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Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
LecturerDotelli Giovanni
QualificationFull professor full time
Belonging DepartmentDipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica "Giulio Natta"
Scientific-Disciplinary SectorIMAT-01/A - Materials Science And Technology
Curriculum VitaeDownload CV (222.1Kb - 19/11/2021)

Office hours
Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica------ThursdayFrom 14:30
To 16:30
02.2399.3232---In case of urgent questions the professor can be contacted via e-mail or phone at any time.
Personal website---

Data source: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025
No product yet registered in the year 2025

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Conference proceedings
A Life Cycle Assessment literature review: fossil-based or bio-based surfactants? (Show >>)
A Study on the Cradle-to-Gate Environmental Impacts of Automotive Lithium-ion Batteries (Show >>)
A literature review on LCA about biochar production from lignocellulose biomass (Show >>)
Effect of mechanical recycling on short glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6 from post-industrial waste (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Low Concentration Solutions onto Dried Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Show >>)
Analysis of ball milling time to produce self-lubricating copper-tungsten disulfide composite: best trade-off between tribological performance and electrical properties (Show >>)
Experimental characterization of epoxy/quartz composite material exposed to PDs (Show >>)
Life cycle assessment of biostimulant production from algal biomass grown on piggery wastewater (Show >>)
Prospective LCA of Next-Generation Cells for Electric Vehicle Applications (Show >>)
Variability of the declared recycled content by changing allocation methods: A case study on plastic waste recycling (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Innovative composite membranes based on PBI and GO/SGO as possible electrolytes for electrochemical devices (Show >>)
Novel PBI/GO Composites for Potential Use in Proton Exchange Membrane Electrochemical Devices (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Cognitive Digital Twin Framework for Life Cycle Assessment Supporting Building Sustainability (Show >>)
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Rammed Earth Stabilized with Different Biopolymers (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Hemplime Blocks: Innovative Solution for Green Buildings in Italy (Show >>)
Impact of Different LCI Modelling Scenarios on the LCA Results, A Case Study for the Automotive Sector (Show >>)
Reduced graphene oxide/waste-derived TiO2 composite membranes: a new material for hybrid wastewater treatment (Show >>)
The potential environmental benefit of the ecodesign approach: a case study in the footwear industry (Show >>)
Journal Articles
A Commercial Clay-Based Material as a Carrier for Targeted Lysozyme Delivery in Animal Feed (Show >>)
Biopolymers impact on hygrothermal properties of rammed earth: from material to building scale (Show >>)
Can TEMPO-Oxidized Cellulose Nanofibers Be Used as Additives in Bio-Based Building Materials? A Preliminary Study on Earth Plasters (Show >>)
Concrete with Organic Waste Materials as Aggregate Replacement (Show >>)
Considering the environmental impact of circular strategies: A dynamic combination of material efficiency and LCA (Show >>)
Development and characterization of crosslinked PPO-based anion exchange membranes for AEM fuel cells (Show >>)
End-of-Life Impact on the Cradle-to-Grave LCA of Light-Duty Commercial Vehicles in Europe (Show >>)
Environmental and health-related external costs of meat consumption in Italy: estimations and recommendations through life cycle assessment (Show >>)
Functional and Environmental Performances of Novel Electrolytic Membranes for PEM Fuel Cells: A Lab-Scale Case Study (Show >>)
Holistic Approach for Assessing Buildings’ Environmental Impact and User Comfort from Early Design: A Method Combining Life Cycle Assessment, BIM, and Active House Protocol (Show >>)
Hygrothermal behaviour of hemp-lime walls: the effect of binder carbonation over time (Show >>)
LCA of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Considering Different Power System Architectures (Show >>)
Lysozyme–Mineral Clay Systems: Comparison of Interaction for Controlled Release in Feed Application (Show >>)
Non-Conventional Hybrid Microporous Layers for Enhanced Performance and Durability of PEM Fuel Cells (Show >>)
Reduced Graphene Oxide/Waste-Derived TiO2 Composite Membranes: Preliminary Study of a New Material for Hybrid Wastewater Treatment (Show >>)
Study of Innovative GO/PBI Composites as Possible Proton Conducting Membranes for Electrochemical Devices (Show >>)
The Green Value Engineering Methodology: A Sustainability-Driven Project Management Tool for Capital Projects in Process Industry (Show >>)
Tuning the Parameters of Cu−WS2 Composite Production via Powder Metallurgy: Evaluation of the Effects on Tribological Properties (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Development and characterization of crosslinked PPO-based anion exchange membranes for AEM fuel cells (Show >>)
Contributions on scientific books
Life Cycle Assessment of a Wall Made of Prefabricated Hempcrete Blocks (Show >>)
Mechanical Properties of Rammed Earth Stabilized with Local Waste and Recycled Materials (Show >>)
Microstructural Characterization of Prefabricated Hempcrete Blocks (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
EV LIBs towards circular economy: literature review of electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries LCA for a circular economy implementation (Show >>)
Environmental Impact Evaluations of automotive Lithium-ion Batteries’ first and second life (Show >>)
Life Cycle Assessment Overview on Polyhydroxyalkanoates (Show >>)
Life Cycle Assessment of Composite Materials: a literature review (Show >>)
Life Cycle Assessment through BIM-based advanced Calculation Virtual Environment workflows (Show >>)
Triaxial Tests on Hempcrete for Prefabricated Blocks Production (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Aging effect on the variation of Li-ion battery resistance as function of temperature and state of charge (Show >>)
Analysis of the Adsorption-Release Isotherms of Pentaethylenehexamine-Modified Sorbents for Rare Earth Elements (Y, Nd, La) (Show >>)
Capture and Release Mechanism of Ni and La Ions via Solid/Liquid Process: Use of Polymer-Modified Clay and Activated Carbons (Show >>)
Data on roof renovation and photovoltaic energy production including energy storage in existing residential buildings (Show >>)
Graphene oxide-naphthalene sulfonate blends as possible proton exchange membranes (Show >>)
Greenhouse gas implications of extending the service life of PEM fuel fells for automotive applications: a life cycle assessment (Show >>)
Investigation of Sulfonated Graphene Oxide as the Base Material for Novel Proton Exchange Membranes (Show >>)
Investigation of second phase concentration effects on tribological and electrical properties of Cu–WS2 composites (Show >>)
Lanthanum captured in montmorillonite: Evidence of inner-sphere complexes from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy investigations (Show >>)
Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Rammed Earth Stabilized with Five Biopolymers (Show >>)
Optimizing photovoltaic electric generation and roof insulation in existing residential buildings (Show >>)
Physico-Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Self-Lubricating Composites Reinforced with Traditional and Nanometric Particles (Show >>)
The Twelve Principles of Green Tribology: Studies, Research, and Case Studies—A Brief Anthology (Show >>)

