With this function you can construct your weekly calendar of lessons, which is customized on the basis of the courses that you intend to follow. Warning: the personal schedule does not replace the presentation of the study plan! It's an informal tool that can help you better manage the organization of class attendance before the study plan presentation. After the study plan presentation we recommend you to use the Lecture timetable service in your Online Services.
To create your customized schedule follow these instructions:
- Click on the "Enable" link to proceed. You will be asked your surname and first name in order to determine your alphabetic grouping.
To add or remove courses from your personal schedule, use the small icons which are found next to the courses:
addition of the course
removal of the course
selection of the section of the Laboratory of Architecture (Note: the effective area in which the teaching will be carried out will be determined after the presentation of the Study Plans)
The sidebar on the left displays the number of lessons included in schedule.
There are also these commands:
View the schedule: allows the viewing of the weekly synoptic schedule
Delete the schedule: cancels the selections made
When you have finished the entry, you can print the calendar you have made.
Semester (Sem) | 1 | First Semester | 2 | Second Semester | A | Annual course | (1) | First Half-semester | (2) | Second Half-semester |
Course completely offered in italian
Course completely offered in english
Not available
Note on the teaching activities
In case of structured courses taught by more lecturers, the number of students enrolled is related to the individual lecturer module, while the students opinion of the teaching is related to the course as a whole.
The data related to the last academic years (number of students enrolled and students opinion of the teaching) have not yet been defined.
Information on didactic, research and institutional assignments on this page are certified by the University; more information, prepared by the lecturer, are available on the personal web page and in the curriculum vitae indicated on this webpage.
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2025 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Conference proceedings |
Enhancing User Experience with Topic-Based Message Retrieval in Telegram (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Title of the convention |
40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing |
Location of the convention |
Catania, Italy |
Title of the review |
Pages |
1 - 8 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1282251 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2024 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Poster |
Constructing a Social Media-Based Index to Capture the Socio-Economic Impacts of Droughts (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Wang, Jingxian; Pernici, Barbara; Giuliani, Matteo; Castelletti, Andrea |
Title of the book |
EGU24 |
Name of the project |
NEXTGenerationEU |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1264069 |
Conference proceedings |
Enhancing Emergency Post Classification through Image Information Amplification via Large Language Models (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Giaccaglia, P.; Bono, C. A.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
Conf. on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2024) |
Location of the convention |
Münster, Germany |
Period of the convention |
May 2024 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
1 - 14 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1260718 |
On the impact of low-quality activity labels in predictive process monitoring (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Comuzzi, Marco; Kim, Sungkyu; Ko, Jonghyeon; Salamov, Musa; Cappiello, Cinzia; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
Workshop ML4PM – Leveraging Machine learning in Process Mining |
Location of the convention |
Copenhagen |
Period of the convention |
Oct. 2024 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
1 - 12 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1276823 |
Towards a Semantic Document Management System for Public Administration (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
C., Batini; Santucci, G.; Palmonari, M.; Bellandi, V.; Fersini, E.; Pernici, B.; Zanzotto, F.; Vecchi, G.; Ronchi, S. |
Title of the convention |
Ital-IA Intelligenza Artificiale - Thematic Workshops |
Location of the convention |
Napoli |
Period of the convention |
29/05/2024 - 30/05/2024 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
396 - 401 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1273686 |
Author/s |
Salnitri, M.; Ramalli, E.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
2024 IEEE International Conference on Web Services |
Location of the convention |
Shenzhen, China |
Title of the review |
Pages |
55 - 64 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1275991 |
Journal Articles |
Challenges in AI-supported Process Analysis in the Italian Judicial System: what After Digitalization? (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bianchini, Devis; Bono, Carlo; Campi, Alessandro; Cappiello, Cinzia; Ceri, Stefano; De Luzi, Francesca; Mecella, Massimo; Pernici, Barbara; Plebani, Pierluigi |
Title of the review |
Volume |
5 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 10 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1262086 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2023 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Conference proceedings |
Enhancing Disaster Response with Automated Text Information Extraction from Social Media Images (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Firmansyah, Hafiz Budi; Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis; Cerquides, Jesus; Lorini, Valerio; Alberto Bono, Carlo; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
2023 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService) |
Location of the convention |
Athens, Greece |
Title of the review |
Pages |
71 - 78 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1249919 |
Improving Cybersecurity Awareness: Tweet Classification using Multilingual Sentence Embeddings and Contextual Features (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Cotov, A.; Bono, C.; Cappiello, C.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023 |
Location of the convention |
ita |
Period of the convention |
2023 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
3600 - 3607 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1261163 |
Learning Early Detection of Emergencies from Word Usage Patterns on Social Media (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bono, Carlo A.; Mülâyim, Mehmet Oğuz; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
International Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction |
Location of the convention |
Kristiansand, Norway |
Title of the review |
Pages |
308 - 323 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1247097 |
Author/s |
Ramalli, E.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) |
Location of the convention |
Chicago, IL, USA |
Period of the convention |
02/07/2023-08/07/2023 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
740 - 745 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1256579 |
Variants analysis in judicial trials: Challenges and initial results (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Campi, Alessandro; Ceri, Stefano; Dilettis, Marco; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
ECML PKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Process Mining for Law (KDPM4LAW) |
Location of the convention |
Torino, Italy |
Period of the convention |
Sept. 2023 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
1 - 14 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1261168 |
Journal Articles |
A Citizen Science Approach for Analyzing Social Media With Crowdsourcing (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bono, Carlo; Mulayim, Mehmet Oguz; Cappiello, Cinzia; Carman, Mark James; Cerquides, Jesus; Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis; Mondardini, Maria Rosa; Ramalli, Edoardo; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the review |
IEEE ACCESS (ISSN: 2169-3536) |
Volume |
11 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
15329 - 15347 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1230463 |
Automatic validation and analysis of predictive models by means of big data and data science (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Ramalli, E.; Dinelli, T.; Nobili, A.; Stagni, A.; Pernici, B.; Faravelli, T. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
454 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 15 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1228924 |
Author/s |
Ramalli, Edoardo; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the review |
Volume |
148 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
1 - 14 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1256578 |
Improving the analysis of the judiciary performance - the use of data mining techniques to assess the timeliness of civil trials (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Pernici, B.; Bono, C. A.; Piro, L.; Del Treste, M.; Vecchi, G. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
37 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
59 - 76 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1255939 |
Knowledge graph embedding for experimental uncertainty estimation (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Ramalli, E.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
51 |
Brochure |
4 |
Pages |
371 - 383 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1247077 |
Pipeline Design for Data Preparation for Social Media
Analysis (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bono, CARLO A.; Cappiello, Cinzia; Pernici, Barbara; Ramalli, Edoardo; Vitali, Monica |
Title of the review |
Volume |
15 |
Brochure |
4 |
Pages |
1 - 25 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1235292 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2022 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Abstract in Atti di convegno |
Author/s |
Castano, Silvana; De Antonellis, Valeria; Fugini, Mariagrazia; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the book |
Proceedings of the 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems,{SEBD} 2022, Tirrenia (PI), Italy, June 19-22, 2022 |
Author/s of the book |
Giuseppe Amato andValentina Bartalesi andDevis Bianchini andClaudio Gennaro andRiccardo Torlone |
Publisher |
CEUR-WS.org |
Number of pages |
2 |
Volume |
3194 |
Pages |
1 - 2 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1226921 |
Conference proceedings |
Educational Chatbots: A Sustainable Approach for Customizable Conversations for Education (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Rooein, D.; Paolini, P.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2022 |
Location of the convention |
virtual, online |
Period of the convention |
2022 |
Title of the review |
CSEDU (ISSN: 2184-5026)
Pages |
314 - 321 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1226919 |
Extracting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Descriptions from Social Media (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bono, C.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2022 |
Location of the convention |
Tirrenia, Italy |
Period of the convention |
2022 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
215 - 222 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1226920 |
From a prototype to a data ecosystem for experimental data and predictive models (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Ramalli, Edoardo; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
First International Workshop on Data Ecosystems (DEco’22) |
Location of the convention |
Sydney, Australia |
Period of the convention |
September 5, 2022 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
18 - 26 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1226924 |
TriggerCit: Early Flood Alerting using Twitter and Geolocation - A Comparison with Alternative Sources (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Bono, Carlo; Pernici, Barbara; Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Jose; Ravi Shankar, Amudha; Oguz Mülâyim, Mehmet; Nemni, Edoardo |
Title of the convention |
ISCRAM 2022 |
Location of the convention |
Tarbes, Francia |
Title of the review |
Pages |
674 - 686 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1226923 |
Journal Articles |
CIME: Context-aware geolocation of emergency-related posts (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Scalia, G.; Francalanci, C.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
26 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
125 - 157 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1183607 |
Knowledge-Driven Data Ecosystems Toward Data Transparency (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Geisler, Sandra; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Cappiello, Cinzia; Lóscio, Bernadette Farias; Gal, Avigdor; Jarke, Matthias; Lenzerini, Maurizio; Missier, Paolo; Otto, Boris; Paja, Elda; Pernici, Barbara; Rehof, Jakob |
Title of the review |
Volume |
14 |
Brochure |
1 |
Pages |
1 - 12 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1200835 |
aCHAT-WF: Generating conversational agents for teaching business process models (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Rooein, D.; Bianchini, D.; Leotta, F.; Mecella, M.; Paolini, P.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the review |
Volume |
21 |
Brochure |
3 |
Pages |
891 - 914 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1192694 |
List of publications and reserach products for the year 2021 (Show all details | Hide all details) |
Type |
Title of the Publicaiton/Product |
Contributions on scientific books |
About the Quality of Data and Services in Natural Sciences (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s of the contributin |
Pernici, Barbara; Ratti, Francesca; Scalia, Gabriele |
Title of the book |
Next-Gen Digital Services. A Retrospective and Roadmap for Service Computing of the Future (ISBN: 978-3-030-73202-8) |
Author/s of the book |
Aiello, Marco, Bouguettaya, Athman, Tamburri, Damian Andrew, van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan |
Publisher |
Springer |
Pages |
236 - 248 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1170314 |
Conference proceedings |
Evaluating the impact of floods on gender equality from social media evidence (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Rivera, Olimpia; Felipe Calderon, Juan; Planchon, Paul; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
2nd International Research Workshop on Women, IS, and Grand Challenges, ICIS, Austin 2021 |
Location of the convention |
Austin, Texas (mixed) |
Period of the convention |
December 2021 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
1 - 9 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1192692 |
Image-based Social Sensing: Combining AI and the Crowd to Mine Policy-Adherence Indicators from Twitter (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Negri, Virginia; Scuratti, Dario; Agresti, Stefano; Rooein, Donya; Scalia, Gabriele; Ravi Shankar, Amudha; Luis Fernandez Marquez, Jose; Carman, MARK JAMES; Pernici, Barbara |
Title of the convention |
43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-JSEET) / IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering -Software Engineering in Society (ICSE-SEIS) |
Location of the convention |
Madrid (online) |
Period of the convention |
25-28 May 2021 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
92 - 101 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1161146 |
Know Your Experiments: Interpreting Categories of Experimental Data and Their Coverage (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Ramalli, E.; Pernici, B. |
Title of the convention |
SeaData at VLDB 2021 |
Location of the convention |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
Period of the convention |
20/08/2021 |
Title of the review |
Pages |
27 - 33 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1182658 |
Modeling Adaptive Data Analysis Pipelines for Crowd-Enhanced Processes (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Cappiello, Cinzia; Pernici, Barbara; Vitali, Monica |
Title of the convention |
Conceptual Modeling - 40th International Conference, ER 2021 |
Location of the convention |
Virtual event |
Title of the review |
Pages |
25 - 35 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1189284 |
Journal Articles |
Data Ecosystems for Scientific Experiments: Managing Combustion Experiments and Simulation Analyses in Chemical Engineering (Show >>)(Hide <<)
Author/s |
Ramalli, Edoardo; Scalia, Gabriele; Pernici, Barbara; Stagni, Alessandro; Cuoci, Alberto; Faravelli, Tiziano |
Title of the review |
Volume |
4 |
Brochure |
-- |
Pages |
67 - 86 |
Item link |
http://hdl.handle.net/11311/1184337 |