty in the RICE50+ IAM (Mostra >>)
Cooperative adaptive climate policies: an application of the EMODPS algorithm to deal with multiple objectives and deep uncertainty in the RICE50+ integrated assessment model (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A method to identify barriers to and enablers of implementing climate change mitigation options (Mostra >>)
A randomized trial of energy cost information provision alongside energy-efficiency classes for refrigerator purchases (Mostra >>)
Evaluating the impact of technological renovation and competition on energy consumption in the workplace (Mostra >>)
Forward-Looking Belief Elicitation Enhances Intergenerational Beneficence (Mostra >>)
From optimal to robust climate strategies: expanding integrated assessment model ensembles to manage economic, social, and environmental objectives (Mostra >>)
Internalising health-economic impacts of air pollution into climate policy: a global modelling study (Mostra >>)
International Migration Projections across Skill Levels in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (Mostra >>)
Self‐Adaptive Multi‐Objective Climate Policies Align Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (Mostra >>)
Translating observed household energy behavior to agent-based technology choices in an integrated modeling framework (Mostra >>)
Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment Modeling of Climate Change (Mostra >>)
Using large ensembles of climate change mitigation scenarios for robust insights (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
An agent-based negotiating framework for international climate agreements (Mostra >>)
Flexible Balance of Adaptation and Mitigation via Self-Adaptive Multi-Objective Climate Policies (Mostra >>)
Improving the decision-making in DICE: self-adaptive climate policies to handle explicit uncertainty and adaptation modelling (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A multidimensional feasibility evaluation of low-carbon scenarios (Mostra >>)
Assessing China’s efforts to pursue the 1.5°C warming limit (Mostra >>)
Can social information programs be more effective? The role of environmental identity for energy conservation (Mostra >>)
Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot (Mostra >>)
Global roll-out of comprehensive policy measures may aid in bridging emissions gap (Mostra >>)
Integrated perspective on translating biophysical to economic impacts of climate change (Mostra >>)
Long term, cross-country effects of buildings insulation policies (Mostra >>)
Net zero-emission pathways reduce the physical and economic risks of climate change (Mostra >>)
Persistent inequality in economically optimal climate policies (Mostra >>)
Real-time feedback on electricity consumption: evidence from a field experiment in Italy (Mostra >>)
Social interaction and technology adoption: Experimental evidence from improved cookstoves in Mali (Mostra >>)
Social science research to inform solar geoengineering (Mostra >>)
The cost of mitigation revisited (Mostra >>)
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