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Le informazioni sulla didattica, sulla ricerca e sui compiti istituzionali riportate in questa pagina sono certificate dall'Ateneo; ulteriori informazioni, redatte a cura del docente, sono disponibili sulla pagina web personale e nel curriculum vitae indicati nella scheda.
DocenteDi Luzio Giovanni
QualificaProfessore associato a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareCEAR-07/A - Tecnica Delle Costruzioni
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (94.2Kb - 08/01/2020)

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Ingegneria Civile e AmbientaleII34GiovedìDalle 09:15
Alle 11:15
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Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025
Nessun prodotto attualmente registrato nell'anno 2025

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Thermal Characterisation of Sprayed Plasters Response Under Non-Standard Heating Regimes (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A combined numerical and experimental study on the mechanical aging of high slag content High Performance Concrete (Mostra >>)
An interprocess communication-based two-way coupling approach for implicit-explicit multiphysics lattice discrete particle model simulations (Mostra >>)
Experimentally informed modeling of the early‐age stress evolution in cementitious materials using exponential conversion from creep to relaxation (Mostra >>)
Microprestress Theory for the Prediction of Mechanosorptive Creep in Wood (Mostra >>)
Multiphysics-Lattice Discrete Particle Model: possible strategies for upscaling (Mostra >>)
Multiscale and multiphysics discrete model of self-healing of matrix and interfacial cracks in fibre reinforced cementitious composites: Formulation, implementation and preliminary results (Mostra >>)
Multiscale cracking pattern-based homogenization model of water permeability in hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete after high-temperature exposure (Mostra >>)
Prediction of concrete and FRC properties at high temperature using machine and deep learning: A review of recent advances and future perspectives (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Crack healing under sustained load in concrete: An experimental/numerical study (Mostra >>)
Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for the Uncertainty Modelling in Cementitious Materials (Mostra >>)
Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical coupled discrete model for the self-healing in Ultra High Performance Concrete (Mostra >>)
Multi-physics Modelling of Concrete Shrinkage with the Lattice Discrete Particle Model Considering the Volume of Aggregates (Mostra >>)
Multi-physics Modelling of Moisture Diffusion in the FRP-Concrete Adhesive Joints (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
Experimental investigation of the loading rate effect and the sustained load effect in the concrete cone capacity of cast-in anchors (Mostra >>)
Flow Lattice Model for the simulation of chemistry dependent transport phenomena in cementitious materials (Mostra >>)
Insights and theoretical model of thermal conductivity of thermally damaged hybrid steel-fine polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (Mostra >>)
Mix optimization of hybrid steel and polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete for anti-thermal spalling (Mostra >>)
Numerical Simulation of the Chloride Penetration in Cracked and Healed UHPC via a Discrete Multiphysics Model (Mostra >>)
Orthotropic hygroscopic behavior of mass timber: theory, computation, and experimental validation (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Fuzzy logic-based approach for the uncertainty treatment in cementitious materials modelling (Mostra >>)
Contributo in Atti di convegno
Numerical modelling of the ageing of Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Cementitious Composites (Mostra >>)
Numerical modelling via a coupled discrete approach of the autogenous healing for Fibre-Reinforced Cementitious Composites (FRCCs) (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A discrete numerical model for the effects of crack healing on the behaviour of ordinary plain concrete: Implementation, calibration, and validation (Mostra >>)
Computational modeling of expansion and deterioration due to alkali–silica reaction: Effects of size range, size distribution, and content of reactive aggregate (Mostra >>)
Discrete modeling of deterministic size effect of normal-strength and ultra-high performance concrete under compression (Mostra >>)
Mechanical properties measurement and micro-damage characterization of ITZ in concrete by SEM-DIC method (Mostra >>)
Mesoscopic discrete modeling of multiaxial load-induced thermal strain of concrete at high temperature (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributi su volumi (Capitolo o Saggio)
Time-dependent behaviour of concrete (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A comparison of the state of the art models for constitutive modelling of concrete (Mostra >>)
Computational modeling of temperature and relative humidity effects on concrete expansion due to alkali–silica reaction (Mostra >>)
Coupled multi-physics simulation of chloride diffusion in saturated and unsaturated concrete (Mostra >>)
Mechanical Responses of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete after Exposure to High Temperature: Experiments and Mesoscale Discrete Modeling (Mostra >>)
Mesoscale Modeling of Concrete Time-Dependent Behavior (Mostra >>)
On the moisture migration of concrete subject to high temperature with different heating rates (Mostra >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT