With this function you can construct your weekly calendar of lessons, which is customized on the basis of the courses that you intend to follow. Warning: the personal schedule does not replace the presentation of the study plan! It's an informal tool that can help you better manage the organization of class attendance before the study plan presentation. After the study plan presentation we recommend you to use the Lecture timetable service in your Online Services.
To create your customized schedule follow these instructions:
- Click on the "Enable" link to proceed. You will be asked your surname and first name in order to determine your alphabetic grouping.
To add or remove courses from your personal schedule, use the small icons which are found next to the courses:
- addition of the course
- removal of the course
- selection of the section of the Laboratory of Architecture
(Note: the effective area in which the teaching will be carried out will be determined after the presentation of the Study Plans)
The sidebar on the left displays the number of lessons included in schedule.
There are also these commands:
- View the schedule: allows the viewing of the weekly synoptic schedule
- Delete the schedule: cancels the selections made
When you have finished the entry, you can print the calendar you have made.
Semester (Sem) | 1 | First Semester | 2 | Second Semester | A | Annual course | (1) | First Half-semester | (2) | Second Half-semester |
Course completely offered in italian
Course completely offered in english
Not available
Note on the teaching activities
In case of structured courses taught by more lecturers, the number of students enrolled is related to the individual lecturer module, while the students opinion of the teaching is related to the course as a whole.
The data related to the last academic years (number of students enrolled and students opinion of the teaching) have not yet been defined.
Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
Office hours | Department | Floor | Office | Day | Timetable | Telephone | Fax | Notes |
DIG | Primo | 1.59 | Thursday | From 09:15 To 11:15 | --- | --- | It is recommended to email in advance |
| E-mail | andrea.flori@polimi.it | Personal website | --- |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025 |
No product yet registered in the year 2025 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Journal Articles |
A set of multidimensional indicators to assess the resilience and attractiveness of Italian provinces and municipalities (2010–2022 panel data) (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Amaddeo, Elsa; Arena, Marika; Bergantino, Angela Stefania; Bonaccorsi, Giovanni; Buongiorno, Alessandro; Clemente, Antonello; Flori, Andrea; Intini, Mario; Scotti, Francesco; Urbano, Valeria Maria; Vitagliano, Michele |
Title of the review |
DATA IN BRIEF (ISSN: 2352-3409) |
Volume |
57 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 30 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1277759 |
Demand-pull and technology-push environmental innovation: a policy mix analysis on EU ETS and EU Cohesion Policy (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, Francesco; Flori, Andrea; Crescenzi, Riccardo; Pammolli, Fabio |
Title of the review |
CLIMATE POLICY (ISSN: 1469-3062) |
Volume |
- |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 18 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1268363 |
Energy commodities spillover analysis for assessing the functioning of the European Union Emissions Trading System trade network of carbon allowances (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Exploring drivers of overnight stays and same-day visits in the tourism sector (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, F.; Flori, A.; Secchi, P.; Arena, M.; Azzone, G. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
14 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 15 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1266667 |
Author/s |
Menkveld, ALBERT J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Juergen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Neusüß, Sebastian; Razen, Michael; Weitzel, Utz; Abad‐díaz, David; Abudy, MENACHEM (MENI); Adrian, Tobias; Ait‐sahalia, Yacine; Akmansoy, Olivier; Alcock, JAMIE T.; Alexeev, Vitali; Aloosh, Arash; Amato, Livia; Amaya, Diego; Angel, JAMES J.; Avetikian, ALEJANDRO T.; Bach, Amadeus; Baidoo, Edwin; Bakalli, Gaetan; Bao, Li; Barbon, Andrea; Bashchenko, Oksana; Bindra, PARAMPREET C.; Bjønnes, GEIR H.; Black, JEFFREY R.; Black, BERNARD S.; Bogoev, Dimitar; Correa, SANTIAGO BOHORQUEZ; Bondarenko, Oleg; Bos, CHARLES S.; Bosch‐rosa, Ciril; Bouri, Elie; Brownlees, Christian; Calamia, Anna; Cao, VIET NGA; Capelle‐blancard, Gunther; Romero, LAURA M. CAPERA; Caporin, Massimiliano; Carrion, Allen; Caskurlu, Tolga; Chakrabarty, Bidisha; Chen, Jian; Chernov, Mikhail; Cheung, William; Chincarini, LUDWIG B.; Chordia, Tarun; Chow, Sheung‐chi; Clapham, Benjamin; Colliard, Jean‐edouard; Comerton‐forde, Carole; Curran, Edward; Dao, Thong; Dare, Wale; Davies, RYAN J.; Blasis, RICCARDO DE; Nard, GIANLUCA F. DE; Declerck, Fany; Deev, Oleg; Degryse, Hans; Deku, SOLOMON Y.; Desagre, Christophe; Dijk, MATHIJS A. VAN; Dim, Chukwuma; Dimpfl, Thomas; Dong, YUN JIANG; Drummond, PHILIP A.; Dudda, Tom; Duevski, Teodor; Dumitrescu, Ariadna; Dyakov, Teodor; Dyhrberg, ANNE HAUBO; Dzieliński, Michał; Eksi, Asli; Kalak, IZIDIN EL; Ellen, SASKIA TER; Eugster, Nicolas; Evans, MARTIN D. D.; Farrell, Michael; Felez‐vinas, Ester; Ferrara, Gerardo; Ferrouhi, EL MEHDI; Flori, Andrea; Fluharty‐jaidee, JONATHAN T.; Foley, SEAN D. V.; Fong, KINGSLEY Y. L.; Foucault, Thierry; Franus, Tatiana; Franzoni, Francesco; Frijns, Bart; Frömmel, Michael; Fu, SERVANNA M.; Füllbrunn, SASCHA C.; Gan, Baoqing; Gao, Ge; Gehrig, THOMAS P.; Gemayel, Roland; Gerritsen, Dirk; Gil‐bazo, Javier; Gilder, Dudley; Glosten, LAWRENCE R.; Gomez, Thomas; Gorbenko, Arseny; Grammig, Joachim; Grégoire, Vincent; Güçbilmez, Ufuk; Hag... |
