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Le informazioni sulla didattica, sulla ricerca e sui compiti istituzionali riportate in questa pagina sono certificate dall'Ateneo; ulteriori informazioni, redatte a cura del docente, sono disponibili sulla pagina web personale e nel curriculum vitae indicati nella scheda.
DocenteLucchini Tommaso
QualificaProfessore associato a tempo pieno
Dipartimento d'afferenzaDipartimento di Energia
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareIIND-06/A - Macchine A Fluido
Curriculum VitaeScarica il CV (143.94Kb - 19/01/2020)

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Energia------VenerdìDalle 14:00
Alle 15:30
Pagina web redatta a cura del docentehttp://www.energia.polimi.it/dipartimento/scheda_persona.php?id=203

Fonte dati: RE.PUBLIC@POLIMI - Research Publications at Politecnico di Milano

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2025 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Articoli su riviste
Impact of hydrogen injection strategies on ammonia internal combustion engines ignited with active pre-chambers (Mostra >>)
Numerical analysis of a high-performance motorbike engine: from conventional to pre-chamber combustion strategy (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2024 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
CFD Modeling of Conventional and Pre-Chamber Ignition of a High-Performance Naturally Aspirated Engine (Mostra >>)
Numerical Modeling of Energy Assisted Compression Ignition Engines for Aerial Operations (Mostra >>)
Toward the 50% Brake Thermal Efficiency: A 1D/3D Numerical Analysis of an Active Pre-Chamber for a SI Heavy-Duty Gas Engine (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A CFD ignition model to predict average-cycle combustion in SI engines with extreme EGR levels (Mostra >>)
A novel simulation methodology for orthogonal cryogenic machining with CFD spray cooling integration (Mostra >>)
A numerical study of ammonia combustion in spark-ignition and reactive-fuel pilot-ignition engines (Mostra >>)
Insights into the combustion characteristics, emission formation sources, and optimization strategy of an ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engine under high ammonia ratio conditions (Mostra >>)
Modeling hydrogen–diesel dual direct injection combustion with FGM and transported PDF (Mostra >>)
Retrofit of Diesel Engines with H2 for Potential Decarbonization of Non-Electrified Railways: Assessment with Lifecycle Analysis and Advanced Numerical Modeling (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2023 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
3D-CFD Modelling of Gas Exchange and Combustion Inside the Expander of a Recuperated Split-Cycle Engine (Mostra >>)
A Fast and Reliable CFD Approach to Design Hydrogen SI Engines for Industrial Applications (Mostra >>)
CFD Modeling of a DME CI Engine in Late-PCCI Operating Conditions (Mostra >>)
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Active Pre-Chamber Engine Fuelled with Natural Gas (Mostra >>)
Modelling of a Free-Piston Generator Based on Spark-Ignition Engine, Linear Electric Machine and Active Rectifier (Mostra >>)
Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Passive Prechamber Configurations Able to Operate at Low Engine Speed and Load (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A Numerical Methodology for the Design of Active Prechambers in Spark-Ignition Engines (Mostra >>)
A particle swarm optimization algorithm with novelty search for combustion systems with ultra-low emissions and minimum fuel consumption (Mostra >>)
Development and Validation of a CFD Combustion Model for Natural Gas Engines Operating with Different Piston Bowls (Mostra >>)
Numerical investigation on the use of Dimethyl Ether (DME) as an alternative fuel for compression-ignition engines (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2022 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
3D-CFD Methodologies for a Fast and Reliable Design of Ultra-Lean SI Engines (Mostra >>)
A 3D-CFD Methodology for Combustion Modeling in Active Prechamber SI Engines Operating with Natural Gas (Mostra >>)
A Constant Equivalence Ratio Multi-Zone Approach for a Detailed and Fast Prediction of Performances and Emission in CI Engines (Mostra >>)
Advanced Turbulence Model for SI Combustion in a Heavy-Duty NG Engine (Mostra >>)
CFD Modeling of Impinging Sprays under Large Two-Stroke Marine Engine-Like Conditions (Mostra >>)
Combustion Modeling in a Heavy-Duty Engine Operating with DME Using Detailed Kinetics and Turbulence Chemistry Interaction (Mostra >>)
Modeling Fuel-Air Mixing, Combustion and Soot Formation with Ducted Fuel Injection Using Tabulated Kinetics (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
A methodology to initialize tumble flow fields for fast 3D-CFD simulations of pent-roof SI engines (Mostra >>)
Combustion Modeling Approach for the Optimization of a Temperature Controlled Reactivity Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Iso-Octane (Mostra >>)
Detailed prediction of HRR and NOx emissions in CI engines via a novel thermodynamic model with constant equivalence ratio zones (Mostra >>)
Ultra-Lean Premixed Turbulent Combustion: Challenges of RANS Modelling (Mostra >>)

Elenco delle pubblicazioni e dei prodotti della ricerca per l'anno 2021 (Mostra tutto | Nascondi tutto)
Tipologia Titolo Pubblicazione/Prodotto
Contributo in Atti di convegno
CFD Modeling of Reacting Diesel Sprays with Primary Reference Fuel (Mostra >>)
Cold Flow Simulation of a Dual-Fuel Engine for Diesel-Natural Gas and Diesel-Methanol Fuelling Conditions (Mostra >>)
Modeling the Effects of the Ignition System on the CCV of Ultra-Lean SI Engines using a CFD RANS Approach (Mostra >>)
Articoli su riviste
CFD analysis of combustion and emission characteristics of primary reference fuels: from transient Diesel spray to heavy-duty engine (Mostra >>)
Combustion modelling of turbulent jet ignition in a divided combustion chamber (Mostra >>)
Combustion system optimization for the integration of e-fuels (Oxymethylene Ether) in compression ignition engines (Mostra >>)
Numerical and experimental investigations of the early injection process of Spray G in a constant volume chamber and an optically accessible DISI engine (Mostra >>)
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