List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details)
Type Title of the Publicaiton/Product
Abstract in Atti di convegno
Borate-Reinforced Sulfonated Graphene Oxide Membranes as an Alternative Proton Conductor for PEM Fuel Cells (Show >>)
Development of novel proton conducting membranes based on self-assembling borate-reinforced sulfonated graphene oxide (Show >>)
Naphthalene Sulfonate-Functionalized Graphene Oxide Membranes as Potential Electrolytes for PEM Fuel Cells (Show >>)
Self-standing sulfonated graphene oxide membranes as alternative proton conductors for PEM fuel cells (Show >>)
Borate-Reinforced Sulfonated Graphene Oxide Membranes as an Alternative Proton Conductor for PEM Fuel Cells (Show >>)
Conference proceedings
Carbon footprint implications of using seawater and marine aggregates in concrete (Show >>)
Comparative LCA of fossil fuels and biofuels use for transportation – A literature review (Show >>)
LCA evaluation and energy performance of a housing building in different technological scenarios (Show >>)
Life Cycle Assessment di sistemi di parete prefabbricati in legno e calcestruzzo (Show >>)
Mechanical characterization of hemp-lime blocks (Show >>)
Numerical modeling of a hemp-lime blocks wall subject to horizontal in-plane loads (Show >>)
Temporal variability and Battery Electric Vehicles influence on LCA impacts of marginal electricity consumption in Italy (Show >>)
Journal Articles
Capture and release mechanism of La ions by new polyamine-based organoclays: a model system for Rare-Earths recovery in urban mining process (Show >>)
Capture mechanism of la and Cu ions in mixed solutions by clay and organoclay (Show >>)
Comparative life cycle assessment of cellulose nanofibres production routes from virgin and recycled raw materials (Show >>)
Development of Self-Assembling Sulfonated Graphene Oxide Membranes as a Potential Proton Conductor (Show >>)
Employment of Micro- and Nano-WS2 Structures to Enhance the Tribological Properties of Copper Matrix Composites (Show >>)
Energy Performance Evaluation of a Ventilated Façade System through CFD Modeling and Comparison with International Standards (Show >>)
Forest products in construction: a comparative life cycle assessment of an Italian case study (Show >>)
Hemp-lime buildings: thermo-hygrometric behaviour of two case studies in North and South Italy (Show >>)
Life cycle assessment of an NMC battery for application to electric light-duty commercial vehicles and comparison with a sodium-nickel-chloride battery (Show >>)
Natural additives and biopolymers for raw earth construction stabilization – a review (Show >>)
Quantification of Non-linearities in the Consequential Life Cycle Assessment of the Use Phase of Battery Electric Vehicles (Show >>)
Rare Earths (La, Y, and Nd) Adsorption Behaviour towards Mineral Clays and Organoclays: Monoionic and Trionic Solutions (Show >>)
Reduced Graphene Oxide Membranes as Potential Self-Assembling Filter for Wastewater Treatment (Show >>)
Stochastic consequential Life Cycle Assessment of technology substitution in the case of a novel PET chemical recycling technology (Show >>)
The role of fluorinated polymers in the water management of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A review (Show >>)
manifesti v. 3.7.7 / 3.7.7
Area Servizi ICT