Title of the review |
Volume |
79 |
Brochure |
3 |
Pages |
2339 - 2390 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1265382 |
Premature exit from and delayed entrance into the less developed status: An empirical appraisal of the structural funds allocation criterion (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, Francesco.; Dell'Agostino, Laura.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
64 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
5 - 59 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1254938 |
Targeted policies and household consumption dynamics: Evidence from high-frequency transaction data (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bonaccorsi, Giovanni; Scotti, Francesco; Pierri, Francesco; Flori, Andrea; Pammolli, Fabio |
Title of the review |
Volume |
224 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
111 - 134 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1267529 |
The environmental-financial performance nexus of EU ETS firms: A quantile regression approach (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Flori, Andrea.; Borghesi, Simone; Marin, Giovanni |
Title of the review |
Volume |
131 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 13 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1260462 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Journal Articles |
Balancing health and economic impacts from targeted pandemic restrictions (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bonaccorsi, G.; Scotti, F.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
33 |
Brochure |
4 |
Pages |
1047 - 1083 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1255142 |
Do We Learn From Errors? The Economic Impact of Differentiated Policy Restrictions in Italy (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, Francesco.; Flori, A.; Bonaccorsi, Giovanni.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
46 |
Brochure |
5-6 |
Pages |
613 - 648 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1254937 |
On the fragility of the Italian economic territories under SARS-COV2 lockdown policies (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Giansante, S.; Flori, A.; Spelta, A. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
[Online 2023] |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 35 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1260460 |
Predicting economic resilience of territories in Italy during the COVID-19 first lockdown (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Pierri, F.; Scotti, F.; Bonaccorsi, G.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
232 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
120803 - 120817 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1255140 |
The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on financial markets: a seismologic approach (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Spelta, A.; Pecora, N.; Flori, A.; Giudici, P. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
330 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
639 - 664 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184583 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Contributions on scientific books |
La misura dell'intensità del lockdown nei territori. (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s of the contributin |
Bonaccorsi, G.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the book |
Data for Italy. Rapporto sull'economia dei territori (ISBN: 978-88-15-29457-9) |
Author/s of the book |
F. Pammolli, G. Azzone; G. De Felice |
Publisher |
Società Editrice il Mulino spa |
Pages |
73 - 90 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1231363 |
Le conseguenze del lockdown nei territori: prime valutazioni (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s of the contributin |
Bonaccorsi, G.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the book |
Data for Italy. Rapporto sull'economia dei territori (ISBN: 978-88-15-29457-9) |
Author/s of the book |
F. Pammolli; G. Azzone; G. De Felice |
Publisher |
Società Editrice il Mulino spa |
Pages |
91 - 118 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1231384 |
Journal Articles |
Brexit news propagation in financial systems: multidimensional visibility networks for market volatility dynamics (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
De Giuli, M. E.; Flori, A.; Lazzari, D.; Spelta, A. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
22 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
973 - 995 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1193555 |
Climate change and financial stability: Natural disaster impacts on global stock markets (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Pagnottoni, Paolo; Spelta, Alessandro; Flori, Andrea; Pammolli, Fabio |
Title of the review |
PHYSICA. A (ISSN: 0378-4371) |
Volume |
599 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 23 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1220737 |
Heterogeneity of technological structures between EU countries: An application of complex systems methods to Input–Output Tables (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Mascaretti, Andrea; Dell'Agostino, Laura; Arena, Marika; Flori, Andrea; Menafoglio, Alessandra; Vantini, Simone |
Title of the review |
Volume |
206 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 19 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1220738 |
Responsiveness of open innovation to COVID-19 pandemic: The case of data for good (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, Francesco; Pierri, Francesco; Bonaccorsi, Giovanni; Flori, Andrea |
Title of the review |
PLOS ONE (ISSN: 1932-6203) |
Volume |
17 |
Brochure |
4 |
Pages |
1 - 19 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1221011 |
The economic impact of structural and Cohesion Funds across sectors: Immediate, medium-to-long term effects and spillovers (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scotti, Francesco; Flori, Andrea; Pammolli, Fabio |
Title of the review |
Volume |
111 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
105833 - 105854 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1220766 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Contributions on scientific books |
Multidimensional Visibility for Describing the Market Dynamics Around Brexit Announcements (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s of the contributin |
De Giuli, Elena; Flori, Andrea; Lazzari, Daniela; Spelta, Alessandro |
Title of the book |
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (ISBN: 978-3-030-78964-0; 978-3-030-78965-7) |
Author/s of the book |
Corazza M., Gilli M., Perna C., Pizzi C., Sibillo M. |
Publisher |
Springer, Cham. |
Pages |
183 - 188 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1209569 |
Pairs-Trading Strategies with Recurrent Neural Networks Market Predictions (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s of the contributin |
Flori, Andrea; Regoli, Daniele |
Title of the book |
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (ISBN: 978-3-030-78964-0; 978-3-030-78965-7) |
Author/s of the book |
Corazza M., Gilli M., Perna C., Pizzi C., Sibillo M. |
Publisher |
Springer, Cham. |
Pages |
217 - 222 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1209570 |
Journal Articles |
Author/s |
Flori, Andrea; Giansante, Simone; Girardone, Claudia; Pammolli, Fabio |
Title of the review |
Volume |
299 |
Brochure |
1-2 |
Pages |
481 - 530 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1113469 |
Better to stay apart: asset commonality, bipartite network centrality, and investment strategies (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Flori, Andrea; Lillo, Fabrizio; Pammolli, Fabio; Spelta, Alessandro |
Title of the review |
Volume |
299 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
177 - 213 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1113468 |
Commodity prices co-movements and financial stability: A multidimensional visibility nexus with climate conditions (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Flori, A.; Pammolli, F.; Spelta, A. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
54 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
100876 - 100891 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184584 |
Effects of mobility restrictions during COVID19 in Italy (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Smolyak, A.; Bonaccorsi, G.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F.; Havlin, S. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
11 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 15 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1193593 |
Financial crises: Uncovering self-organized patterns and predicting stock markets instability (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Spelta, A.; Flori, A.; Pecora, N.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
129 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
736 - 756 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1125173 |
Financial earthquakes: SARS-CoV-2 news shock propagation in stock and sovereign bond markets (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Pagnottoni, P.; Spelta, A.; Pecora, N.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
PHYSICA. A (ISSN: 0378-4371) |
Volume |
582 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 11 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184585 |
Market instability and the size-variance relationship (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Buldyrev, S. V.; Flori, A.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
11 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 9 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184575 |
Revealing Pairs-trading opportunities with long short-term memory networks (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Flori, A.; Regoli, D. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
295 |
Brochure |
2 |
Pages |
772 - 791 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184582 |
Socioeconomic differences and persistent segregation of Italian territories during COVID-19 pandemic (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bonaccorsi, G.; Pierri, F.; Scotti, F.; Flori, A.; Manaresi, F.; Ceri, S.; Pammolli, F. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
11 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 15 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1193594 |